Sunday, April 7, 2024

The issue with Fanservice. It doesn't hurt, but it doesn't help either.

The core of fanservice is exploitation for audience retention, for some it might not have "been bad" to see her bent over for no reason beside the fact that she's not ugly.

But to exploit a character solely because they're attractive, thus commence "fanservice" ie. sequence of events to reduce them to just a hot piece of meat in circumstantial situations geared specifically to further reduce them to a sex object---- Doesn't help them either.

Characterization builds character, fanservice takes away from them or does absolutely nothing for the character but dehumanizes them.

Because it's FAN+service, not CHARACTER+service.

And true fanservice? In reality is reference, through-lines, easter eggs, that's fanservice.

Stan Lee's cameos throughout the years, that's true fanservice. Anime/manga, predictably has this degenerate context where fanservice in anime specifically means a character (mainly FEMALE, ofc) gets bent over the couch for some instant gratification dopamine fixes, meaningless.

Basically Anime & manga has hijacked the term fanservice to mean "Sex-ploit characters for no reason, at any cost even at the expense of the story and character in question-- ya know, for the kids"

ie. Consistent Cockteasing is considered fanservice.

I hear what they're saying. But let's be frank, for some it wouldn't have been bad, but what good would it have done Dianna? Absolutely nothing. That's the point.

Her being attractive, is enough.

  • We, fandom/society/culture, have to learn not to exploit what we admire, just because it activates monke brain.
  • We don't have to ruin everything we touch just because it wouldn't hurt anyone.

And that's precisely why I respect the restraint on part of the writers, Turn A Gundam has fanservice, but for Dianna? It's especially toned down. And it further helps how seriously she's handled, and I can watcher cuter, lighter moments without worrying about an obligatory shot of her ass, crotch, or chest for no reason.

I can trust this show to know what the fuck it's doing without treating me like an idiot who has no other incentive to watch a show beyond the basic-minded factors. I like shows that take itself/ thus me/ we the audience, seriously.

Perhaps given the fact that her twin (Kihel) was a stand-in for the other "fanservice" moments and there was no point in doing it to Dianna when you already saw Kihel. Whatever the case, Dianna is more so solid because the writers (in an anime no less) respected their work enough to know NOT to do it.

Wouldn't have been bad, but it wouldn't have helped. Because it never does.


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