Wednesday, March 27, 2024


Dude had a sense honor despite the contrary. Cause he could've easily ended her even before her voodoo started working, she banked on it & won.
Those women are built different to put themselves out there like that, like elite clerics, elite concubines with class.

Earlier that day she saw what he was capable of, could've snapped her in two with one hand and tamed the beast anyway, AFTER he stated he was aware of her Order's methods "tricks" lol knowing about it and being able to do something about it are two different things Feyd. Completely different.

At least he's survived, for whatever that's worth in his case. A baby girl, as instructed. The loose implication that they can control the outcome of the child's sex, sheesh, OP.

An Elite group pulling strings, manipulating bloodlines, ending bloodlines, orchestrating tragedies for an Endgame Messiah/ or other world power to arise, very subtle Hollywood, subtle.

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