Veggies before Dessert, let's get this out the way:
DUNE PT 2 is Blatant propaganda, I'm probably not helping the cause by spreading it/recommending it over & over again but ignorance is the greatest weapon of the powers that be use against the "cattle".
But in reality, you NOT seeing it actually the worst situation, see it, see Barbie, see Oppenheimer, see "They Live", SEE, witness and know exactly what they're coding into these movies. And have been for a long, long time.
Civil War? That's too obvious, obviously they want us killing each other. And what better way to plant the seeds than a movie where there's a line where one asserts "What kind of American?", just dangerous DANGEROUS language.
They clearly want us separated, and at each others throats. While they're united in their agenda in controlling the masses. Because notice how Americans are never afforded any goddamn peace? There's always something wrong lmfao.
No Gov. efforts to get our birthrates up, nothing. That's not an accident.
They want to abolish the America as a metaphorical EMPIRE, to raise up the ONE WORLD Organization. That's all that shit's about.
Letting Aliens in, they live on our tax dollar, almost as if to ACCELERATE our economic collapse on purpose. Almost as if that were the plan, create problems and fix nothing. And make more promises.
(They Live 1988)- The Matrix 1999: Modern world as you know, predictive programming. The elites, The Machines controlling your system
(DUNE PART TWO?): Anti-Christ, revolution. The prelude to nuclear war
(Oppenheimer): WWIII.
(Barbie): The world after the war, sterilized, gynocentric fake. Men are bastardized husks of actual Men. Simulation.
Do not get swallowed up in how it sounds or looks.
Reverend Mother said it herself.
"There are no sides."

OUTSIDE OF Conspiracy.
Dune PART TWO by itself?
A well produced, well made film.
Though it is longwinded aka long as shit.

Well made, well composed, well acted, sound design is solid. The writing was satisfactory, well paced (Mainly because this movie is a direct sequel); More so better than LAST JEDI ever accomplished for me, that was also well shot, but trash. DUNE Part ONE did the slow-pacing storytelling work to set the groundwork so PART TWO could bring the thunder, and it brought it mercilessly. Too damn long, but the pacing is way better than Endgame despite the length. And ironically, it's impressive that this franchise has custom lore that most ppl (including me) weren't that familiar with, and it's this well executed, so far anyway.
Paul is ok, he's sympathetic enough at first, an awkward-nerdy book worm, good fighter, someone plain enough for the audience to project onto, he was a good boi; A shonen protagonist.

He reminds me of (Matrix Reloaded) Neo, a bland slate mc, deadpan most of the time, visions out the ass.
He didn't really leave a major impression on me in PT1, his outbursts don't really sell me, he's not intimidating, but he was a good kid, he was learning, and in pain; Bro lost a lot. PART ONE was the boy being set out into the wilderness, away from home, robbed of his father.
But his transition, that was good. Timothy sells it effortlessly. Lisan al-Gaib is a serious mf: SOLD
Paul was the boy. Muad'Dib was the young man. Lisan al-Gaib is the MAN. All Man.
In a weirrd way, it's make me realize how much of a wasted opportunity it was that NEO in the Matrix didn't take after Morpheus and didn't really "lead" Zion in any way.

It makes sense why he chose Trinity over Zion, because he wasn't attached to Zion. Not even a little bit. How long was he there? A few days? He didn't connect with the people, yeah he talked to a Council member but because the Elder came to him. Neo didn't seek to know their ways or anything, to know the people that he's "delivering" out of a century long bondage.
Unlike Lisan al-Gaib who is integrated with the Fremen, he earned his keep, they know him, and respect him. He leads them because he made it his business to respect their ways and know them.
Neo? Didn't do that lol, thanks to seeing this movie and better executed THIS version of the anti-Christ is playeed out, now I have a new grip with the Matrix Neo character lmfao
Whoops?! Lol
Now. That's not to say, Neo is worse, because in context. Paul was a Prince, he was raised to eventually lead the Atreides house. Vs Neo being an introvert, no leadership skills. It'd be weird for him to suddenly step up as a Steve Rogers personality for no reason.
But then again, Steve wasn't exactly a purebred prince himself, sometimes in life, despite comfort zone, you have to step up and be that figure when it's necessary. Hence Captain America

But it definitely makes Paul look better lmfao, more legitimate.
The Zion people didn't trust Neo, they didn't know him.
The Fremen know Usul, they follow out of trust and respect. It's why Stilgar asks what's in store for them, on behalf of their people-- he asks this boy he once mentored, what is in store for them all.
"Lead them to paradise."
DUNE 1-2 is pretty much a more tightly written The Matrix 1-2, we'll see how it stands as a trilogy, eventually, possibly.

But Part Two is the boy becoming a man, in more ways than one.
This movie is when Timothy shines a little more, he knows how to sell a Messiah figure, my biggest worry was he'd be cringe when he "woke up" but he actually reminded me a lot of Christ, triggered Christ-- that southern temple scene was nothing but Jesus checking the Pharisees, same exact energy-
Same aggression.
To reiterate--- Ironically, it's impressive that this franchise has custom lore that most ppl (including me) weren't that familiar with- it's not a superhero movie, it's not Star Wars and it's not all that mainstream and it's THIS well put together (so far)??! Not bad. (EPISODE 9 Rise of ScumWalker eat your heart out), PART TWO is very close (but not precisely because Thanos was next level) but not that far off from achieving a level of epic scale that it took the MCU 10 years to achieve.
Main Gripe #1: And this is one is exclusive to the movie, the not the book-- THE MOVIE.
--- How the fuck do they get off the Worms?
And more importantly, how do they manage to get a pregnant woman on a worm and how the manage to get her off. The movie never showed that. It came to mind after first watch. These worms aren't Elephants, they don't seem to stop when in motion, they're like Sharks, they must move.

And the only way to get on is while they're in motion, specifically in motion, so how they managed to get off by the same principle (with a pregnant woman) is something my brain meats ponder, as far as the movie is concerned. Obviously there IS a way, hence how Jessica got to the temple or how anyone dismounts the worm at some point.
(And the fact that in PART ONE a Dune worm stopped in front of Paul & Jessica, so they can stop)
So it's not immersion breaking, just a thought. They might dangle off the side and just gradually descend, but again, pregnant Jessica lmfao. Somehow they must be able to get the beast to halt with just those two handles.
Gripe #2 : *If Sand Worms for the Harkonnen are a known problem, why haven't they cultivated an orbital weapon to take care of them?

They have space ships, hover packs, energy shields, **SPACE -SHIPS**, some kind of needle gun tech, Fremen use blue beam weapons, but no Rail-Guns or Macro-Needle Gun installed to deter or kill Worms? The HARKONNEN of all Houses would/should possess that tech. I could definitely see them using like a Decibel Concussion-Cannon to blast some dubstep so loud it's a weapon of mass destruction to scare off or hurt the worms. (But that's probably a bit outside this universes technological capability but a big needle rail-gun for sure.)
See like My Hero Academia, this modern DUNE is spoiling the story in a lot of ways even when you don't realize it, but unlike My Hero, it's done right. The information is given in pieces, fragments, like a dream. And even the most minute detail like Paul & Chani looking at Muad'Dib in a vision or the actual mouse encountering Paul the morning after the attack in PART ONE or Muad'Dib bugging Paul while he was trying to hide before the Harvester raid.

Something simple like that foreshadowed Paul turning the name of a simple desert mouse into a title of infamy that even the Harkonnen dread. A little mouse that can derive water from the desert, resourceful, a survivor.
This shit is well made, it ain't no masterpiece. But it was definitely the closest thing to genuine epic scale "Cinema" (without bullshit or contrivance) that we've gotten outta MCU since Avengers: Infinity War
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