youtube has legit fetishy genocide porn on the platform but for god's sake don't say the "R word", think about the children! Come on guys!
#meatcanyon I watch certain reaction channels of movies (somehow youtube allows that but im not complaining) and whenever the word "retard" is brought up like in Tropic Thunder, everyone's reaction is like they saw a platter of fetal remains at an abortion clinic. the masses are being socially whipped into submission to put up defense mechanisms for a word that in reality is no more or less harmful than "Stupid", "Bitch", "Dumbass", "Pussy", "Dick" or "Motherfucker", "Stupid ass" or "Bitchass" etc etc Or are those words next? If not, why not? What else are we supposed to not like? People are more comfortable using "Nazi" or "Fascist" as an insult than "Retard", or "Bastard", how? Babies are easily higher in social hierarchy priority than mentally handicapped but no one has a problem using a slur that indicates an unwanted /abandoned baby ? helpless. Which is a horrible thing, leagues worse than a mentally lame. LEAGUES WORSE slur. But RETARD is the word everyone's pearl clutching over, because you read the room & now you feel a way that's not even your own sensibility, you adopted someone else's attitude and you think it's your own belief, all to avoid getting trouble with someone somewhere, you don't know when the trend started but you don't care, you just obey. In trouble with who exactly? What are you afraid of? Is the term REALLY that big of a deal or did we decide it was because everyone else did AND THEY themselves don't even know why it's a big deal. And then people think they have free will, lmfao. People gotta resist this crap, you give it an inch, it will take a mile and everything in-between. *Not using a word ain't even the issue, I rarely feel the need to casually say "retarded", I've always liked "Idiot" or "Mook" better. "Dumbass" has some kick to it. But the fact that this current atmosphere has people squeamish & nervous NOT BECAUSE they themselves don't like the word, but because they picked up somewhere from somebody that they're not supposed to like it. Why? Who fucking knows. And no one EVER traces back where these sentiments come from, because everyone just kneels & falls in line to avoid scrutiny or social assault, a generation of followers. Pure control. I don't like that shit, that's how you treat a classroom of impressionable children. That's how you break & learn dogs. My issue with censorship warriors, is the crap they're on is never out of virtue, but a test to see who obeys. They don't commit, it's always a powertrip to take one word or 2, but never too much. Cowards. I bet you it's an egotrip just to see how many people play along. It's so stupid.
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