Sunday, February 25, 2024

The Government is Coming for Your Kids (WolvesAndFinance) | America's Destabilization in motion

This isn’t about Democrats vs Republicans, let’s get that out of the way. The political binary system is just another means to tap into people’s tribalism bias and turn them against each other.

There's already economic reasons, social reasons, pragmatic reasons not to have kids in this era.
THIS? Is just further proving why it's no longer viable to you, ESPECIALLY the would be child.

Don't let your ego bring an innocent life into an insane world that's only going to get worse, their misery inheriting a psychotic new world order is not worth you just wanting a child.

Look at the world around you first, THINK about what's best for the baby, vs what you want and how you want the baby's birth to make you feel. In comparison to the best interest of the baby, your desires are less than meaningless.

Your ego, is not worth the shit they're going to have to put up with in their generations going forward. It's not worth it.

Your ego. For them? Is not worth it.

The world is going in a direction, they uprooted the traditional family, they've convoluted sex relations, trying their best to oppress/attack & redefine masculinity, now they want your children.

They couldn't do this when gay marriage was illegal, when the traditional family was strong, and traditional roles are somewhat understood.

NOW they can move in after they've sabotaged the standards, tolerance is law because people want to fit in & be validated at the expense of sanity and reason.

Assault on Children is a symptom of the endgame, because the chess board has the pieces in place, this is all according to plan. And while gay people getting married isn't a bad thing, it's a right, that event was still instrumental to ANY of this happening.

And given another 15-20 years or less, more compromises will come to pass.
People losing their kids will be normal.

The Elites need the family unit destroyed, turn women against men, turn men against women, sow discord between the two, to get to the children #1

2# corrupt the children, turn them against the parents, you conquer the people. 
(Why? Children are the future, corrupt the little ones, control the future)

3# Blur people's perception of right & wrong, REDEFINE what "normal" is, and you can manipulate The Matrix of what they see as reality. Get them to hand over their liberty in exchange for an illusion of safety.

This is a destabilization assault in real time, America is about to join the ruins of Rome.

Ya'll better wake up.

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