Wednesday, February 26, 2025

So many shows get varying relationships between girls wrong because some writers think getting along 24/7 equals chemistry-

 when actual chemistry entails different & opposing elements mix to make a solution or compound or reaction.

Toph & Katara work because they're both flawed, had ego's for different reasons and grinded each other's gears constantly. Toph wasn't some overbearing abuser or Katara this halo ridden angel that was always right. Things they likely would be if re-written in today's zeitgeist

Instead they're written as believable real people despite being fiction, and that conflict only made it clear to each of them (& us) where each other's boundaries were overtime & how to respect them. Not handled one-off in one episode and then they never disagreed ever again but multiple times.

Same applies to the whole team honestly, the show's dynamics as a whole ( which is why the pairings work so well); Point being politically correct scripts tend to have women all being friends immediately or something and it's so boring, and it doesn't work.

There will always be people like you’: Tekken boss blasts ‘disrespectful’ fan for criticising character’s new look (Criticism isn't allowed in the Cult of Fandom)

re: “It’s always lovely to see internet whiners get what’s coming to them!”

"get what’s coming to them!", ain't no way you said that just cause a n1gga didn't like a redesign.

“What an amazing response to a really needless comment.”

“Needless”, because it wasn’t a response that praised the product or made you feel good about yourself.

Very disproportionate reactions to a simple “I don’t like the new design.”

I saw a HTTYD trailer comment recently claiming they think being a true fan is supporting the creator blindly like a cult member. Or just supporting to support is being a true fan, regardless of context, ie. a cult member.

I see a lot with Manga/Anime followings.

"Have faith"

"Trust in the OP"

"It gets better"

"Trust their vision"

All the shit you'd hear in a cult fanatic circle. Common theme: Think less, consume the message and question nothing.

Instead of a god, you got the product.

Otherwise, Harada didn’t “blast” shit, they replied professionally simply stating that the detractor should speak for themselves, and they’re right.

Because thinking the devs slighted the fans in some way just because YOU didn't like the outfit is pretentious.

  • Tho despite 98% of fans liking the look, the 2% was enough to get a lengthy reaction from the game's own Director specifically. 
  • So apparently 2% mattered a lot to the dude, mind you, this is all over a DLC character.
  • I repeat: this all because some nobody didn’t like the re-design of a DLC character.

What an asshole right? I guess for the sake of everyone’s mental health they should’ve just pretended to like it?

That was worth celebrating an internet whiner getting “ what’s coming to them!” — Excuse you? I’m still trying to recall what the actual crime was here.

Sure them stating the design was the devs being vindictive was a dumb take, but is that really worth ...all that?

This shit right here is why it’s not worth it to be a fan of anything, if the corporations themselves aren’t cannibalizing the IP, then the fans themselves turn on each other at the slightest infraction of wrong-think, it’s pathetic. 

We gotta stop forcing fandoms to be hiveminds, clutching pearls every time someone defies the will of the collective.

Not very inclusive or tolerant or healthy, very radical in fact; Very abusive environment.

Since someone has to say it:

No you don’t have to support everything served to you to feel like you belong to the community or to be considered a fan. Being a blind yes-man is not being a fan, that’s a sycophant, NPC shit. It’s unnecessary.

TL;DR If you like it, then let that be enough.

A Wasp-like colony defense mechanism to any form of dissent displays nothing but a lack of confidence in what we/ or you claim to like in the first place.

Otherwise the outfit has fabulous boots✅ but without a slim skirt, gown, or dress (ok, fine but it’s definitely a minus)❌ 

  • Loud af pants, despite how little of them you actually see.
  • Ugly top & leg straps with buckles, lol ok then.
  • Santa Claus red fabric & white fur jacket (cute) but with GOLD AND BLACK? Not cute๐Ÿคฎ, I didn’t even realize how bad it was until I got a high-res photo and looked at it.

Definitely looks better from a distance.

Her Chinese dress look was underwhelming but classic, simple, this is just doing way too much in the other direction. Like a shitty oc.

If they had to have the boots, give ‘er a mini-dress or something sleek & slim that compliments them and the jacket. Especially that jacket.

Should’ve combined this fur jacket with a Jessica Rabbit motif, some kind of dress; Something more classy/diva. 

Its so odd they didn’t go with a leather jacket with this specific outfit choice & instead went with white fur? WITHOUT a gown btw. Or any other significant white in the rest of the outfit to compliment it, vs clashing with it.

Very in-the box decision making.๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ‘oh well.

As long as the game plays as it should & the story is decent, it’s the same character regardless.

All I know is, people really need to stop working against themselves, especially when it’s with good intentions. Why push away other fans just because they committed the sin of not reinforcing your feelings over a given topic. Fuck them, amiright?

"Diversity" for you, "inclusion" for you- Until you go against the grain, and now you can get lost & shut up, good riddance. And over what?

Show that criticizer who's boss by .....criticizing them. #Consistency

All the Director said TL;DR was "speak for yourself", and that's fine because the commenters narrative of the devs getting back at the fans or some crap was reaching, yet in short all they communicated was they didn't like it, that's it.

Everything surrounding that simple fact was entirely unnecessary, including the Director replying to it at all. Cause again it seems that person would've done themselves a favor by just pretending to like it so everyone's happy and they're not ostracized.

What kind of space is that if you have to keep your head down & capitulate 24/7 or else you're Public Enemy #1, horrible, toxic environment and for no reason.

  • No room for dialog but Everyone's got something to say but no one wants to talk. And over what? An outfit choice for a video game character.๐Ÿ‘

It's entitlement that that fan thought the devs was sticking it to the fans somehow just because they in isolation didn't like the design choice and it's entitlement to think someone owes you vindication just because you liked it.

Or they got just desserts because they were made an example of for not liking it, like what the fuck.

This propensity for aggressive self-regulating group-think is becoming more and more concerning by the week.  It's not a new phenomenon but usually people catch themselves but I'm starting to notice a lack of that lately.

It’s not worth it, you then corrupt the purpose of a fandom in the first place. It is not worth it.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Waiting so long (TV Version)

Every episode this song was a slow beat eulogy for The Hawk's coming genocide. And it stings even more that the pictures of various members are montaged while the song is playing just to push the envelope.

by Silver Fins

Sunday, February 23, 2025

How Peter SHOULD HAVE Spoke to MJ

"DO you think im stupid?! You have one hand behind your back thinkin you're hiding that weak ass taser, WHY DO YOU HAVE A GUN!??! "

I'm on your side Bully Maguire, but I's still New York City. Why wouldn't she have a gun lmfao

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

The Sympathetic Strawman - How Marvel Accidentally Created One of the Be…

The Sympathetic Strawman - How Marvel Accidentally Created One of the Be…

7:11 Yea thats why i dont feel bad for that guy Walker offed. Never did.

(Walker was wrong but not for the reasons you think)

The terrorist just facilitated in Walkers failed execution, meaning he held Walker back in a lock so Karli could stab him in the heart. 

He wasn’t a random citizen that Walker mistook for a terrorist (which would  actually be REALLY bad) but that same guy directly had a hand in Walkers would-be death and then Lemar was killed.

  • But now this pussy has his hands up, not because he actively stopped in place & surrendered and THEN Walker attacked
  •  or the man felt bad shared condolences and Walker ignored that display of humanity & snapped his neck anyway or legit decapitated him.

No he finally got cornered after resisting & throwing a fucking block of cement didn’t work now his hands are up; AFTER an assassination attempt.  The man wasn’t innocent.

Hell he could’ve said he’d lead Walker to Karli. 

This scenario doesn’t work because this guy had a direct hand in trying execute Walker, AND these people blew up a building letting people burn to death. 

Flag Smashers get Smashed..

Hold this final move bitch.

I can hardly ever see these current MCU writers ever putting Sam in a situation like this to force him to make questionable decisions like Civil War tested Steve lying to Tony, going behind the Gov. back to find Bucky, or almost killing Stark.

I don’t see that test being held against Sam if Torres got murked, the writers testing Sam’s will.  The most Sam went through in CA4 is being told he’s not Steve, often by people we’ve never seen Steve fight lmfao. And what does their opinion matter when STEVE himself validated him personally. 

To victimize Sam when he’s clearly not a victim and in a very privileged position  .

This is why Wilson works better as a sidekick, he’s charming but he’s not interesting, not even a little. 

Walker Is flawed, has issues, has uncertainty that has less to do with Rogers and more with himself. That’s why he works better than Sam.

Walker verbally says he’s not trying to be Steve or replace him and what does he get from Sam in that same scene is  rejection, non-compliance  & in Bucky’s case: unwarranted attitude when Sam was the reason he got the damn frisbee.

And let’s stop pretending  those thugs Steve threw off of aircrafts a thousand feet in the air landed safely on pillows or something. Steve executed NPC’s too, if multiple shield blows killed that Flag Smasher super soldier, then a disk throw from Rogers definitely caved in the bones of regular humans, especially if it was a headshot .

The only difference is how the narrative/writer/director presents it. 

So that random brainwashed NPC that loki had under mind control that attacked SHIELD? Well well well he’s going enjoy going splat wherever he lands & if his landing didn’t kill someone and the movie didn’t demonize Cap for that (Avengers 2012 btw)

  • Was it right what Walker did? No, while terrorists don’t explicitly  fall under The Geneva Conventions cause they’re not agents of a Gov., they still have some coverage under basic human rights but if you’ve ever been in a fight & personally experienced tunnel vision or berserker highs in a crisis (I have)-- You know it’s not that simple. 
  • I ideally prefer he broke the bastards hands or something, or caved in his knee in and detained him for information. No, it wasn’t right how he did it, yet neither was Battlestars death right. So I get it, I’m not holding it against the man because I repeat, that dude was not some rando going home to his family.  
  •  Was it smart to do that in public eye? Hell no, that’s actually the worst part, HOW he did it. OBVIOUSLY Walker was rocked mentally due to his friend just being murdered....uhh kind of like TONYs bloodlust after finding out the truth about his parents?  RARELY EVER see anyone make that comparison. 
  • But Tony was unsuccessful to kill Barnes so he’s still a good person right? Or what about all those terrorists he slaughtered who were really just following orders of a greater evil? Oh but no one knew about that so that killing is just fine right because no one had their phones out to record that?

Ohhhh I get it now, 

Ironman doesn’t go by a level of moral responsibility of Captain America (despite killing Nazi’s but that was WW2) but post-ice Steve wouldn’t just kill someone he can easily just knock out and  clearly is no longer a threat---- 


See how stupid this shit is? It’s only a problem when Walker does it.  Realistically there’d be blood on the shield every time Steve tossed the disk at someone’s face.

It’s ok, we can stop pretending Walker was a brand new entity of corruption that never deserved the shield or now is a good person because Sam got the shield back & thus all is right with the world, which is what this was really about.

Making an example of Walker because he had something Same wanted back.  This was never about Walker himself, this was about propping up Sam and Walker ended up being more interesting anyway.

He didn’t become a Captain America because Sam learned a lesson but because he jumped a dude, Barnes dropped the frisbee next to em (Instead of taking it himself), and he did a whack ass training montage. Vs Walker’s awards & obvious rigorous process to be called Captain America, which apparently he worked for.

Dog shit tv show, never seen anything this ham outside of direct to dvd movies that were intentionally bad.  MCU should ashamed. 

What a fall from quality.

So do I feel bad for that terrorist nigga Walker put down?  Is it april fools already cause that has to be a joke.

“It wasn’t me!“, so the fuck what. You didn’t kill Lemar directly, but just assisted in an attempt in shanking my heart, quite the innocent little angel that ain’t do nuthin.

And it’s even worse when after all the crazy crap Karli does, her minions do nothing to keep her in check, not even as friends. The show keeps showing them obviously being put off but they never do anything. 

So they are facilitators to what she does,  soooo? Fuck em, simple formula. 

Why are they entitled to afforded humanity they don’t spare for others, and they’re the one’s with overwhelming advantage. 

But Wilson shows them specifically Karli aka terrorists more lenience & acceptance than Walker. But Sam is supposed to be an example as Cap.

Soul for a soul muthafucka, Lemar got offed by being the only one doing the right thing. 

She ran,  she saw the scene & he was still alone despite her being there, her teammate was on his own and she did not even intervene, she coulda saved em with a tackle & got him out of there, but she sat there and watched. 

Bitch made. Which says a lot about her as a leader.

Horrible writing. Walker ain’t no angel, he was only wrong for how he did it. 

Despite that forced as hell “Do you know who I am!” part the writers put in there as vindication of Bucky & Sam giving him shit, which is as the video stated: “strawman” which means basically:

  • Strawman: Misrepresentation of something so it’s easier to attack or hate, when the actual point of said thing doesn’t match up with how it’s being misrepresented. So John Walker basically.
  • Because how they portrayed him with his wife, Lemar, Lemar’s family, saving Lemar with one of the cleanest moves ever done with that shield even by Rogers standards.  And it was to save someone even tho it reduced his own defenses.

That’s Captain America. 

No serum, no convenient Wakandan All-purpose tech handouts, pure skill, split second decision, successful clutch, while hanging off a truck with one hand.

Put respect on his name.

Everything that he is actually-- doesn’t mesh organically with that sudden outburst. In fact, I’d say that was a very awkward, extremely early case of character assassination. Because how he behaves before & after that moment is not even comparable nor consistent, cause if he blew up on his wife? fine, scumbag, but that genuinely isn’t who he is.

That little moment of emotional compromise reads like justification for something else, again, a narrative having nothing to do with Walker himself. vs  him being a means to make Sam look more deserving of the mantle. A sacrificial strawman.

So what was the point of that? To justify Sam & Bucky pissing on him when they had zero information of this man to begin with.

So what are they basing their bias & resentment on? Nothing. Absolutely nothing, but him yelling in that guys face is something they don’t see but the point of that really was for us the audience to go: (Ahhh see? see! They were right not to trust him.)

  •  BASED ON WHAT? Seeing him on tv? Really? And when they met him in person he was nothing but chill. 
  •  And when he did warn them to stay out his way that was after he bailed them out again, this time out of custody and instead of thanks, he gets disrespected yet again, based on what? Nothing.
  • Who the hell is expected to just take that & you did nothing to these guys-- You think Stark or Quill would’ve taken that shit??? HELL NO.

Walker is better than me, I would’ve told them to go fuck themselves.

  • That, dear NPC, is a strawman. At worst, brutal gaslighting
  • His attitude & conduct wasn’t even their problem, he had the frisbee, that meant he was the enemy. Plain and the simple.   That was the problem.

He was not  the obstacle the show wanted audiences to think he was and people took the bait because it’s easier to just believe spoonfed surface level signals  the show downloads into you.

It worked on my ass at first, I’ll admit it, I said “Fuck Walker” by EP5 when I first watched the show. But after I finished the show, months passed and  something just didn’t smell right when I looked at him from a distance. 

  • There was more development going on with Walker than Sam but SAM is the favorite to be Captain America?
  • In fact Walker went through more changes than Sam in even Brave New World but SAM WILSON should be Cap? Why? He’s boring as shit.

“Fuck Walker“ ??? ...Huh? What exactly did he do ? When SAM was the one that gave up the shield after Rogers passed it to him.  Disrespectful ass. 

Walker nor Bucky would have ever done that.


So that moment of epiphany is when I woke up & realized the truth. Sam & Bucky were barking up the wrong tree on purpose, Sam was the reason Walker got the shield but Walker is the problem. Why? Cause the show said so, nah, not buying it. 

So much could’ve been accomplished and avoided if Sam & Bucky just worked with the guy. & Lemar off jump.  But the show won’t hold them accountable for that on their part, It’s whack and dishonest.

Walker was a means, nothing more and nothing less.