Friday, February 14, 2025

Ruth Bat-Seraph should've been enhanced (captain falcon: brave new whomp)

Watching Ruth's (Bat-Seraph) little self take down grownass men at 5ft2 is some of the funniest shit I've ever seen since Home Alone 1

They really thought her being an ex-Widow was going to explain that shitπŸ˜‚

How Nat fights leans into facial strikes to stun, nut shots, knee strikes & that body spinning bullshit to disorient the opponent.

That's how a short woman could POSSIBLY pull it off, like ScarJo, she is not that much taller but she knows how to sell it better.

Grace from Dark Fate is someone I can see selling beating a dudes ass legitimately (because she's trained, lean & tall)

And she's enhanced, which is what Ruth should've been. If they insist on these shorty women ragdolling grown men, please make them enhanced, PLEASE.

And I called it, I knew they were going to make her a Widow. But I was HOPING she was cybernetically enhanced or something, (because why not, plus you'd get brownie points for the PC sponsors, badass woman and prosthetics? Easy pandering- you're dropping the ball MCU)

I still shake my head that we never got to see this character (& her peers) fuck shit up. Instead we got Karli's corny ass.

The movie's action is ass overall, the scene where Sam & Torres find (you know who) OFC the guards don't have guns because then the movie would be over. Red flag # 1

And how they (2 grown men) beat ALL THOSE guys with armor, helmets/padding + charged batons, without enhancements or powers was also Grade A+ 100% bullshit.

Then her little ass shows up & then the real comedy begins.

Sam's suit should've been exo-skeleton from day 1 (vibranium cloth is not the same as actual armor) and Ruth should've been enhanced, I couldn't believe my eyes at the White House scene but that corridor fight was just too much.

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