Tuesday, June 25, 2024

"western society has derailed"

Grown little girl still playing with toys, no woman in sight. See I can get wanting an assertive Miss Lady in the sheets, it's exciting, the back & forth, the rough physicality, that's design.

But what does getting crushed to death & genocide have to do with sex. That's where you enter the realm of "overcompensating for something", "bad cope", "Are you okay?" Territory.

This is why empathy, common sense and accountability are so necessary when bringing up children. Because even if you teach them right, you never know what they're internalizing from what they watch or what they hear in the society machine. Seeds of weakness planted.

This why criticism is needed, when you don't? The Loons run the asylum. Grass is blue, and gravity is a myth. If I think I float, you think i float, if the party thinks I float? Then I a float (1984 Reference)

People like this are comfortable to do this because insecure people/ fanatic mouthbreathers enabling her ego make her think she's important, when the reason she's doing this is she's overcompensating for something in her own life, nobody secure and with priorities is doing this kind of thing for such a weak reason. A narcissist preying on emotionally unstable people who need actual help and therapy & maybe a hug from their mother and father.
This is the damage toxic gynocentrism does. Not that women having rights caused this, but TOXIC gynocentrism, misandry, female privilege.

*Someone else here said it, "western society has derailed" Boom.*

10000% And that's the point, from the disconnect between men & women in culture since the century turned, putting men down in tv shows & media since the century turned planting that seed of inferiority complex, dropping birthrates since the 1970s, blatant sabotage.

_Macrophilia is just a by-product of toxicity, which is why it reads like a psychological complication than a genuine kink, a lot of people are just projecting issues. Inflated mommy issues._

All of this is to make society weak from within, making the men weak beaten dogs begging for subjugation from the goddess in their head, and that's what the women in real life are stuck with- submissive weaklings. A bunch of boys, and no men.
*When you're stuck in fantasy land like a mentally suspended child that refuses to let go of mommy's skirt/ thus her authority, you want to be small and vulnerable like a child, it's literally suspended development. Forever a weak human being, a prisoner within your own mind. *

Obsessed with growth precisely because you refuse to grow up.

There comes a time when an adult must let childish things go to evolve, Macrocreeps (among others) areas what happens when you don't. It's why they're so predictable, they do not change or evolve.
Propaganda and misandry ain't a joke family, gynocentrism literally created a sub-culture of people with mass stockholm syndrome. A whirlpool of insecurity and abuse.

Could you imagine a Regime weaponizing this kind of phenomenon for psychological warfare, or if this was on purpose?? My god, Make an entire population want submission to the State on some "1984" vibe. Sheeesh.
Sex & coupling, men & women aren't a complicated concept. This macrocreep crap? Is what you get wen your brain does something it's not supposed to do, when your environment convinced you to want abuse. Or? Your defense mechanism to abuse was to normalize it.

_Our boys & men need more support & love from society, this ugliness is only born from ugliness._

Nothing to do with sex, and everything to do with personal problems.

And this fool has the absolute nerve to claim it's therapeutic, no THERAPY is a SOLUTION, this is exacerbation, exploitation, exploiting people so you can feel good about yourself. This person is another hallmark of "Womanhood" as an honor is dying a slow, horrific death.

Indulgence in the obsession is propagating the issue, inflating it like an infected swollen wound, not fixing it. When western propaganda & abuse of men caused this shit in the first place.

It's like a neurological virus, Brain Malware, which why these goofballs feel the need to spread it everywhere as a virus does in nature.
That's the power of propaganda, convince you to want your own suffering.

Painting women like psychopaths, something women are NOT, the threshold of life being portrayed like genocidal overlords, pure misogyny and projecting illness.

And again, it's sickening that these sorry excuses for women exploit that abusive mentality, an eco-system of matriarchal toxicity because these women most likely are non-factors in real life with zero control over their own situations and instead of just getting their lives together they need to step on toys & take selfies of their mouth to get validation. Absolute disgrace.

Nice one, America.
Really doing a number on these kids, holy moly. Woman is god, Genocide is a fucking game, and men/women/human life is expendable.
Absolute emotional damage, psychological damage, civilization collapsing- hence why the popular delusion is a woman destroying civilization:

These fools are visually projecting/communicating that gynocntrism/ women are the downfall of civilization.

And some psychologists will claim this fetish sprouted because of a lack of female empowerment........in a society where women hyper-empowered and instead it's men that need support for once.

Giant women destroying cities (including children & babies) thus (A woman with any power is the undoing of civilization) Definitely not misogyny.

Absolute clowns. Perpetuating hate over and over and over and over and over and over, it's never enough, it never ends, because it's not a solution, it's a prison for your mind. The Matrix was ahead of it's time baby.

Macrocreeps and Macrophilia are a symptom of western Society failing on a fundamental human level, your civilization is coming apart, not immediately but derailing still.
By wanting women to get ahead, you left men behind entirely. And by doing that & even the reverse, you failed both sides.

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