Tuesday, February 27, 2024

WingsOfRedemption VS. Wings007 FULL DEBATE

Wings is a POS, shitty husband, shitty friend. But I don't know the guy, period. That's just what he projects, and that's what I see.

The problem with this, is there's ZERO nuance to the conversation when it comes to these trolls.

That's what's stopping them from being a concrete movement, the fact that they exacerbate what actually happened, and cannot concede on anything & always has an excuse.

Ironically? The exact same problem wings has.

They just need wings to be the bad guy 100% and that's the only narrative they accept

why? because they've been spoiled by the lack of challenge, the discord shit, the comment sections, they're spoiled and so used to being told they're right--

The mere consideration that they got something wrong or out of proportion about this guy (as creepy & incompetent as he is) is a cosmic impossibility to them Because on their channels where no one challenges them or questions them, they're god and so is their propaganda.

Lions den? They got their buddies piggy backing everything they say. So when some of em go on a podcast where their homeboys aren't there to hold their hand, they have no power over the narrative. They melt, get pissy and panic, because that's what it boils down to, the narrative and control over the narrative.

There's no way you can invest that much time to one person and not be invested to the point of fanaticism and overreaching bias.

The moment their narrative challenged: panic. Yelling. Bringing up the same talking points, no new facts or evidence. Just broken records.
It's impossible to be reasonable, when the entire appeal of your content is a dramatized biased view.

There's no way you can hold down an argument, without the slightest bit of nuance. Even if you don't mean it, at least telegraph the POSSIBILITY that you might not have it all together in the facts.

That's where the trolls fail.

When all you're used to is an echo-chamber, you're not ready for a conversation.
Might as well should just stay on your troll channels where 99% says you're right 24/7

All Wings007 had to do was agree to disagree or concede that wings is a pos but not to the extent that he believed all this time.

That's all he had to do to avoid an L & a borderline meltdown, just concede both truths.

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