A lot of these Hollywood films are trailers for the movie you’re living in.
Tuesday, December 31, 2024
Monday, December 30, 2024
"Why do people think Mirko is boring in My Hero Academia?" She's not boring, she's annoying, and unnaturally coddled by the author
She’s not boring, she’s annoying. People don’t “think” Jerko is boring, she IS a contrivance that’s as limited as her relevance to both the fandom and the story itself.
(Not the events, clearly her fight scenes are relevant to parts of the events. But in the scale of the STORY, she is irrelevant and I pitched a minor story change at the end of this rant that could’ve given her more importance, and yes it involves Deku.)
She’s not authentic, she’s a forced gimmick with lines, a genderbent Bakugou but 10x more mind-numbing because this one is actively sexualized which puts her in a box & easy digestible meat for the fandom monkeys to sink their teeth into, so not a character. A fetish at best. A wanton projection.
Mirko is a scrapped deleted-scene that the writer chose to put in the final cut anyway.
I WISH she was boring & well written, people really underestimate and overestimate “boring” for the wrong reasons. I wish Mirko was boring and a better character. INKO is boring, but I’d watch 2 hours of Inko cleaning the house & shopping or something, than 5 min of Mirko talking or doing anything really.
insufferable, plot armor out the ass and she gets more/better action sequences than the girls we actually know. She didn’t mentor anyone in Season 2, we don’t see her being a decent human being in civies or something or working at a soup kitchen where she demonstrates she has other modes beside “Crazy face autist with a cottontail”, she just shows up & runs her mouth.
She’s not boring, she’s awkward, smothering. No one knows who tf this chic is, where she came from, why she keeps surviving everything thrown at her when her power is jumping good & bunny kicks. I don’t think i’ve seen her throw a punch chain combo yet. The entire point is to emphasize her legs, that’s her characterization.
Her character arcs is being handicapped and still objectified. #Progressive
- If she had a regenerative healing factor? Still bullshit but at least it’s an explanation
- or her estrogen levels are so insane her pain tolerance just outclasses every other woman’s on the planet.
Zero explanation, she’s just a bunny. If it was explained she was a former villain that actually killed people, and trained to eat pain like a box of cheezits, FINE that’s lore. But no, we get nothing
Because the author wanted his 3am brainchild at the forefront for no other reason than boner. Hence why she has nothing relevant to do with anything else that happens in-between arcs.
- So Kohei wants me to believe there’s discrimination against muties but this class clown is in the top 5 of Japan’s hero roster, successful, and is so comfortable she’s a jackass everywhere she goes without challenge. This Mutie seems to be the poster child of progress for mutants.
So she’s got the ego of Tony Stark but minus any close friends to put her in her place from time to time so she resembles an actual person. Which was THE #1 reason why Tony Stark of the MCU wasn’t an insufferable pos the audience had to tolerate for 10 years.
- That and he actually had charisma, unlike Mirko who’s written by someone who thinks nauseating arrogance & big thighs is hot and “hot” is having a character.
- Vs the west that thinks snarky smart mouth women that never shut up or apologize is empowering or some shit.
Two sides of the coin that think an unlikable woman is a confident woman, but the japanese sexualize theirs to the point where they’re not even people vs being human shaped pets. So the manchildren don’t have a problem with that vs the wokeness that don’t pander to their arrested sensibilities.. or lack of any to speak of.
All imma say is: Live more.
Hang out with more confident women, phone call, or watch better written content (Avatar The Last Airbender, Teen Titans 2003, Codename Kids Next Door, Justice League Unlimited, PRIMAL, Psycho Pass, Chicken Run, DUNE PART TWO, or Turn A Gundam— **recommended**) whatever you gotta do and take notes this time before writing your fetishized presumptions of confidence or reading a fetishized presumption and think that’s good enough. Which is Mirko in a nutshell.
God I wish All for One ripped her in half or something, but MHA is not a story to be taken seriously despite what the hype tells you, it’s on the same level as a Nick Jr. Program.
Hence why Jiro of all people survived All For One, It’s a joke.
Mirko is so coddled it’s unnatural, this author insists on breast feeding every single extra like they all carry the same weight as the actual main character.
And with Mirko it’s even worse, because clearly Horikoshi has this chic printed on a bodypillow in his own head. Which is fine, but he doesn’t even try to give her a stake in what’s going on regarding the students, she’s just there to spread dem legs via kicking
If I had to put respect on her at all: she has resilience (aka plot armor), but that’s the one thing i’ll give this clown in any context of positivity. she’s tough (WHEN her enemies have their hands tied behind their backs).
Even if she gotta crawl she’ll fight, I’ll give er that and yet-
I am SO CONFUSED as to where this drive is coming from though on her part, what is she fighting for (hence the point of a backstory and not just close ups of her ass cheeks & spread open legs before a Chun-Li esque attack)
- If you told me she has a sick Grammy, low income mom, dad, & 50 kid siblings that she supports (because they’re rabbits), and she rose in ranks facing discrimination and she got that good in skill to prove everyone & every bias against muties “being inferior” wrong after growing up being told her animal traits were disgusting.
- THAT’S A CHARACTER. That’s motivation, but did we get that? No I’m here doing the work for Horikoshi post-mortem, as usual.
because My Hero’s “breaking the mold” with female characters by in fact reminding you/assuring you she’s just a piece of meat that exists to stimulate your dopamine glands with either a fight scene, a money shot or both in-between because that’s all she’s good for.
Or running her fat mouth, some people are so dog whipped, women just being jerks is a fetish. (NICE ONE parents.)
And ofc the dark skinned chic has the biggest mouth, nice one Horikoshi.
Just like with Kayama & Mt.Idiot, the only stake she has in the fandom is she’s a piece of ass that flagships a fetish, that’s why she’s relevant, that’s all she’s good for to the monkeys that make up the fandom. Because look at where their energy & effort goes regarding them, look at why they give a damn—-
That’s Mirko x50, it’s not boring. When you see her in action, she isn’t boring, it’s just forced as all hell. She’s ANNOYING.
(And the anime didn’t help with it’s unsubtle obsession with her thighs & ass in S6 and the creepy fixation with her crotch & ass in S7- like Horikoshi needed to just make their own OVA Hentai of her and get it out his system and THEN write the story)
All these crazy faces she makes & retorts like she’s a threat when she only gets as far as she does because everyone she faces isn’t allowed to fight back seriously or put her ass down or even resemble what their actual capabilities are. So it’s not a fight, her opponents get their hands tied while she talks shit & does what she wants.
- Let me remind you, all this chic can do, is whatever a bunny can. Hops & Kicks, that’s it. Not even a clairvoyance quirk which would explain everything, nope just jump good & kicks. Lame as fuck.
- She’s not Wonder Woman, she wasn’t a genetically engineered weapon from a lost city of MARS to be the Ultimate Lifeform or something, she’s just a RABBIT-Waifu that can kickbox. THAT’S IT.
- I shit you not.
Even when the enemy can bend space with the wave of their hand, somehow she’s competing (I’m NOT JOKING, in the Jaku Raid, a nomu could bend space and she beat them anyway)
HOW ? Author protection, thats how, not organic events, pure contrivance
She’s trailer trash & reads like a hormone fueled self-insert written by a 13 yr old mind. I repeat, Kohei should’ve just made a hentai or doujinshi & got it out his system instead of projecting his muscle mommy moron on the actual story. That’s all that was.
Horikoshi put more effort protecting her than making a competent final arc or uplifting any of the 1A girls with an actual stake in whats going on, in a way that didn’t involve their arc revolving around someone or validation, someone else reinforcing their worth or them ( being teens) also getting sexploited & bent over the couch (because Japan was never the same since that damn bomb).
It’s ridiculous.
But everything’s fine guys, question nothing, consume and 10/10 every title and then wonder why these new talents never evolve the game when the fandom always settles for less, every single time.
My thing is, if you want to push her that badly, do something with her outside the bare minimum which is nothing, a fight scene is nothing, it’s filler. Imagine The Guardians of The Galaxy showing up in Infinity War but they did NOT get the two movies prior to IW.
You’d ask the reasonable question: “Who tf are these people?”, yeah they’re doing cool stuff, but you don’t care and you’re confused as to why they’re involved in the situation. Welcome to Mirko 101.
Kohei could’ve even had Mirko be the one to teach Deku the shoot-style in the first place (or she be the Gym teacher *referencing her school photo*), or retcon that she was the one to mentor him in that fightstyle if you don’t have time to show it; And instead of shoehorning another character “Nagant” or Negant or whatever her damn name was, have Deku’s dynamic with Mirko be similar ,with Mirko being a former assassin which would explain her tenacity and skill level. Or have her be the mole and her opening up to Deku causes her to defect.
I SHIT YOU NOT I consistently write a slightly patched MHA while complaining about it.
But the only way I come up with this is by not eating up everything served to me like Authors don’t do dumb shit from time to time.
One character isn’t enough to get an essay like this, so all of THIS? Is from years/months of silence watching people make excuses after excuses, saying dumb shit after dumb shit and eventually patience runs out.
Fact is, Horikoshi is a better artist than he is a writer. Fact.
- The fandom pisses me off more than the authors sometimes, Mirko herself while obnoxious & visually cancerous is just a slab of nothing, by herself she’s a non-offense, at the very least at least she does cool shit but she makes no sense, she didn’t earn any of this, if this was MIDNIGHT kicking ass ok at least she was there since Season 1, and it’d be nice to her doing something other than be a child predator.
- But people’s collective stupidity in fandoms and how she’s written and why, is what really agitates me more than Mirko herself.
- Logically, Mirko can only do what she’s programmed to do in canon. She’s not the problem. She's just another cultivation of the problem.
- Horikoshi specifically is emotional, reactive, if the fandom doesn’t like something he’d actually throw passive jabs in the manga itself in meta, or make a change to please the audience (aka CHP 431), so imagine if people weren’t a bunch doughnut brained Amoebas and called for Mirko to actually be a character with an actual stake in whats going on?
- Imagine the Mirko we could’ve gotten.
- But it starts with saying “No, this is shit.”
All the man did was have her fight a few times, make an ass of herself on stage, get her limbs torn off and be emotionally relevant to no one. But protected as if she was there since Season 1—-
- But midnight (also a garbage character) but actually WAS THERE since Season 1 is instead the one that gets killed off. Make that make sense (rhetorical)
And I essentially just pitched an idea where she immediately becomes relevant by teaching the main character, that’s giving her a stake way before Jaku Raid, humanizing, a purpose, characterization, EVEN an arc. Without sexploitation. And we can get to know her through Deku, the character who matters.
Basically introduce the extra, then let them stand their own two feet after a decent debut & give them varying levels of intrigue and relevance to what’s going on beyond the bare minimum. Like this guy from the same exact story:
But that’s only IF you insist on pushing them.
That’s giving a shit, and Mirko is a character I can NOT stand, even the design (so the sight of her) annoys me but I’m the one that’s pitching this, NOT THE PEOPLE who love her.
Let that sink in.
That’s giving a shit, and Mirko is a character I can NOT stand, even the design (so the sight of her) annoys me, I’ve voiced this MANY times to peeps I know IRL but still I’m the one that’s pitching this on the character’s behalf, NOT THE PEOPLE who actually like or love her.
Let that sink in.
But you see my agenda isn’t bending her over so we can see muscle-y bunny ass & cameltoe, both my complaint & pitch is “narrative relevance” & better execution or more grossly “Who the fuck is this bitch? And why should I care beyond the obvious bare minimum as with ANY female character?”
I’ve never seen a character this shielded since Bella from Twilight, Rey, Kira Yamato, an average Little Nightmares protagonist (& even despite their plot armors EVEN most of them get kicked in the ass anyway), or Christ himself. But the difference is BELLA, Rey, Kira, the Little Nightmares kids and Jesus (Unlike Mirko) were in-fact, actually the main characters of the respective story lmfao.
Monday, December 23, 2024
Super-man, The Master Race & Chosen People
Sunday, December 22, 2024
"Happy wife, Happy life." - successful slave mantra (and recipe for failure)
The unfortunate part is, marriage can work. People naturally want to bond, it's in their sociological DNA, but the culture is the issue, the expectations set for one, and not the other. You emancipate the women, but you adhere the men to their charges, you can not do that and expect prosperity, you can’t do that and expect booming birthrates.
Revolving a 2 person deal around 1 is not going to add up, never has and never will. No matter who’s getting the raw end.
This excerpt of society is not the sole cause of anything decline wise in particular, yet it is a prime example, just one ingredient that makes up the fail sandwich of why the west & privileged society failed itself.
"X-chromosome inactivation and its role in autoimmune susceptibility in females", Response to a minor excerpt in an overall solid article.
"The silence of the second X
Women have too much of a good thing: It's called the X chromosome.
Throughout the mammalian kingdom, biological sex is determined by the presence, in every female cell, of two X chromosomes. Males cells pack just one X chromosome, paired with a much shorter one designated the Y chromosome.
The stubby Y chromosome contains only a handful of active genes. It's quite possible to live a full life without a Y chromosome. In fact, more than half of the people on Earth -; women -; lack Y chromosomes and do just fine. But no mammalian cell, male or female, can survive without at least one copy of the X chromosome, which holds many hundreds of active protein-specifying genes."
"The stubby Y chromosome contains only a handful of active genes.",
Because it lacks recombination & thus mutations gathered overtime = loss of genes. And yet those handful of genes left are necessities that were spared by design by it's gene regulators which is why it's still active.
Those handful of genes are in fact all it needs. It's a condensed, less excessive X Chromosome. And X Chromosome is less cluttered Y Chromosome.
(for some reason this comment didn't show up the first time i posted it, so i'll post it again)
"stubby Y Chromosome", was that descriptor truly necessary to make your point after already describing it as "short" literally at the end the previous sentence? Or is this your attempt to lightly jab the Y Chromosome like many MANY researchers do whenever it's brought up-
" It's quite possible to live a full life without a Y chromosome. In fact, more than half of the people on Earth -; women -; lack Y chromosomes and do just fine."
Obviously that goes without saying, I think we all know women can exist without a Y. That doesn't require a justification, even with the context of Autoimmune Disease because some men also get it.
Such a minute statement compared to the rest of the article yet it has a loud tone of unnecessary compensation. Clearly women are fine without a Y, but another X does cause problems men don't have to deal with. That's the reality.
It's okay to say that.
As unfortunate as Autoimmune disease is, In a way males not having another X causing such issues as much is a more balanced model, yet on top of the physical advantages, but only to an extent because there's issues of having a Y and the absence of another X or a recombination peer for Y-
Thus issues in males that women don't have to deal with, in fact the autoimmune disease is a result of women's immune systems being better wired than the average man's immune system. The problem arose from an advantage.
It goes both ways, a balance.
It wouldn't then be necessary to say "Men get along just fine without another X, it's possible to live a full life without it" as if trying to prove something to someone or justify anything. It's unnecessary rhetoric.
If more figures of academic authority stopped throwing cheap jabs at the Y Chromosome and overcompensating whenever a contrast between males and females comes up in this subject as if this is a competition or an indicative statement of women and men themselves, which it's NOT.
These studies would then improve and be a better reading experience without the cringe.
That awkward insertion aside, this was well informed overall as a read. It helped."
And I stand by that, the article is solid information on the matter (disregarding that minute rhetoric)
That's it. Overall it is a decent enough article, but people (not everyone but many experts) overall get weird whenever Y gets compared to X, no idea why yet I know exactly why and it's so dated & predictable. Too many of us prefer controlled narratives wrapped in theory because that's more comfortable & gaslighting over the reality of the matter that contradicts what we've been told was the truth.
Saturday, December 21, 2024
The Bottom 3 (GLORB's trilogy is complete)
GLORB leaned into the Barology on this one "THE BOTTOM 3" (the trilogy is complete)
[The Bottom 3] https://youtu.be/Rr8mosAp1iY?si=5ptvVPLtlX3bddZh…
"All this money ain't the same, my heart frozen. Funny how they change; No emotion."
"Big blunt smoking on this bitch, hot as Texas is. Sticked up choppa make him lift like the exorcist. A-I-M, Aimin' at his head, direct messages."

The Bars are real.
"Mainstream trappin'"
"Big blunt smoking on this bitch, hot as Texas is."

This shit is canon. Idgaf.
We getting this shit to 1 MIL
Friday, December 20, 2024
I don’t have an issue with fanservice overall, just don’t shove it in my face, don’t overcompensate, don’t treat your audience like idiots (CONTEXT Matters)
Imagine reading a synopsis where a main heroine gets into various situations because she’s too nice to say no. (Komori-San can’t decline)
Sounds wholesome, i like wholesome. Most do.
I’d assume the story is to display her journey on learning how to say no and her failed attempts is the comedy.
Sounds like Slice of Life/ aka Slice of boring but it’s a weekend, so why not-
You watch the anime, not even 2min in, and the first close up shot of the 15 year old child is NOT a reasonable full body shot where we see her face, like in the manga:

You get this:

ooookay, definitely a sign of good writing
Mind you, i come from Desert Punk (one of my favorites):
Junko, the main femme fatale of the story (And if you know Junko, she was packing serious heat & she used that to her advantage.)

So the context of the fanservice was, she took advantage of her assets.
Not her being taken advantage of by the situation because the Author & Studio assumes i’m too stupid to pay attention to the story on my own ability
So i can enjoy a well endowed lady, especially when (the context is) they’re grown women-- not a minor/kid

Teens, especially in the West, do develop at an early age. It’s not like girls with figures like that don’t exist. They do, i went to school with girls like that. So her breasts being big isn’t the issue:
- Why do you feel the need to emphasize & exploit it? Is my question (Is that a focal point of her existence, what are you trying to communicate to me A GROWN ASS man or a 13 year old boy- by doing stuff like this?)
All in all it’s a first world problem, i get it.
I only harp on this because it’s so creepily prevalent in settings where the female players/even the males are kids:
I hear so much about how japan doesn’t do woke, but this is okay?

I deadass made a bet that this was a Deviant Art porn commission,i thought to myself “there was no way this shit was real.”
I lost that bet.
Especially when back when Ochako got that melodramatic flashback scene during the tournament arc few years back. People swore on their mum (at the time) that My Hero was pioneering progression for female characters in shonen

Yeah about that.....
(very next season)

Pov: An anime about Superheroes
Funny how Raven is literally a half-demon in a one piece swimsuit & a cloak/Starfire is an alien rocking a mini with some midriff but both girls get more respect from their writers than all MHA girls put together.
(someone pointed out to me that in EP2 there was a split second frame where you see Star’s undies, I swear to you in 20 years of watching it, i’ve never noticed it. I’m not saying that to say the person who saw it is weird, no, i’m saying for whatever reason they chose that shot & angle, it was not emphasized, the action didn’t STOP so you could ogle her bloomers. It was so quick someone had to let ME know it existed. That I can live with. )

TT2003 is allowed to be an actual characters with arcs & shit, and not just waifu props to support the boys from the background and get MAYBE 1 or 2 episodes to maybe be useful.
- And a flashback, a slight change in motivation, and showing their friends their room is considered “character development”
- Or a beach episode where they showcase their young little bodies in still shots (Because it’s not like we can use this time to develop them as people???? pfft nah)
They’re literally the strongest (Starfire)/most powerful (Raven) members on the team.
Want to watch a show where Teen Heroes get shit done? WITHOUT the juvenile bullshit?
(TEEN TITANS 2003) for dayz

Avatar The Last Airbender is another good example (the closest to risque they got was cleavage cleft in various points, which was weird because what they were wearing would actually prevent cleavage (except Ty-Lee’s case where she’s on the beach in a kini so that’s a given, a girl looking like a girl isn’t a sin) in all cases it’s less than 000.1% of the show . The camera didn’t PAN ZOOM for 5 seconds on their breasts, the audience was never subjected to that. That is the point.
Regarding Komori;
Because there’s a STARK difference compared to the Manga, this tells me that the Studio went out of their way to prioritize animating frames of a 15 year old kids breasts bouncing center-screen than just showing us the girl:
And in that panel of the manga she was holding a box, which obstructed the view of her chest from the front, so they also went the extra mile to remove the box so we could see her breasts in full
And no, i didn’t drop it because of one shot of her chest. I kept goin just to prove a point and yes you get more emphasis of her chest (as well as a character verbally pointing out that her breasts are big) as well as bouncy sound effects.....

Because priorities.
shame on me for wanting wholesome/ COMPETENT, good writing, where the kids are allowed to be kids & not sexualized and exploited meat bags with lines..

Guess i can just stick to ‘Kid Cosmic’ for that.

I don’t mind fanservice, I’d prefer none of the Japanese kind (because real fanservice is easter eggs & parallels, reference, respecting other works, META is fanservice)
but the way japan does it, this show, that’s a hard pass. Why? Cause it’s unnecessary, and it’s gratuitous.
Mainly because of the context. It’s not what you do it’s how/why you do it. Period.
Further reminded why i keep taking mad breaks from 95% of Anime cause at the end of the day; Genre has a lot to do with it. And no matter what genre you run to, authors coming from the same culture that creates a similar type of mindset, will tend to project the same crap into the story.