Sunday, April 7, 2024

Episodic Impressions: My Hero Academia (episode 40)

Episodic Impressions: My Hero Academia (episode 40)

"It's their culture-"
*I love that excuse. Weak as an arthritic kneecap and yet people repeat that same non-point over and over again as if "CULTURE" is an argument.

Different culture makes sexualizing minors okay, meanwhile, you're justifying another "culture" while having nothing to do with the paradigm you're defending, so what's your basis of defending a world you're not even a part of.

And it's not even "culture", it's Legalization. Which is a stupid, & dangerous argument, for if Daddy Gov. says it's okay does that mean morally it's sound??? No. Incorrect.

  • If severe Martial Law in the U.S started tomorrow & reproductive rights for everyone were stripped to reduce population and everyone in the U.S had curfew effective immediately--Or marrying 5-10 year olds was legally allowed or giving up your infants to the State if they say so-- would any of that being "CULTURE" & Legal make it okay? No.

Apologetics trying to justify exploitation of kids in cartoons because "it's allowed", are social risk factors. VERY dangerous attitude to have.

And it's even more embarrassing when these mooks don't even subscribe to what actually is "Japanese culture", like their theatre, their language, history, festivals, etc.

but will defend the sexual exploitation of girls/characters in general (cause it's not just girls but mainly girls) because age of consent or (muh boners) and call that Japanese "culture".

Ppl wildin, hard.

2023 [UPDATE]: Japan raised the age of consent to 16 because sex crimes against women and children have gotten out of control in the past 30 years, geeee i wonder why a Country with a booming industry with a sub-culture that glorifies dehumanizing and over-sexualizing women and children would for no reason at all have a rising issue with sex crimes against women & children?


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