Sunday, April 14, 2024

Bella Poarch - Build A Bitch (Yes, he does get to choose)

Bella Poarch — Build A Bitch (Yes, he does get to choose)

I like this song, & the message, 

This ain't Build-A-Bitch (A bitch) 

You don't get to pick and choose 

Different ass and bigger boobs 

If my eyes are brown or blue 

This ain't Build-A-Bitch (A bitch) 

I'm filled with flaws and attitude 

So if you need perfect, I'm not built for you (Yeah)

yet between men and women only men are expected to DIE for the other.

Not that she can’t, & some women do actually, but she’s not expected to. The pressure isn’t on her.

So i’m pretty sure that warrants men being picky or being able to “choose” what they want in women, cause at the end of the day its just his LIFE right?🤨 Who the fuck is he to pick & choose what he wants in you when in the same breath you’d like to feel you’re worth living/ & dying for.

Can’t have it both ways sis.

It's not even about perfection, it's compromise, something women expect men to do all the time when it's convenient for her.

Doesn’t mean you have to change, doesn’t mean what he thinks he wants- he’ll get (& vice versa), but yeah he can pick and choose. 

  • Women have the luxury to forget that a man stakes his life when he gets involved with a lady, some guys die for women they don’t even know. It’s soooo easy to forget that when you’re not a man, not the protector, and that burden isn’t on you.
  • You’re not incriminated if you overlook it, but just keep in mind how easy it is to OVERLOOK it while you’re holding that grocery list of all the things you might feel you’re entitled to of a man because “he’s the man”.

Cause when a shooting happens, a building comes down, or something pops off, and your mortality sinks in real fucking quick — and it’s not you who’s expected to take bullets if necessary.

You naturally expect the male to “step up” and do the thing. Rightfully so, but don’t then take agency from his preferences because that’s more convenient for you, when things are peaceful and society tells you you’re the center of universe.

Even the BIBLE mandates a man sacrifices his life for the wife. (Not a girlfriend, his wife, his honor. A wife is ENTITLED to his life, & vice versa)

SO with all of that said, between men and women, a woman gets to pick & choose because she’s going to be bearing the children (that’s how she gives her body & for some that involves fatality), and he especially gets that privilege because he’s expected to 100% die for her & the kids, AND PAY for it all if he doesn’t.

Doesn’t get any more serious than the bastards LIFE. Yes he does get to pick & choose. Especially the husband.

Does that mean change yourself? Well that’s a personal decision if you feel they’re worth it, because even then: How many women go through life thinking men should change for them; if he “really loves her-”, he should, right? Or she can “fix” him.

But not the other way around right?

I’m noticing this attitude that a man changing for a woman is romantic, but a woman not changing for him is empowering, that shit’s not it bro.

That’s how you fuck up with the little things, plant seeds of hubris, ego and entitlement that will burn a lot of bridges that could’ve lead to your happiness..

And it all starts with double standards.

I like the message, but at the same time, be careful. Don’t overlook the simple things, men are too used to being told they shouldn’t have standards or a choice. Don’t take fellas for granted, it benefits you now while you’re young, but it’s gonna bite you in the ass.

And by that, that doesn’t mean you’ll end up alone. But don’t think just because you’re not (by yourself) for the rest of your life: Automatically means you’ll be happy, it doesn’t. Hopefully you don’t find that out the hard way.

Be vigilant, have standards (cause this ain’t Build-A-Bitch or CREATE-A-Sim, you’re not here to be molded by some boy’s/girl’s whims, make sure they’re worth it to begin with), but (for the love of god) be humble.

Society sets you up for failure making you believe your choice, and what women want is the only thing that’s relevant in a situation that involves TWO people, that’s bullshit, and a dangerous attitude to have.

Otherwise, the beat is funky tho, it reminds me of Selena Gomez’ songs around the 2010′s, i miss that era, i miss that Youtube.

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