listen to the young ladies in that class, victims of pure social conditioning just repeating talking points geared only to make them scared & obedient
They can't even explain why, just parroting. Because that's the point, keep women scared & victimized and they don't even know why.
And the entire point of victimhood and fear mongering is to keep women in a box, the comfort moral grandstanding, a prison they can't see or taste or touch. And if they’re flattered in the process & told it’s never their fault, women won’t even want to leave said prison. The comfort that the ball is never in your court. Ever.
It’s a Psy-op designed SPECIFICALLY for the woman’s hubris. It’s fucking brilliant.
And it starts when they’re young/ impressionable, let them know nice and early that the boogeyman is out to get them
And they'll cling to you forever for affirmation, checkmate

The Democrats are not the bad guys (There are no sides), but the "Left" is a profiting business. Women are a ripe currency for said business.
All it takes is fear, flattery, and gaslighting. With a hint of deflection so a solution is never found and women are always looking over their shoulder, beholden to their savior: The party
It’s always someone else’s fault. The entire point of that set up is so: A solution or a fix or unity, is never found.
Now to further disqualify unity or a solution despite this #TOLERANCE myth,
they’re encouraging people to disown friends & family, why? So that they cling harder to the party, it’s an abusive relationship on a massive scale.
They’re convincing people to isolate themselves, which is what the system has done to men & women, separation.
The real target is the children.
The entire point is disconnect.
That’s how you bring an Empire down.
5D Chess.
There are no sides.
Just who we need to use to get results, who we need to get rid of to maintain course. Who do we have to demonize to keep you distracted
And if it means telling the masses to disown friends/family over politics, so be it. Obey & comply. Fight. Sleep.

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