Thursday, February 22, 2024

YouTube Needs To Remove Family Channels...

At the end of the day, people only have children to serve their own selfish egos.

Using them for profit, or a means to glue your marriage, impress your friends, or to please your parents, or to make your damn self feel good, to feel like you have purpose, or feel like you accomplished something when you have no ACTUAL concrete accomplishments built with your own hands in life---

Either way, the child is being used for someone's selfish agenda.
The baby is the vehicle, the casualty, the tool, the means.

Just something people do because they can, that's it.

It boils down to ego, and self-centered gratification.

So Family Channels are an unnatural, dramatic devolution of that selfishness, but the selfishness to have a child for no one's sake but your own, not even the child's sake comes before what YOU want.

Family channels come from the same vein of hubris that it takes to bring a child into a life where you know you don't have anything tangible to pass down to them beyond good intentions, no real skills to teach, no legacy to inherit or some investment fund for them you started 5 years before their birth.


Nope, they just show up, they're cute, you got to say you have a child now & the social validation that comes with that. Likes and all, you love them sure, but that came AFTER the decision to have them, and the decision making process had nothing to what was best for the would-be child, but instead, the parents involved and their agenda.

And that's it. Ego, it boils down to ego.

No matter what, children are just forcefully spawned in for someone else's vindication, whether it be poverty, an abusive home, people that should not be parents, born in a goddamn WARZONE, born during a recession, born in an era where people know the economy is gonna tank and have kids anyway because (IQ averages are apparently dropping per generation) etc.

It's such a shitty culture. And kids caught in the middle while their parents just wing it, a lot of people treat babies with that western materialism mentality. A lot of people want to HAVE a baby, but not many talk about "raising" a child but a lot people want want want a child. Mooks.

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