Sunday, March 31, 2024

WingsOfRedemption WANTS TO START A WAR With Breaking Banquet

WingsOfRedemption WANTS TO START A WAR With Breaking Banquet

he's not going to church to try to sleep with her, but he's going to church to impress her because  he eventually wants to sleep with her because he literally just said he's been trying to sleep with her.

 *Translation: you're going to church because you want to sleep with her.* 

 you care because the incentive to care is you have an agenda, which is an itchy rocket that found a target 

Bro is trying his absolute hardest NOT to be honest . It's when you try to bullshit and make it sound romantic or some intimate fuckery is when people get on my nerves with pursuit of women. And that's why some women can smell that shit from a mile away and make mfs wait.

*You can't con a con-artist, women are not stupid. If you're going to church just to impress her, that's NOT impressing her. Trust me. Simply walking into a building & sitting in attendance  because you want her cheeks isn't impressive.* Shit's corny as fuck, to me a dude, so imagine what her take is.

You give a shit because you want to fuck, that's why 90% men pay attention to women they don't know & hand out attention that's not earned, that's why you acknowledged her existence vs literally everyone else (male & female) with a level of EFFORT you wouldn't show your own mother.

This stranger didn't earn your attention, you gave it to her because you were that easy: Typical but 100% natural. Just say that & stop tryna make it something it's not. 

The issue is People get caught up in how cold that sounds, regardless that it is 100% fucking true reality and then start mentally contorting their own intentions tryna to make it sound noble or some shit. 

 And then after the marriage, that perfectly painted rationale you fabricated suddenly crumbles under it's own weight. 

Because NOW she's not a mystery anymore and neither are you. Hence the divorce statistics. (women of God give off a different energy,  or vibe), ie. Church women are different....pffft OH fuuuuck off. Clearly you've never been part of more than one church family, you'd know that shit was a damn lie. 

 ESPECIALLY with the older women. The only thing most church women of the modern era do, is give it away to men/women they actually want, get older & past their prime and then make suckers like him wait for it because they  now they're women of god all of a sudden, and ONLY when it's convenient and AFTER they're not getting action like they used to. 

 Bro want to sell his own bullshit to himself. Sees a fine mama on the street, he then does cardio. Absolute fucking NPC. Zero agency or fortitude, way too easy of a male. Complete drone.

Very young on the brain, eager to create some regrets he can easily avoid, fuck ya life up with a smile on some bullshit. but at least you can say you got to hit, for whatever that's worth

This kind of dude is what Divorces were made for, he'd get burnt and go MGTOW or some stupid crap. 

 He'll be 3 divorces in life, and still chasing that Disney template. 

 Wish the video was about that tool instead of wings. 3min in, and  literally i mean 3:00 on the dot, and he's getting on my last nerves. And why vent about this shit to wings of all people, like he has ANY wisdom to bestow. 

 Because what i'm saying right now? Is what Wings should be saying so he can help this mook wake the fuck up.

Because this is how you waste women's time, for real. Young bucks jumping through hoops for a short term release, when an older mama likely wants something real, authentic in the longterm.  

 Wings neglects his wife in almost every way, it's public record. So WHO in their right fucking mind shares that kind of TMI with WingsofRedemption of all people??! Lmfao Truly a moron

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