A lot of these Hollywood films are trailers for the movie you’re living in.
Tuesday, November 19, 2024
"Why is it a problem now that women are ahead?" - It’s not, because women aren’t ahead, it’s better: they’re competing. *response
Why is it a problem now that women are ahead?
Rant incoming:
It seems I see this often online that women outpace men in education, salary, and home ownership.
Specifically referencing education, I have seen people say that modern schools and education systems dont set men up for success and that boys are struggling. But like why now?
Before women were allowed to go to school there were super strict standards and policies in school(corporal punishment,strict schedules, homework etc) that boys had to deal with and they were able to succeed, graduate, and work the way up their careers.
But women had to fight, protest, and grind our way into these school systems to even have a fair shot but now all of a sudden, the school system is unfair?
They should advocate for ways to help young boys in school but instead its just” women are out pacing men because the schools favor them”
If I seem far from the point or not based in reality, feel free to call me out. But am I the only one seeing so much criticism about our education system and how its broken now that women are ahead
Edit: LOL I got a reddit cares from this
They’re not ahead in a broad sense, they’re doing better than their foremothers (duh), better than 20 years ago and excelling in certain fields to men, which is a no-brainer. Women and Men excel at different frequency, not a new concept.
That’s like saying men doing better in trades, sports, owning more land in general across the planet, beginning more startup businesses/companies and having careers integrated with core civilizational infrastructure capital *(Which in fact outpaces women in salary when these articles & takes stop omitting the fact that men are working the majority of well paying trade/dangerous/demanding jobs):* means men are ahead of women.
Misleading, and dishonest language, because everything I just said won’t be brought up in these same articles or studies, just to maintain a convenient narrative. Gee that’s convenient.
That aside, as far as Education is concerned, women doing better or being ahead in that specific field was inevitable. Women & girls are easier to condition, easier to socially program. Exact or subliminally. Its why they usually talk sooner as babies.
They have sharp social intuition thus more compliant when in & especially in a social peer setting, they can sit still, retain when spoken to, better attention span to verbal teaching —
**In many ways women are easier to propagandize, which is why the media, political establishment, Government caters more to female hubris now, thus women, easier target: who are more malleable to emotionally charged rhetoric, validation, tribalism appeal, fear mongering and thus certain manipulations than men are;*
Whom tend to be more skeptical, independent (naturally, without societal boosting, it’s why most boys tend to cause issues, deviate & wander behaviorally), hyper, proactive, problematic even. Active.
**Which is why men do dumber shit, do really evil shit, invent good shit, build greater shit & think up cooler shit that both men and women think is cool. Ex. Things that go Boom, Superheroes, philosophy, the Skyscraper, the vibrator etc.)** Males are an extremity
**Boys respond better to being shown, hands-on learning vs just taught to.** That’s what this is really about, Education models not being adaptive vs Girls’ sociological strengths meshing better, than this notion that Education forgetting boys exist. Nah. Its not that deep, on this front anyway.
(Always do your research beyond these articles as to what fields or what degrees the women possess, if that information is available even as a generalization, if more women are in tech or running Capital thats different from more women in school learning useless shit that cant get them jobs or perhaps buying homes they cant afford. Thats nuance articles aren’t going to include, some of which they can’t realistically include, hence why you do your research. )
In general, with any study- always do your research beyond what you’re spoonfed. Especially if it validates what you think you know
*Saying the edu-system is against boys is like saying Sports is inherently against women. Not true.*
The model of execution of education since the beginning just meshes better with some more than others. Some boys have attention spans like girls and can sit still and retain. Some girls require hands-on learning like most boys and want to move around & get active.
Just boys going to school back when girls didnt doesnt mean boys did better back then- it means the average was just boys. The system didn’t change that much, girls joining the class collective & raising the bar of performance is what changed.
Anything less is just excuses. On all accounts.
“The System” Neglects men and boys yes. Ex. many men are committing suicide significantly more than women but a “wage gap” matters more than death gaps, suicide & occupation combined because the wage gap is a woman’s issue, and that by proxy takes priority.
Thus society is allowed to give a shit because that paradigm is the predominant culture. It’s just what it is right now in certain sects of the predominate sphere.
**Men killing themselves is not an issue inconveniencing women & its not a women’s issue so it’ll never be brought up on the forefront as a national concern. That’s the reality of the matriarchal patriarchy you live in.* The people sweating over boys in education, that’s where the energy needs to be, if you’re going to get riled up over anything on behalf of boys. Society’s generational neglect of males.*
**So this Education front is the lesser of those examples, its just an incorrect read by many people with good intentions & eager to cry Gynocracy for the sake of complaining without offering anything more to the matter.**
*Women are ahead in the select categories they’re ahead in, they’re not ahead of men, they’re not behind men: Women are competing. That’s the reality, it’s no deeper than that. Otherwise, Men are still building everything (aaand society will kindly overlook that)*
Men still doing all the dangerous jobs that’d cripple civilization in a week if men just didn’t go to work. And despite being majority of the headcount, women aren’t stepping up because many don’t know the jobs exist and most choose not to work in a sewer because most women don’t want to work in a goddamn sewer or next to an active highway. The cities we all drive in, the railings on a track for a train, those yellow painted stripes on the roads dividing the traffic. AND BEING the minority of the species but carrying anyway.
**But somebody has to do it #ThanksMen**
# Things most women & a lot of men have the privilege to not even consider in passing thought despite most using these things every single day, don’t care how it works but it works, because somebody’s carrying the team. Because men just do it without hashtags or a protest march, or taking a day off to make a point which would actually result in very real chaos. Instead, Men just do the job, Thank God.
Zero respect from the collective though, thats the part that whacks me.
*Many women in privileged society are doing better for themselves as time goes on. Good, it means the first world model is working in this respect for women, in this context. Still has work to do in many other areas.*
If women are doing better in education specifically, thats natural for all reasons cited. It’s also no surprise more women tend to be telemarketers.
Do certain degrees of the system wish boys behaved like girls? Yes, why? Because girls can sit still lol.
That’s likely what people are really mad about, boys being pressured to be idle like compliant drones, prescriptions given to some even to keep them still, it happens. And if that’s where the prevailing reason is coming from for these people, I get it, and it needs to change.
Otherwise, the Education system specifically isn’t throwing pies in the face of boys because “mwahaha”, when the point is getting children to graduate, quotas to meet. Setting boys back defeats the agenda of the board, which is kids meeting the standard & moving along to the next level so the next batch can replace them.
The education methodology just needs to adapt to how boys & many girls learn- we have too many behavioral studies on both boys and girls not to have a dual teaching system for boys or girls with either learning pattern or others.
But boys are not sinking because girls are ahead here, no more than women are failing because male sports are better or more lucrative as a market, this isn’t dire compared to other situations. It’s just biological differences doing what they do.
It’s not a bad thing, the issue comes in how we engage thereafter, what language society’s using for one & not the other (divisionary), how we’re rationalizing how we perceive the situation. And the attitude behind how you talk about it.
The people tripping over the Education fact need to redirect that energy where it should be where boys & men are indeed suffering. Education & boys is the absolute LEAST of the issues.
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