Gundam SEED DESTINY was the Anime that showed me there was more to Anime than just Harems, High School settings, & trash Ecchis

My first mature themed Anime.
There’s a lot of problems with the SEED Destiny project,
Began strongly, but the buildup to the ending was weak. The Epilogue with the handshake was fine but everything in the middle after Episode 22 needs new context.
The flaws are mainly attributed to the characters.

How awkwardly some of the characters are written (Cagalli), LACK of emphasized characterization for others (Luna) and the unnecessary involvement/prioritization of certain plot points (Kira/Lacus) and the abandonment of others. (Better developing Shinn):
- the illogical decisions made by Characters for no reason
- the plot armor
- the consistently annoying sanctimonious damn near invincible nature of Yamato
- And how Kira makes the story suffer due to his poorly written character
Poorly choreographed major fights. (That if i directed, would play out very VERY different in pacing alone, let alone presentation of character skills)
The little battles were fine (recycled animation was noticed) but they were fine for the most part. Though seeing the exact same fight sequence recycled back to back, between 3 episodes is annoying when compared to 00 Gundam or IBO
HD Remaster did it’s job by polishing it, much appreciated.

And the criminally poor management of SHINN ASUKA towards the later part of the season.
After Episode 30, he just becomes this smug, insufferable little shit.
- And i get it, he’s frustrated with how ZAFT was treating Stella; But he almost overlooks the fact that she’s been killing their people since day 1.
(And she killed Heine) Not her fault (technically, child soldier) but she still caught bodies.
He doesn’t he even entertain that reality, while acknowledging his own opinions.
Soon as he gives Stella to Neo, he somehow comes back with a worsened attitude towards Athrun for some reason.
And Shinn not getting punished for releasing a prisoner & assaulting medical personnel gave him this “Hehe, i’m special” attitude.
Then after 34, he claims he got revenge for Athrun “too” by shooting down Freedom which completely contradicts his dismissive attitude prior towards the same exact Athrun.
The narrative is not sure what exactly is the dynamic between these two cats. And i’m equally as confused.

So when Athrun shows up in E42 catching himself trying to appeal to the Shinn.
I’m not sure what that appeal is founded on; Cause i always sensed a brewing friendship TRYING to develop but to persuade someone not to enact genocide requires a level of respect.
And i never sensed that from Shinn to Athrun, and what they could’ve had should’ve been what Kamille & Quatro had or Asemu & Woolf.
- Like Mu should’ve mentored Kira, Athrun should’ve mentored Asuka.
SEED always waste, waste, waste good ideas.
And how weirdly paced Luna & Shinns relationship was kills me, on my soul

She confided in Asuka WAY too fast, she wasn’t given any time to digest what happened or meditate on what the situation is.
Instead of an episode wasted recapping Kira & Lacus’ relationship (no new footage btw, just episode footage we already saw)
instead use that entire 25 minutes building up Shinn & Luna’s entire history since Military Basic Training leading to now; Because why the fuck not????
- I would’ve had homegirl avoid that man for at least 2 or 3 days before she even speaks to him again.
- Because why wouldn’t she be afforded that?
- He fucked up, and at that point, she figures her baby sister was dead.
- Nah, that hallway scene, woulda played out with her walking away from him.
Then afterwards, through him coaching her on Impulse Gundam, then they can build something new. GRADUALLY.
Can’t just hop into that shit, Shinn & (in this case, especially) Lunamaria Hawke deserved better.

Binged the Anime recently (FEB-MAR 2022),
and i can say with a clear head that the show’s highest points were definitely when Shinn, Athrun , and ZAFT Minerva’s crew were given the spotlight to shine and go on missions:
Episodes 1-12 [Excluding 13-14] Episodes 15-22 is peak GSD

In that respect (in that 1-22 window) it’s a solid Military Anime.
Athruns "Big Brother?” dynamic for Shinn was excellent to see in action (not the best, but it was decent) could’ve been so much better.

Again, mentorship, imagine what Zala could teach this kid in terms of combat.
Anything Close to Garrod and Jamil’s dynamic would’ve been awesome.
Jamil corrects Garrod, Garrod learns and evolves. Because Jamil has the experience, and Garrod benefits from learning from him.

But since Episode 23 it all gradually went to shit since Kira Yamato burst into the picture, like a Looney Toon character.
Mainly because whenever he’s in the frame, the tension ceases because not only is he a static presence & he’s too strong, lack of rivals.
And he’s always in the right, self-righteous, a very underwhelming character. (Especially compared to Athrun or Season 1 PRE-Episode 30 Kira, before he became Jesus Yamato )
Whenever Athrun makes a point:
Kira: “I hear what you’re saying, BUT”--- (Bullshit dialogue follows)
He does this at least once or twice.
Then Murrue Ramius (Underrated character) actually validates his bad decisions after Kira contemplates the mere possibility that he’s been making dumbass decisions. (Episode 31) Bad writing is bad.
Dude isn’t allowed to be wrong no matter what.

Mainly after Episode 23 & 28 is mainly when the show went full retard, which is when they do their wannabe Celestial Being interventions. Then the downward spiral of Durandals little scheme really starts brewing.
And how Yamato was written to quickly defeat Athrun’s Savior Gundam like Zala just learned how to pilot yesterday- was a disgrace:

“b b ut Athrun was conflicted“
Save it.
Nerf is a nerf. Bad writing is bad. Period.
Even Episode 35 tried pushing some contrived narrative that not having a justification to fight will cause someone to be incapable of fighting
- Capt. Talia Gladys says this while the camera pans to Athrun.
& Episode 26 had homeboy moping in his room lol, Subtle.
Problem, He had reason(s):

- Fighting the Alliance (which he was doing)
- Joining ZAFT to be of use in the conflict (which he was, and what i really like about GSD is ZAFT was outwardly portrayed as good guys in a lot of Episodes)
- Athrun wanted to be involved in what the hell was going on, thus informed vs remaining as Alex Dino & being clueless
All of which we clearly saw being built upon in the first 12 episodes
This infamous “conflict” started after Kira (our Lord & Savior) simply said
- “We (Kira/Cagalli) don’t want you fighting ORB”
- & “Cagalli is crying” (as if that justifies adding confusion to a Warzone twice)
- Kira: “So all of this is the fault of ORB and Cagalli?”
YES, dumbass!!
The Minerva was literally the persecuted in both scenarios, not ORB.
ORB is the aggressor:Due to Yuna, why? Because Cagalli wasn’t there, and when she NEEDED you in her corner during those 2 years of you sitting on your ass- KIRA, nor you nor Kisaka were there for her when she needed support dealing with Yuna and his Father.

this photo perfectly illustrates their “chemistry”
Thus the genius ignores the fact that ORB/Earth Alliance is coming after Athruns Duty Stationed Ship and if he doesn’t fight, the ship goes down.
And ORB is involved at all, because Ms.Atha isn’t in office.
After Athrun said at least 4 times or more, in the same conversation:
- Go back to ORB
- Go back to ORB
- Go back to ORB
- Go back to ORB
Mind you Cagalli taking her ass back to ORB (Again) would eventually pull back ORB forces from fighting ZAFT, which was ATHRUNS point.
But Athrun can’t have a point, because Kira would be in the wrong.
And the fucked up part is, they ended up going to ORB (EP35-40) after another disastrous intervention & the Eurasia incident with DESTROY Gundam anyway which didn’t require their presence.
The Minerva would’ve handled it, people would’ve died regardless (Unfortunate as that reality is)

After the homies Todaka & Baba lost their lives, for nothing.
If Chief Rep. Cagalli just went back like Athrun said, their ORB forces wouldn’t have been slaughtered for nothing. And those 2 men would be alive.
Should’ve just listened to Athrun, but that point is never hammered in as much as “CONFLICTED Athrun”, crazy.

And the biggest casualty was SAVIOR Gundam getting basically bent over the couch by Freedom.
Then after he loses the Savior, it’s as if his status on the Minerva drops, everyone just lowkey loses respect for him or the energy towards him shifts somehow. So painful to watch.
Episodes 1-6 he’s highkey pulling no scopes in a Zaku,
but because Kira says they don’t want him fighting ORB despite ORB coming AFTER the Minerva to SINK IT (I repeat):
Now Freedom shows up, tells my guy Cagallis crying (because for the first 42 episodes that’s ALL SHE Does) & Athrun doesn’t know a Mobile Suit pedal from a Joystick. Bullshit.

Setsuna learned a monumental revelation in Season 2, so monumental it would reasonably make him question everything. He was reasonably flustered, and had a fresh bullet wound. STILL KICKED ASS, with struggle, because he was suffering, but it didn't nerf his abilities.
What’s Athruns excuse?

So what i’ve gathered, UNLESS Athrun’s goals sides with Kira and his sidekicks; Athrun isn’t allowed to be focused, have SEED, or be in his right mind.
- Or else prepare for Empress Lacus to give him some pretentious speech to reveal some epiphany that he should already be keen to because we’ve DONE THIS once before already.

“of ZAFT” Mind you, this champ goes ahead and becomes Chairwoman of the same exact Military lol
I love Lacus’ confidence, and the way she commands the room when she gets serious, but where does that even come from?
What do we even know about homegirl? Her mother? How & why she can bark orders so well? (That’s a learned skill you adjust to, it’s not something you have because your dad is a politician or because you sing some songs...)
I want to know this girls past, and how she has so many connections at 16 years old.
Not written the best, but we gradually see this young lady, glow up from sheltered reserved Schoolgirl to Gov. Official running a country & leading conferences with seasoned Generals and world leaders.

Going by early signs of very unusual social behaviors on her part, I personally believe she’s on the spectrum (functional autism).
Which is a good thing, it helped me see her in a new light, with an added context which makes her more interesting when you really look at her eccentric decisions & social awkwardness throughout the show.
We see her development, we see her earn the respect of various leaders, which makes her reputation in their eyes- legit because we see it form.
And no, she’s not sure of herself 100% of the time, she doubts herself about her Country’s ideals, she looks to Noin, Quatre, Pagan, and Heero for support. (Which is why Kisaka and Kira should’ve been there. Relena is Cagalli and Lacus)
She’s human, she’s a character. And like Heero, she’s a goddamn savage:

EP 11 if i’m not mistaken
Back in the day, i couldn’t stand her, but on this recent binge, whenever Relena isn’t there, i miss her.
Biggest complain would be my confusion with her initial infatuation with Heero, maybe she sensed a kindred spirit or the fact that he hijacked an Ambulance then came back in time to threaten her life-
Which any other girl would report but again Relena’s different.
Besides that, she’s cool.
Can’t say the same for Lacus, Meer was interesting, but Lacus? Nah.
Lacus Clyne was underdeveloped, i love how together she is, but like her BF; She comes across as mary sue because she’s rarely checked or proven wrong on anything and whatever she says & does is the right call.
Episode 39 GSD was a situation where she was backed into a corner, i would’ve liked to see her clutch a situation but Kira comes to the rescue. Her father dies (GS Ep 40-42), she cries (Good) but we don’t get much else from that.
Too vanilla. They’re not allowed to be compromised in any way, rarely disagree or fight too.
UNLIKE Athrun and Cagalli who make mistakes, disagree, & have flaws, thus (while underwritten too) they at least resemble human beings and not self inserts.
It’s also underwhelming that the Freedom / Impulse fight was so contrived because of the same shit. Kira was “conflicted” & wasn’t sure “if he should” be “fighting ZAFT”:
Mind you 15 min earlier, he was annihilating ZAFT grunts just fine but Shinn shows up, now he’s got wiggly knees (Can’t make this shit up)

Gundam 00 once again has a similar situation,
Setsuna is still hurting from his gunshot wound. Graham is waling on 00 Raiser, Graham says: "FORGIVE ME, FOR KILLING/DESTROYING YOU." (varies on translation)

As he proceeds to attempt to impale 00R through the GN Shield; Camera cuts to Setsuna's face, he has a look of distraught, then determination, then anger-
00 Raiser goes TRANS AM, and then they start going at it.
One of my favorite moments in the series. Anyone who's seen the show will tell that fight was high octane, good content. (Episode 16 of Season 2)
Setsuna was bleeding out from a bullet hole,
what's Kira's excuse?
Poor writing.
With all the popularity that SEED that has, the fans are constantly robbed of what could’ve been epic fights where both parties are TRYING, and competing with all their skills on display--
With a level of energy on the same tier of battles in Gundam 00:


Mobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt


8TH MS TEAM (No they’re not zipping around in the sky. This is grounded; Weighted Mecha combat. Old School)


ALL of that is to say this:
We were lowkey missing out on legendary 1v1 battles in GSD (between mains mainly) because of plot induced nerfs, and awkward writing decisions.
Cause when Kira gets Strike Freedom & fights Shinn, you can barely call that a fight & more like a game of tag. Even SHINN himself points out that Kira is trolling him mid-fight. EP41

You see what happens is: The flaws in the story bleeds into the fights instead of the strengths. For better and or for majorly worse.
It’s the writing, contrivances & Direction decisions is what holds the battles back:
(Respectfully; Rest in peace to the Author)
Wrote a Prototype draft for Shinn awhile back regarding how his arc is handled in the finale.
Literally was just a passing thought, sappy redo i did at 2am out of boredom.

Unexpected thing happened: It actually resonated with some people, cool-
so i got curious and after some casual editing, i like how well it translated into a video format.
So it could work in theory.

Someone else has made a revision of their own: “GSD: ALTERED”

From what i read so far,
i like the ballsy approaches they’ve made to Yamato specfically, basically sidelining him by the end of the story lmfao. No issues here.
Stella has a bigger role & alive, she gets Impulse, etc.
The kind of changes that goes way beyond fanfic, into “story upgrade” territory.

As for Kira: My problem with Yamato isn’t him being involved, i respect the characters skill, but unless you’re Superman, Batman, or a badly written GARY STU
nobody is that fucking good, Amuro gets a pass because again: NEWTYPE MAGIC
And it’s how the story allows his presence to hijack everyone elses agenda.
You’d think the dude was protected by the story itself, like he was a self-insert or something.

His vulnerability in SEED made me sympathize with him but as SOON as he got the X10A he just went full Superman.
No mechanics, no OS writing (which was my favorite thing about him, his computer skills), no more struggle, no real tactics or intelligence.
Literally untouchable, it’d be so refreshing if a random equally skilled ZAFT/ORB (Sir or Lady) pilot gave him some trouble, even if just for a quick 60 duel..
And given the fact that i don’t recall seeing a significant amount of ZAFT Lady pilots.
It’s not the numbers/ratios for me.
It’s the believable nature of that... Coordinators are essentially Super Soldiers, ZAFT has plenty of women pushing paperwork, on the Council as Leaders, but the only lady pilot of ZAFT we could name off the dome is Luna & a minor character with little to no presence in the story??? (Shiho)
And i just binged GSD, and i don’t recall a single short sequence dedicated to her catching bodies, could be wrong tho
And most of the ZAFT grunts we see get shot down since SEED are Gents, i mean okay? I guess all the lady pilots are never in major battles lol

I think that speaks for itself as to what i’d do if i directed a 1v1 (Grunt vs MC) scenario.

They don’t need a name, just a nameless pilot in a grunt putting up some kind of a fight.

Otherwise, he can just do it all effortlessly with no challenge & despite his bare boned tactics being so predictable, because the recycled footage shows him literally doing the same thing on repeat.
Yet nobody can seem to beat him, NOT EVEN ATHRUN....until the plot decided it was time for him to “lose” just so he can get an almost immediate upgrade. TRASH.

And when he loses X10A, he didn’t know what to do; That was the perfect opportunity to give him some depth, the exploration of a Powerless Kira.
- But NOPE by the end of the same episode he gets a shiny new Toy Gundam and is right back where he left off
- AND THAT’s why X10A had to go

And i get it, all pilots have to get to a point where they’re LVL99/ And he’s ULTIMATE Coordinator (Which just means Pure bred/ ie he can turn on SEED like a light switch and the only one who can do that because he’s basically a mutant) but this guy got there way too fucking fast in SEED despite having no professional training.
Which sums up a similar gripe i have with Banagher.

He barely gets a pass, because: NEWTYPE magic.
And Unicorn does all the fighting anyway
Kira’s issue is the same as Deku, too sheltered, given power, never ventures on his own, and never stays that way.
Always goes back to status quo.

And for some reason, Kira always in a Gundam, for the most part.
vs The After Colony boys who will make do in any machine they can get their hands on.
Sometimes using each others’ machines.

They travel on their own, they don’t always stay as a team, they do their own thing, INDEPENDENCE. Maintenance, computer quality assurance, stealing Air Carriers, sabotage, etc.
POINT BEING, despite being “Gundam” pilots, everything they use isn’t always a GUNDAM yet they will fight til the end (win or lose) they will fight
And even then, their Gundams get damaged, run out of ammo, flaws, mortality, but they get shit done.
That’s a true “Gundam Meister”

And Durandal had a point, Kira had no direction, didn’t apply his skills;
Just a zombie staring off into space, until Lacus gets pulled up on, then he jumps into Battles without an invitation. Imposing his righteousness.

In GSD Another Rewrite (if i get my way): This man will either go off on his own and get a damn job OR (per what i can do in an edit, realistically):
This Man will join the ORB forces (Lt. or Commander) after Cagalli returns to Office, after he survives his fight with Shinn, and he puts those skills to use-

jpeg source
After Episode 28, Savior & Freedom fight to a standstill and Athrun gets his point across. Kira & Friends finally take Chief Atha back to ORB:
- Freedom and Impulse will eventually have their fight along the way
But they get to ORB regardless, and this time, Kira stops hiding in the bosom of the Archangel and applies himself.
ORB Union Forces: Commander Yamato
(sounds so much better)

He gives Lacus the Freedom back, going out of his way to request an upgrade (that he specifies in schematic design) due to Shinn pretty much surpassing X10A, WITHOUT switching Silhouettes.
So this is him being proactive, rising with the occasion.
- All so it can be renovated into X20A, thus in this take, we know where X20A comes from. Not just showing up 39 EP in.
And during this period he’s in a humble Murasume, working with Lt.Baba, training new pilots and leading them in combat.
Learning how to be a leader, earning respect from others, caring about his Men:
He has actual responsibilities now, like his predecessor in Zeta, & Char’s Counterattack:

The problem is the Man had nothing to do but cause trouble, be in the right, he wins every time, and show up in time for the finale to be the winner.
Too safe, give him something to do, get him in a Murasume. Give him and his sister something to do or get em out the way.
Side note: I’ve never had a problem with Destiny Gundam X42S design
and yes i do like what people interpret as “tears”, which i always saw to be Destiny’s facial scars; Gives it a primal vibe for me personally.

From a mechanical standpoint, the placement of it’s weapons are awkward & it’s wings lacking movement because of said weapon placement are definitely a step down from how lean X10A’s design was:

But despite that, it still works given the fact that V2s thrusters also do not move.. and somehow manages to be one of the op suits.. because its hardware lore was on-point.
So Destiny’s problem is hardware application, lore, not exterior continuity.

Mirage Colloid (GSD AR Lore):
- Microscopic prism particles, (When the HYPER Deuterion-Drive is active) the particles can now emit active Electro-magnetic waves + combined with the passive Electro-magnetic properties of the Voiture Lumiere: Jamming enemy OS via the particles infiltrating enemy mobile suits thus a Quantum Communication computer virus
- Also, any enemy mobile suit within the range of any lingering particles can be forcefully drained of electrical energy, and transferred to the Destiny via a mechanism resembling the Deuterion Beam system, albeit a small amount from just one suit. (This is not an automatic function)
- Therefore, the Palma Fiocina (Post UPGRADE) now possesses a POWER DRAINER function that depletes enemy energy by 5x only upon physical contact and when HDD Enhanced+Mirage Colloid Particles are dispersed
- When enhanced by the HDD+The Destiny’s (while dispersing enough particles) excess pink particles possess an odd photonic disruption effect that disperses most beam weaponry fired at the Destiny. This feature where the particles are bending light (Similar to Blitz), distorting it’s direction entirely effectively serves as the Destiny’s THIRD beam shield. Omnidirectional only if enough particles surround the machine
- Additionally, the excess Variable Phase Shift Energy residue discharged from the Destiny’s joints + combined with the New Particles features birth a bizarre phenomenon where the After images both have temporal mass for 3-5 seconds
These features are only accessible via the Hyper-Deuterion Drive system, if the Palma Fiocina feature is attempted upon use, the system’s Quantum Computer will boot the system automatically.
- See? Using actual lore from Cosmic Era, i just made some shit up, and the Destiny is now more so (The most terrifying suit in C.E to have to fight 1v1 or in any fight)
- And It has some parallel properties of the GN Drive, F91, and Turn X. All in one.
- It’s power tier/scaling just got upgraded, BIG TIME.
It’s that easy
Again, Destiny needed an internal hardware redesign (battery & overall performance issues fixed) more than a visual aesthetic overhaul.
It needs LORE.

So none of that Arch Destiny shit in this SEED Destiny
(No offense Wacky)
If i had the time, if i had my way, that’s pretty much how i’d do it..
Minor tweaks to "What If?" SEED Destiny was more Shinn-centric, less KIRA Yamato & “Friends”

Gundam SEED DESTINY (AR): Another Rewrite