Monday, December 9, 2024

Canadian town fined $10k for refusing to celebrate Pride Month

That's how a Mafia makes an example of people when they don't bend over or how a cult disciplines it's subjects when they don't pay tribute to Bael or whatever the idol is, here's a fine or we'll break ya thumbs or make ya life a mess. If you do not obey, there will be complication. If you do not fill up offering plate, you are a sinner. That's how a gang works. Either kneel for the predominant party, or be disciplined as if in a third world country. Freedom is an aesthetic. It never belonged to you. Following the law is not enough, totalitarianism is the way. A disparaged people being able to live without fear of harm, having a month, protected class, all that is not enough. You must Praise & worship when you're supposed to and everything will be fine. Because that's how tolerance works. Because if Christianity did that (again), that would be oppression, so everyone agrees religion shouldn't be everyone's business, but A COUNTRY ON MASS has a gun barrel to their head to kneel & worship June for one secular, personal reason that literally has nothing to do with the other 99% majority of the human race. So a religion can't do it, but this minority can bully everyone else. Don't bake us a cake? Well, say bye bye to your small business. Feed your kids old newspapers, we don't care. Because that's definitely not a Mafia, obey or expire. This is what happens when you give them an inch, then they take everything else, more and more and more and more. Invade more of everything you see, wanting more access to your kids, corruption. To where you minding your business, IS NOT ENOUGH. This is exactly how a virus operates, it will not stop until the body as a whole declines & gives out. Viruses don't slow down when it gets it's due and then co-exists with the other microorganisms in peace, that's not how it works. This is why people on mass need to learn how to say "no" again, but now you're beyond the point where you can even do that. All you can do is resist, when 10 years ago you had the power to shut this down on lock. Now here we are. For privileged civilization, It always escalates in a phase of decline, every time. Learn how to say no.

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