Sunday, October 6, 2024

Psycho Pass (Recommended- GHOST IN THE SHELL for Normies, well executed Cyberpunk for a new gen)


This holds up, a less political heavy, more normie friendly version of Ghost in the shell for a modern generation, but in a good way.

The social commentary is eerie relevant as well. The themes of individuality, society as a collective along the lines of 1984's Oceania vs the self and more so, specifically: apathy.

Season 1 is strongest because Akane's arc was in it's inception, she was the perfect entry point into the world. The innocent newbie that gradually gets hardened by the jobs harsh reality.

  • Much like the Anderson character in the DREDD movie, also recommended.

Kogami is one of the best parts about the show, that ragged, desensitized rule of cool character who's street smart, tough but smart.

Season 2 was decent, not as good, but it was interesting seeing Akane in the role of Kogami, as the seasoned Inspector.

Movie is a good sequel, though you technically don't NEED to binge S2 to watch it and follow.

Season 1 is the staple that really matters that begins the rest of the journey, if you have the time, go for it.

But S1 and the movie is all you need to try it.

Season 1 is well paced, it doesn't waste time jumping into the action. Because Akane is thrown in the situation things are explained to her in a way that feels natural, oddly well executed even for an anime by today's standards. But then again this leans into the seinen territory so naturally it will be better handled for the most part.

Not ALL the characters land, but it's a wide array of personalities that won't get on your nerves, no school shit, grownfolk business.

A lot of the philo-babble is mainly just fluff service, mainly to just pose the question: "What is society?", and the limitations of a new system that boils down the complexity of the human mind to number metrics

Not really for the show to answer it with a clear resolution but merely just intellectual dialog so the characters sound smart, or show sounds deep and it's fine.

SUB & DUB are good, this is one of those anime where It's good enough to where I mainly go Dub.

And most importantly, the villain is pretty interesting, and with an argument as to why he does what he does. Which serves as good storytelling device and propaganda. (And yes, Japan is a device for some heavy propaganda: ex. Godzilla)

But that doesn't mean it isn't good entertainment, that is when it isn't PDF baity bullshit.

It ain't perfect there's anime-isms here and there that get on my nerves which is why I don't re-watch it as much. (The Seasons, but the movie doesn't have that problem)

A decade later, the show (S1-Movie) still holds up.

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