'A 17 year old with a 19 year old is not illegal. It's only illegal on Twitter.'
Well said, Jesus."
"A 17 year old with a 19 year old is not illegal. It's only illegal on Twitter."
"my girlfriend is 17 and im 20 and we have been dating for 3 years now what the f"
"Same thing with me and my ex, it isn’t illegal as long as you’re above or at the age of consent I believe."
"yeah it’s completely acceptable if there’s like a small age gap but once it gets in the double digits it starts becoming weird till both are like way past their 20s"
Excuses excuses excuses, 90% from dudes.
All the women in your immediate vicinity and it had to be a 17 yr Old.
And the best defense is its "only a 2 year difference", that's the best you got- reductive reasoning.
"only"😂Like P3dphiles🐻 dont say the exact same thing to justify their pursuits.
"its only"
- Keep in mind, there's a clear difference between a 5yr & 17yr yes, yet you're rationalizing it the EXACT same way as the pedo's😂😂 and nobody gonna point that out because twitter is the consensus scapegoat in the thread. Twitter's the bad guy so i can admit I dated a 17 yr old still in school on a public forum:
(Using all 3 IQ points I see)
Slippery slopes begin with compromise and fallacious stupidity that everyone agrees is somehow correct. Every time.
People are playing a dangerous game.
If yall were dating before you got legal, fine.
Then be the adult and put it on pause until she's 18. Period.
If it's not a big deal because of the short gap, why isn't it equally not a big deal to just wait? Isn't she worth it? But you don't want to have that conversation, right? It's not about her, it's all about you and that itch.
And if it don't work out because of the pause, then it was never real in the first place.
How many of em dating these kids end up with 40yr marriages anyway?😂 Does it really really matter that much to where you gotta make excuses to date a 17yr kid still in school because you graduated 6 months ago?
Because Twitter threw a fit over it?
These lil boys want shit to conform to their wants instead of yous just following the rules because when the law inconveniences you?
OH WELL, then its not a big deal, it's only 2 years, amiright boys?!!
- That's not how that shit works kiddo, 1-3 years may stand legally with Romeo & Juliet laws but those are exceptions, if you have to rely on that shit just to get by- JUST GET A WOMAN or wait. Why are you trying so hard to make this stand, and somehow not come off as a creep.
If you said: "Yes, it's sus, but we're not touching until she's 18, we'll date but it's platonic, we've known each other and dated a while before I turned legal, we'll just hold out until her timetable catches up and we'll move on from there."
Fine! But none of these mooks are using any nuance of that magnitude.
They're just trying to brush it off entirely, & make exceptions because that's convenient because the topic applies to them. And will circle jerk the same opinion on some echo-chamber shit. The same shit Twitter & every other site does.
Then age of consent in OTHER countries comes into the discussion (#Cope) because you're that desperate to justify it. Sounding like anime fans.
Sounding no different from straight up pedophile's (in terms of argument) I swear to god. Why do we try that hard just to inadvertently admit we won't wait until she's 18 because apparently in their mind she's not worth waiting for is what they're indirectly saying.
But if another group of ppl used the same logic to get what they want, and you didn't like it, then you'd be acting like twitter.
Rules for thee. Not for me.
Too many of us are tripping hard balls, that conversation became a discord thread real quick.
Soon as you start making excuses- JUST STOP! And re-evaluate if that's the hill you want to die on.
Because if you can't say "It's not a big deal" if that was your daughter? Then close ya trap.
But you see, none of those people in that comment section will ever acknowledge that perspective, from a parent, because all the people talking the loudest are bunch of ignorant young ass boys who's first concern is the ends regardless of the means.
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