Saturday, March 9, 2024

Snob vs Virtue Signaling: The value of Relationships

Exactly, the quality of the relationship is being overlooked just for the aesthetic of being in one or having one. It's exactly how people treat sex and babies, ""having done it" or "having one", materialism and ego.

People can say they conformed to norms. Social brownie points, and at the end of the day, doing all of that gave you no advantage or superpowers.

We treat relationships like a box on a to do list. Pressuring ourselves for no reason, then we do finally do it, it's like "Okay, now what?" Lmfao, it's not like sex cures cancer, it's a glorified docking mechanism to create more people but somehow humans hijacked it to be social sport.

And because we treat sex & coupling so recklessly, it's treated like a game. People hop into it just so they say they have it or doing it. Thus the meaning is nonexistent.

Like marriage, It doesn't meant anything anymore, we experience it to say we "lived" in a childish superficial shallow sense and not live the experience to commit to it.

And yes, snob, it's not just having it, it's what you do, where you go, and most importantly what you bring to the table and what is built from it. The QUALITY.

Hence why Chibi is the same EXACT mf he was before he involved himself with her. And we haven't heard much from her or about her since.

He showed her off like a new toy, and then when things got normal, things got boring, she either left or he left. Now he's back to square one.

No different for a divorcee on their 3rd attempt at playing house.

*It's like the saying, "people don't make love anymore, they just have sex and fuck."*
Relationships have a fickle purpose in modern world, trivialized & inflated at the same time, people using other human beings to inflate their own egos, than build networks.
Associations with a set purpose of justifying your sense of existential security, than craft a bond.

Building a bond is not even a concept anymore, doesn't even come up in passing conversation for most people, most of us just fuck, use each other up, dating simulator, and move on. Doesn't mean people aren't "in love" or feel anything, but being in love just means being in the moment. And while that's enough for many, it also means it's on a timer, because feelings (without an anchor of trust, transparency or respect) do not last forever, doesn't mean anything when it doesn't last thus the premise of the couple was ultimately a failure, one of many.

Not that everything should be a ceremony but this is what happens when society snorts too much cynicism when it comes to relationships, you trivialize things you shouldn't be treating like a joke.

Then wonder why nothing you have with someone ever lasts. It's got nothing to do with humans not being meant for monogamy, and it's got everything to do with current culture warping people's expectations and standards into cold unfeeling hedonistic impulse.

People just going through the motions.

Too many people have fun when they're teens, and never grow up. Have so much fun trying to rack up experiences to say you lived, you forgot to build a foundation to experience being alive.

TL;DR Marriage, Relationships, sex, babies. Because a lot of us feel it's expected, so many do it to do it because you can do it, most of us then take it for granted.

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