Wednesday, November 6, 2024

"Japan Forced to Censor Manga by Western Companies or They Lose Everything" - Not entirely true

The solution is evolve your craft & stop pushing degenerate propaganda. Or ? Stick to whatever principles you think you have & don't do business.

Look, 5:07 you're wrong, they're not forcing anything. What most do in reality is set the terms of business, that's it pal. For most dealings.

The way he explained it, it's simply a terms of dealing with an IP. No different from how Studios or 3rd party Software companies engage with Comic book companies. You think they get along 24/7 and NEVER have criteria?

We're not living in the real world, time to wake up from the isekai wetdream. Japan is not the only one's that have to take it or leave it.

It's the right of the company to not associate with predatory content.
As if Japan's suffering birthrates, and declining culture with it's deficit of men & it's surplus in manchildren needed any help from said industry which helped cause the decline to begin with.

So the west isn't okay with sexploitation, cry me a river. We have our own issues on the spectrum of social decline but in this situation? Nah, Japan needs to get a grip. Bout time they did, and it's their choice to say yay or nay.

Western entities aren't forcing them to do squat, if Japan buckles then they made a choice, "forcing" is just a way to manipulate the reality.

*And look at it this way, if reeling it in holds back the content THAT much; The problem isn't the people asking you to dial it down. Maybe the content is what needs to evolve and or grow the hell up.*

And if that means the content isn't the content anymore, i repeat, what was even the point of putting such a thing in there and why was that the best we had to offer to the world as a creator & why did that come from inside you (as the author)?

We need to ask that question more instead of just consuming product. Because I for one am not a fan of 11yrold children getting sexualized.

5:42 WRONG. Japanese culture isn't fanservice and p3do bait, it's festivals, community functions where children are given a safe place and not a metaphorical casting couch where their likeness is constantly fetishized, culture of unique foods, storytelling, architecture, puppeteering, Woodcrafts, visual artforms, paper artforms, artforms beyond just Anime & Manga. THAT is Japanese culture, if you give a damn to know about it.

This cat is borderline fear mongering because this niche might have to stop dehumanizing the female characters, & that threatens his sensibility or agenda to see sexploitation cause they're into it, that's what this is really about.

These companies aren't setting terms for Anime to stop producing high quality stories or to STOP making awesome sakuga sequences or stop making attractive women-- no the problem is how it's portraying women and children in the first place. And that threatens the people who gravitate to anime for the wrong reasons.

Which yes, it is a problem.
Hence why 2023 after 100 years Japan finally changed the Age of consent because enough women & children were assaulted & harmed in this same country of Japan where children are sexualized in manga, and nobody panics until it becomes a problem you can't ignore.

But in this same country there's an epidemic of predation against children, this isn't a joke people. An entire multiverse of social issues exists outside our keyboard and our little bubble of immediate conveniences.

The world is bigger than just your bookmarks folder or your 3am Friday night action folder and your reliance on anime & manga to keep feeding into whatever crutch you're leaning on because you have no social life.

I repeat, if the "content" relies that heavily on sexploitation/etc., the problem is the material.

Censorship is wrong yet what's happening here isn't forceful, it's an offer. Terms of service.
Japan can refuse. And someone else said it already- Japan in itself censors and mitigates it's own without the west's help but when the west does it, it's the end of days.

Funny how that works.

What planet do you live on where you think the Japanese GOVERNMENT does not GOVERN, which requires a form of discrimination or censorship against certain elements.. hence the age of consent change in 2023.

The hook here isn't "just don't look at it", instead it's "After 20 years of the same crap, that's the best you had to offer to the rest of the planet?"

"Why is that coming from inside your head?"

But you see fans don't ask for better, just keep lowering the bar until it's under the ground.

It's not as simple as making 'Duh West' the bad guy to make ourselves feel better about it as a coping mechanism because stock female character who contributes nothing to the story but pouty faces & crotch shots may not be beholden to your hormone fueled sensibilities anymore-- because it's not like we have 100 YEARS+ of content that perfectly fits your hunger for dysfunction.

It's rarely ever that simple, sport.

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