Friday, March 8, 2024

Issues with My Hero Academia #40: A cashgrab of wasted ideas

The movies have actually been superior to the actual show, slightly, still plot armor, still corny as shit. But they're more focused in a sense where Deku is treated more like a main. Again, ever so slightly. The biggest issues with all 3, is the insistence on having the entire class involved, ESPECIALLY in the first movie. And the villains being broken but lose anyway because mf punched rly rly hard. Otherwise, the movies are a slight improvement solely because Horikoshi supervises but the man doesnt write these movies, so this is actually very good news. Im curious to see what the deal is next. I'm genuinely invested to see what movie 4's got. Movie 3 was OK. Heroes Rising is decent. Two heroes woulda been better if the rest of Class 1A kindly fucked off. Deku is always smothered by those fuckers, he cant take a piss without them there to shake it for em. I woulda said bath instead but technically they deadass gave the bastard a bath. I shit you not. My man couldn't wash himself by himself, he was not allowed to lmfao. The 1A boys committee had to supervise him taking a bath, jfc man

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