4:48 "might is right, true violence, and true primal rage." Beautifully stated. And yes, thats what i need out of this franchise and the only way to do that is to stop treating Jurassic park like a theme park ride or a promo for a ride and treat it more like Jeepers Creepers 1,or the bug pit scene from King Kong (minus the plot armor) or The Descent, sheer terror.
A world predating Pre-Human beings misconceptions of acceptable, Dinosaurs spit in the face of that, at least the carnivores anyway. The issue is the movies got hijacked by PETA sensibilities.
This is why the movies corny habit of only killing off NPCs or "bad" people really turned me off from all the movies save maybe for the first. Trying to insert convenient righteousness in a situation where Dinosaurs have no moral compass conflicts with what these movies could've been in terms of sheer horror or showing how serious the situation is.
Not showing us Roland go toe to toe with such a world was the missed opportunity this side of the century for the series.
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