Tuesday, November 12, 2024

"We Own YOUR Soul, Dale" - Debunking Low Tier God's Most Infamous Rant

Senran Cringe, responder drops the term "sexless" in a point yet Jailbait kagura of all games is the choice of theme in the same breath, the irony isn't lost on that- at all. Corny png & awkward weeby voiceline inserts aside. 27:35 (oookay then) Decent enough arguments here on their part, concise, to the point. Though ngl this wasn't that deep or worth tackling to begin with compared to other shit he says when he isn't in his feelings, which actually is less entertaining on his part yet more outrageous- Why? Because he's in neutral thus, he is actually serious. Now addressing this rant in particular would be better content: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7vPvZq-1bM point being there wasn't much here to debunk, it's just 20 something minutes of just him burying himself, same schtick. A middle schooler could refute this tripe. Easy target. Cringe aside, & "I'm pretty sure most trolls have their shit together", no? That's mad presumptuous, unless you know most of them personally. Now them not paying rent or being bums, yeah that's cap on his part, obviously he's emotion dumping as usual & the stupid tends to eek out in waves. Otherwise, If they really did have it together in all respects, they wouldn't be trolls lol, let's just squash that. There's a reason why some ppl gravitate to that kind of expense of time for that long, to certain types of people-- and it has zero to do with them having better things to do, or being bastions of justice or wanting stand up for the chat or some crap or having their shit together. It's about self-gratification with zero consequence, it's about feeling like they're a part of something. So THAT & other minor retractions aside, overall you made your point enough. well done. Bro likes to think he changed but it wasn't of virtue or development, he's just ducking TOS at minimum & even that didn't save em whomp. All he did was change the "studio" backdrop if thats what you wanna call it

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