Sunday, October 6, 2024

Psycho Pass (Recommended- GHOST IN THE SHELL for Normies, well executed Cyberpunk for a new gen)


This holds up, a less political heavy, more normie friendly version of Ghost in the shell for a modern generation, but in a good way.

The social commentary is eerie relevant as well. The themes of individuality, society as a collective along the lines of 1984's Oceania vs the self and more so, specifically: apathy.

Season 1 is strongest because Akane's arc was in it's inception, she was the perfect entry point into the world. The innocent newbie that gradually gets hardened by the jobs harsh reality.

  • Much like the Anderson character in the DREDD movie, also recommended.

Kogami is one of the best parts about the show, that ragged, desensitized rule of cool character who's street smart, tough but smart.

Season 2 was decent, not as good, but it was interesting seeing Akane in the role of Kogami, as the seasoned Inspector.

Movie is a good sequel, though you technically don't NEED to binge S2 to watch it and follow.

Season 1 is the staple that really matters that begins the rest of the journey, if you have the time, go for it.

But S1 and the movie is all you need to try it.

Season 1 is well paced, it doesn't waste time jumping into the action. Because Akane is thrown in the situation things are explained to her in a way that feels natural, oddly well executed even for an anime by today's standards. But then again this leans into the seinen territory so naturally it will be better handled for the most part.

Not ALL the characters land, but it's a wide array of personalities that won't get on your nerves, no school shit, grownfolk business.

A lot of the philo-babble is mainly just fluff service, mainly to just pose the question: "What is society?", and the limitations of a new system that boils down the complexity of the human mind to number metrics

Not really for the show to answer it with a clear resolution but merely just intellectual dialog so the characters sound smart, or show sounds deep and it's fine.

SUB & DUB are good, this is one of those anime where It's good enough to where I mainly go Dub.

And most importantly, the villain is pretty interesting, and with an argument as to why he does what he does. Which serves as good storytelling device and propaganda. (And yes, Japan is a device for some heavy propaganda: ex. Godzilla)

But that doesn't mean it isn't good entertainment, that is when it isn't PDF baity bullshit.

It ain't perfect there's anime-isms here and there that get on my nerves which is why I don't re-watch it as much. (The Seasons, but the movie doesn't have that problem)

A decade later, the show (S1-Movie) still holds up.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

LTG gets leaked and goes on a 40 minute rant!

the troll really admitted he swiped someone's sauce from email, over a bet.

13:58 the hypocrisy is real

Not paying up is one thing, thats sus enough but you completely override what ltg did with this crap.

Pure unhinged behavior, and these ppl that hack & steal bank acc info will never show their face.

Absolute waste of resources

Thursday, September 26, 2024

LowTierGod Claims He Slept With 5+ Women In A Day Before Fame (SEVERE DE...

it's not a bragging right, no relationship was built, no child, you accomplished nothing from clapping.
What is there to brag about when anyone can just lie & say they did it? lmfao

This is why this type of perception of masculinity is dangerous, cause If by some stroke of tragedy you were to lose your Johnson in some kind of car accident, crazy ex or something, then what? Your ego would never recover because your idea of being a man is so limited to one organ.

When your faux reality of manhood relies on penetrating vs actually being a man in merit & handling business, taking of your own, your kids, your lady. what happens when you don't even have a Richard or if you're gay, or asexual? I.e women don't fit in the picture. Then what?

We gotta evolve man. Manhood is so much more than just dipping it in someone just to say you did it like you're first one in history to do it. Little boy shit.

Cause then you trivialize the act, then it doesn't mean anything, why even do that to yourself.

You don't even need to do that to desensitize yourself to be jaded of sex, all you have to do is realize attraction to women by itself is not even something you want, it's an involuntary impulse, thus the feelings you feel for a crush, mean absolutely nothing because it's not you nor unique to who you are, it's a programming you can't turn off---

which is precisely why people cheat, because the program doesn't stop just because you got married.

That's how meaningless it is, it even drives people to betray their partners because the impulse has no romanticism.
The meaning of those feelings comes from how far you decide to invest in the person, otherwise you're just playing simulation based off of feelings you didn't even choose.

THAT's how you get desensitized, not wasting lifeclock sleeping with a thousand people, simply using your brain and realizing it's all just a fleeting impulse meant to get you to dance like a monkey at the slightest butterfly in your stomach.

A tool.
and if if 99% of your 20s was spent sleeping with 70% of your country, uhhhhh how on what planet: Do you think you're going to handle a stable 1 on 1 relationship? That's not how behavioral conditioning works.

You trained yourself to hop to from bed to the next and now all of a sudden you think you're ready for standing still when all you know is monkey branching, but my oh my I don't get why people cheat to sleep with other people when they've conditioned themselves to sleep with a bunch of different people.

Cause & Effect baby. Discipline.

And again, the meaning, depends entirely on how far you decide to give a shit about whoever it is you think you want in your life. Because if it doesn't last, you're proving the goddamn point. And if you just pursued because of visual impulse, the relationship began faulty and it ending was inevitable because how it began was hollow.

The meaning of the feelings is what you build out of it, justifying why beyond just what your chemicals signaled to you.

Couples becoming "different people" is what happens when the chemicals fizzle out & people's brains start working again. You need to justify it, so when your chemicals come down, and they will, your duo has something to stand on or just sink like most do.

And the majority of most important experiences for couples don't happen on dates, that's the crazy part.

Superman Classic (This animation is sitting at 600k after 13 years, unacceptable)

Fleischer is truly sobbing tears of joy in his grave. You captured his cartoons authentic visuals+anime+ that little reprieve in between with Supes giving the child his toy robot; Just platinum Superman moment, Superman in his natural habitat.

This screams Mechanical Episode from the 40s cartoon, and you sealed the deal with it being an army instead if one robot. Excellent callback.

Not to make it about me, but around 13 years is about as long as I been on the Tube and JUST now have I seen this & it's only at 669k as of the 26th of September 2024. Why.

Youtube is truly a sham & shell of it's intended purpose, where the most disgusting crap gets 1Mil in days, weeks but this borderline classic production that all Superman/animation fans should know exist had to fight 13 years just for 600k.

The neglect is astronomical. You deserve every view you get m8.

YouTube betrayed it's purpose, but lucky for the audience, the authentic creators did not.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

LowTierGod Goes on HEATED Delusional Rant after witnessing "Rog" Activity

nah man, you lost me completely.  Michael Jai White said the same thing but I disagree with yall both. 2:58

 baby boys were not put on this earth to be abused by women & girls, and vice versa for the baby girls

But there's this idea that women are to be untouched like their box cures cancer or something. Complete expendability of males like they're second class citizens, ya'll being trained to dehumanize yourselves and think that's manhood. 

Psychotic era you live in. It's not on you to compose yourself after an assault, it's on the people throwing the first swipe in the first place to not start the situation to begin with, male or female. You just signal to women that they can do whatever they want to men and men will just take it to look like a tough guy when being a punching bag is actually THE most weak image you could possibly make.

 If you show mercy once, okay but if you have this rule to just let any woman just go upside your skull because she's a woman, you're a trained drone that was taught to be a doormat. 

Your society hates and convinced you to accept abuse from what they believe is the better half of the species, and you believed the lie. I don't care if you shrug it off. Don't be a speed bag.

 And don't be condescending to women making them think acting like a child is acceptable. You're part of the problem enabling girl mentality in grown women and then wonder why women don't act like women/adults. You're part of the problem not holding em accountable. 

 Composure is not a male thing and empathy is not a woman thing.

And the fact that these psychotic youtube comment bots deleted that statement just tells me enough that it’s true. Hold women accountable, then Youtube starts to panic.

Everytime i use the word “woman” in the context of accountability my comments go bye bye,  fascists. Then we wonder why women are the weaklink when that is not even their intended design, always starting fights, bring the least to the table, we wonder where karens come from? 

Can’t fix none of the smaller social issues if SOCIAL MEDIA is trying to snuff the conversation. Pure fascism.

There's ZERO masculinity in shielding women from consequences of their own actions, you're babysitting, you're smothering grown adults. If women don't learn there's consequence to being toxic, they will get worse and worse. Men & women are the same in this because that's how a CHILD learns.

There's ZERO macho in being abused because you think treating women like children is being a man.
In a situation like this, it's not about you, it's about her and what signal she picks up from the aftermath of what she did.

Women are not babies, try them like adults and they will start acting like it.

When you don't, this is what you get. Women are not even the problem at this point, men enabling women acting like liabilities is women "being women", NOOOOO bruh.

That's preventing women from becoming better people, if she gets slapped back, she's less likely to hit someone else. If she gets defended when she's the issue in the situation, she's going to try it again on someone else.

It's called Risk vs Reward, when there's ZERO risk to being a menace why be a decent human being?

Males like LTG with this attitude are soooooo so so counterproductive, condescendence to women is masculinity, being a punching bag makes you a man.

Good God almighty.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Low Tier God Agrees with the KKK (Capitroll reupload)

calling him coon ain't helping nothing, ya mook.
Fact is he's partly right, blacks beg to be victims only because they're enabled to remain as such while destroying their own community and deflect onto white people because when you deflect you don't have to fix anything in yourselves or your community or whatever's left of it.

It's why the media encourages blacks to continue pointing fingers, for the same reason why they get women hooked on this "empowerment" bullshit, it's just a means to keep masses of people dependent on the system's approval.

If you keep people dependent on external forces to either deflect, be validated or remain radicalized against a group--- You signal to these groups that they're not the problem.

And when that happens the group that's high off the propaganda will never evolve or improve or learn to stand on their own two feet. The system keeps both groups dependent by telling them they're victims.

it's all a trap

Poor all for one pondering hero plot armor (2024)


All For One pondering the plot armor in MHA


Sunday, September 22, 2024

"talk about what you love, keep quiet about what you don't" / that's not how life works, sport


From the homophobia's, phobia this, phobia that to cancel culture, "hating", or straight bans.

yall keep playing with this martial law simulation. Controlling what people do, or you try your best to. Ya'll pick up these signals from your culture that protest is the way, but you adopt traits of fascism on your level as the masses anyway, and nobody caught that irony? gotta stop being so soft, if you disagree with someone make a damn case, especially if you chose to put your opinion on the market to be replied to. #starwars #echochamber #censorship #fascism #accountability #fandom (aka cults)

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Chainsawtards #30: Yoru's Cake (another female character, another existence boils down to [piece of meat] status aaah Shonen, never change. And you won't.)

"Reminder the writer unironically got bullied by women."

"And wants more of it, and wants to put women on a higher pedestal than men. (His own words btw)."

"unbelievably based lol"

I agree, cause that makes sense though doesn't it? He wants to continue whats deraillng his country & America as we speak.  Because more decline & weak males is precisely what future generations need

Fujimoto is a smart person, he wants more of what clearly is NOT working in society, based.

based crashing job market, based declining japanese birthrates, declining japanese economy is based.

more more more of whats NOT working, I agree with Fujimoto. Now that's a man that uses his brain meats.