A reply to the ever so frequent topic:
YouTube may be suppressing your channel and you have no idea about it

Did some research to confirm what I suspect, but I know what I know. Youtube has some kind of killswitch function to basically take a video off of life support and then it flatlines.
Video does 300views first 24–36 hours to a week (because not everyone is entitled to go viral, everyone knows this), and so instead of rising on the graph then naturally sloping down & rising like a normal graph, like any normal pattern of graph.
In 2024s CorporationTube, the video that was doing consistently well suddenly just flatlines after 12 days.
Prior to the 10th day mark, the graph rises and rises.
So the question becomes: Why isn’t something that’s doing good continue to rise and do good?
What changed? I/We/You certainly didn’t do anything and we just sat back and wondered why a low effort video is getting more attention than our better videos. Sooo it wasn’t us.
See YouTube agents, shills, some people love love Loooove to gaslight small creators into believing that they (creators) are the sole issue.
Your content is “just not good”, and yet so many people can attest that their LOW EFFORRT uploads that they themselves know are not good, for some reason gets more views than the content they put effort into.
Its not consistent. Not that logic nor the system they’re defending.
(So basically, between not pushing your content to your own subscribers, they’re not recommending it to anyone. You don’t exist. And then they have the nerve to give you tips, like you’re the problem when the solution is to just let people’s content run it’s course and god forbid: Let people decide decide what they want to watch instead of some soul-less algorithm deciding what you watch.)
I repeat: People are not ignoring your content, YouTube is ignoring you, they’re not endorsing you, they’re neglecting your contribution, thus no one knows what you exist. Not because no one wants to watch your shit, NOBODY knows it’s there to be watched.
Your channel is doing “ok” aka barely making bread, but its not dead so “everything okay, question nothing”.
See, When a good video flatlines like someone decided in a booth that your video did good “enough” for the month, and decided it was time for it to go to sleep for 10 years.
Or 5 uploads in a row do less than usual like your content is being hidden from traffic altogether.
(Because how the hell is a video supposed to get traction to grow if it’s not allowed to circulate in the first place?) 🧠
Like dead on arrival. Custom thumbnails, specified time so subscribers know its up, certain boxes checked & unchecked for maximum algorithm efficiency (All the functions SponsorTube added to make posting videos more and more of a burden than FUN🌈 ie. the original purpose of the site)
- You do everything on your end to ensure results, all while missing the fact that you don’t run the site, you can’t MAKE your videos do good because there’s but so much you can do. We are not Youtube.
- But by gaslighting creators into wracking their brains, and being frustrated by the same lack of results, it’s a hamster wheel, it’s blatant manipulation.
- And a brutal means of demoralizing people. It’s actually pretty genius. Keep people grinding to do better & better when they have no control, while you know 100% the solution was never in the hands of the users but your own because you run the site.
Absolute genius level manipulation.
Point being: With ALL the people on YouTube, clicking and clicking and clicking per second- a channel gets only 50views of traffic on a fairly well produced video after a year?
That is very VERY unnatural. You’ll have people with 50k-1M subs struggling to get even half the equivalent views. Some with sponsors.
So imagine the likelihood that a small channel of 5k and under is being suppressed by a platform that blatantly shows its dishonesty, distance, and double standards.
When a good video doing good suddenly flatlines like it was smothered in the crib, thats not the “algorithm”, that was analytical assassination.
YouTube made a HUGE mistake giving us the ability to see our videos numbers, now their fraudulent system can be see in action in realtime.
If your video is shit, then its shit. The actual issue is YouTube are frauds BECAUSE the system is inconsistent and fraudulent.
YOU do not Broadcast Yourself anymore, WE broadcast our sponsors. No sponsors? Tough nuts. You don’t matter. And if we want? What you create won’t exist either.
The “it’s a business” bullshit doesn’t hold up, because if the video isn’t supporting hate, terrorism, all the isms but its just an edit or a cool fight, or some original music and its being shadow banned-
Consistent suppression of potential & creativity, is not good business, it’s a blatant failsafe to prevent anyone self-made from ever, and I mean EVER competing with paid Youtubers and specifically Big Companies, the favored spoiled children of the platform that they’ll never strike, or shadowban, block or takedown (until a certain point, for the paid youtubers, because even they’re not safe). Corporations owned by elites, YouTube will NEVER treat them with half the shit they spare for us.
Its about maintaining hierarchy.
It’s fascism, and it’s remarkably stupid. Its a mechanism to keep med-small channels in their place and keep the sponsored groups on top. Cause even big Youtubers, while they get privileges, even they’re not safe for long if Youtubes good graces go sour.
That’s all this is. And its very obvious when you don’t allow people to gaslight you when there’s but so much you can do when the people controlling the system do not care about creators to begin with (everyone knows this), or deflect the actual problem as a non-issue because apathy takes less braincells.
Cause if channels were allowed to develop and grow naturally? A lot of us wouldn’t be at 1Mil let alone 500k, lets be honest, you’re worth what you produce.
But you’d definitely would be big enough to where people would know you exist, Why? Because that’s called GROWTH.. That’s a fact.
The entire point of this new system is prevent you from Broadcasting Yourself. That’s the point.
Because there’s no lucrative point for any business to suppress content that follows the goddamn rules anyway.
Because ads run on every video now, so why repress anyone if it wasn’t about maintaining a status-quo?
Unless it’s to gatekeep or regulate who gets to succeed on your watch.
I repeat: Unless it’s to gatekeep or regulate who is ALLOWED to succeed on your watch.
It’s control.
YouTube Analytics, all those functions, them giving you “tips”, agents dispelling “myths” about the almighty algorithm, they are trying to keep you ignorant by giving you the biggest means of misdirection known to man: HOPE
If people can tell you to fix the problem, then you have hope, if you have hope, then you won’t ask questions anymore because then you feel in control then you feel a sense of security.
When the one’s with the keys to a good portion of your success, are the one’s running the goddamn site.
Its all control through giving you an illusion of control through all these shiny buttons and seemingly sophisticated UI.

Like looking at numbers & a thumbnail is making a damn difference, they know exactly what they’re doing.
Make you & your content the problem, you’re not good enough, just do (this) or just do (that) when in reality we have the solution with the flip of a switch. Because we run the goddam site. But gaslight you to keep you in check and prevent you from asking questions.
Control. Control. Control.
YouTube became an experiment for Dystopian level fascism, it has all the hallmarks for a little “S” word with an “ism” on the end. But I’ll let you put two and two together.
Point being, The keyword is the flatlining, erratic graphs are: Unnatural, inorganic, orchestrated, inconsistent. Unnatural.
And if the best explanation you have is constantly making creators the problem? The issue is being deflected.
This isn’t me saying everyone deserves 1mil subs, this is me saying people should succeed by their own merit & effort, not what merit you’re told you’re worth ie. stunting people’s growth with a variable ceiling.
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