Thursday, February 29, 2024

The Government betrays the Veterans (for Illegal Immigrant parasites)

The Government spits in the face of its bravest and strongest.

We’re either involved in other people’s wars, or giving shit to people who don’t deserve shit, taking out the mouths of Americans to put in the pockets of illegal immigrants.

WHO SKIPPED in front of immigrants who are in line to do things the right way.

How is illegal immigration fair to immigrants that are doing it the right way or DID it the right way? We’re telling them basically: “Fuck you, you wasted your time.”

'Moral Incongruity': Hawley Blasts Biden Over Foreign Support Instead Of...

Potential impending Civil War

 I always thought that Civil War that elites wanted was about blacks vs whites, I'm starting to realize what it might've been the entire time was Americans vs Illegal Aliens.

Powers that be are setting us up for something, collapse is coming.

Entire American High School Taken Over by "Migrants" - Students All KICK...

South Shore residents outraged over proposal to house migrants at old hi...

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

NYC is Building Anti-Homeless Streets…

here illegal immigrant, here's some free housing, free planet tickets, free prepaid credit card Oh ? those are just American homeless, step over them, and get on the plane to wherever you want to go. <3 Welcome to America.

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

WingsOfRedemption VS. Wings007 FULL DEBATE

Wings is a POS, shitty husband, shitty friend. But I don't know the guy, period. That's just what he projects, and that's what I see.

The problem with this, is there's ZERO nuance to the conversation when it comes to these trolls.

That's what's stopping them from being a concrete movement, the fact that they exacerbate what actually happened, and cannot concede on anything & always has an excuse.

Ironically? The exact same problem wings has.

They just need wings to be the bad guy 100% and that's the only narrative they accept

why? because they've been spoiled by the lack of challenge, the discord shit, the comment sections, they're spoiled and so used to being told they're right--

The mere consideration that they got something wrong or out of proportion about this guy (as creepy & incompetent as he is) is a cosmic impossibility to them Because on their channels where no one challenges them or questions them, they're god and so is their propaganda.

Lions den? They got their buddies piggy backing everything they say. So when some of em go on a podcast where their homeboys aren't there to hold their hand, they have no power over the narrative. They melt, get pissy and panic, because that's what it boils down to, the narrative and control over the narrative.

There's no way you can invest that much time to one person and not be invested to the point of fanaticism and overreaching bias.

The moment their narrative challenged: panic. Yelling. Bringing up the same talking points, no new facts or evidence. Just broken records.
It's impossible to be reasonable, when the entire appeal of your content is a dramatized biased view.

There's no way you can hold down an argument, without the slightest bit of nuance. Even if you don't mean it, at least telegraph the POSSIBILITY that you might not have it all together in the facts.

That's where the trolls fail.

When all you're used to is an echo-chamber, you're not ready for a conversation.
Might as well should just stay on your troll channels where 99% says you're right 24/7

All Wings007 had to do was agree to disagree or concede that wings is a pos but not to the extent that he believed all this time.

That's all he had to do to avoid an L & a borderline meltdown, just concede both truths.

It Begins… Texas Border Battle🚨Texas Vs Biden Admin: Tesla's Elon Musk S...

You just hear the genuinely intentions through these people speaking, they're not bullshitting us, they're putting American last for the sake of sentiment and platitudes. These are true Americans. Can't help anyone outside our walls, if we can't even get our shit together. Same with plane safety regulation in case of crisis, you have to get YOUR oxygen mask on first, why? Because you can't help anyone in front, behind or next to you if your shit isn't together. This isn't about locking innocent people out, this is about protecting our own FIRST so then and only then, can we help the people that deserve to be here, period.

JUST NOW: NYC Migrant School Teen Shooter Captured & Jailed🚨 2nd Degree ...

We exile our American homeless, we shelter illegal aliens.

Sunday, February 25, 2024

The Government is Coming for Your Kids (WolvesAndFinance) | America's Destabilization in motion

This isn’t about Democrats vs Republicans, let’s get that out of the way. The political binary system is just another means to tap into people’s tribalism bias and turn them against each other.

There's already economic reasons, social reasons, pragmatic reasons not to have kids in this era.
THIS? Is just further proving why it's no longer viable to you, ESPECIALLY the would be child.

Don't let your ego bring an innocent life into an insane world that's only going to get worse, their misery inheriting a psychotic new world order is not worth you just wanting a child.

Look at the world around you first, THINK about what's best for the baby, vs what you want and how you want the baby's birth to make you feel. In comparison to the best interest of the baby, your desires are less than meaningless.

Your ego, is not worth the shit they're going to have to put up with in their generations going forward. It's not worth it.

Your ego. For them? Is not worth it.

The world is going in a direction, they uprooted the traditional family, they've convoluted sex relations, trying their best to oppress/attack & redefine masculinity, now they want your children.

They couldn't do this when gay marriage was illegal, when the traditional family was strong, and traditional roles are somewhat understood.

NOW they can move in after they've sabotaged the standards, tolerance is law because people want to fit in & be validated at the expense of sanity and reason.

Assault on Children is a symptom of the endgame, because the chess board has the pieces in place, this is all according to plan. And while gay people getting married isn't a bad thing, it's a right, that event was still instrumental to ANY of this happening.

And given another 15-20 years or less, more compromises will come to pass.
People losing their kids will be normal.

The Elites need the family unit destroyed, turn women against men, turn men against women, sow discord between the two, to get to the children #1

2# corrupt the children, turn them against the parents, you conquer the people. 
(Why? Children are the future, corrupt the little ones, control the future)

3# Blur people's perception of right & wrong, REDEFINE what "normal" is, and you can manipulate The Matrix of what they see as reality. Get them to hand over their liberty in exchange for an illusion of safety.

This is a destabilization assault in real time, America is about to join the ruins of Rome.

Ya'll better wake up.

Saturday, February 24, 2024

“PREY” is not woke. Naru is just trash.

Well shot, good production, CGI on some of the animals is shit.

  • Sarii is best character
  • Taabe is best human character.
  • Naru’s mum did nothing wrong
  • Bear-Kun did nothing wrong
  • The Feral Yautja is a god, great effects on him. Visual and sound.

Naru is just a pretentious little shit, annoying character.

Will go in-depth another time.

For now, you want a better version of what they attempted to do for Naru, watch:

Alpha 2018

And bonus underrated gems:

Moribito: Guardian of the Spirit

If Balsa took on the Feral Predator, I’d believe 100% she could likely take it on. Her combat speed, & Spear wielding is unrivaled.
And when she’s serious, she’s even faster.
She’s the type of fighter with a “No kill” rule, so imagine her letting loose 100% on something that can easily keep up with her.
Oh my lord.

How can she do it but Naru can’t? Same reason why Dutch & Harrigan’s attempts are legit, actual combat EXPERIENCE.

Seasoned Fighters.

The Northman

Could Amleth beat the Feral? Same with Balsa, they could “take it on”, but beating an un-nerfed Feral?

The same one that murked those Frenchman? Same one that mauled a full grown Bear with one punch?

I don’t know, but I know their fights would be legit, unlike Naru.

The dude Amleth is feral, a duel wielder, fast hands with sword/blunt force weapons, and (Most importantly) can fight while mortally injured & is a legitimate Berserker.

The one’s out of legend.

Amleth and Feral roaring at each other before charging with Viking drums just pounding in surround sound. Triggering that caveman sector of your brain, watching an epic showdown of Alphas of two worlds just ripping each other apart.

I would pay to see Feral fight either of the two.

Friday, February 23, 2024

New York handing out credit cards to migrants and "America should become Socialist", or ? Socialists can just leave and go to a Socialist country (rant)

 Migrants my ass, if they here illegally, fuck em.

If you did the process legally, welcome home.

More so,

If Capitalism is so goddamn bad, WHY is EVERYONE coming here then? This is how you know Communism & Socialism are full of goddamn shit, or at least? The people trying to turn countries into that. Those that talk the loudest about why Socialism works, are usually saying that in a Capitalist paradigm where their benefit is due to Capitalism, not the crap they’re preaching.

Mfs want you to believe being an American Nationalist is a bad thing, Socialism should take over America….. or how about INSTEAD of the Socialists in America complaining, why not simply get the fuck out and go to a socialist country.

But here is where they stay anyway, why? People are full of shit.

Let them do their thing, let us do ours, these people trying assimilate America need to stop trying to morph us into something we're not. 

Just like you wouldn't go to China and tell them to become Capitalist: Reason number one, cause you know you wouldn't get away with that shit. Which tells you enough by itself.

Their Government will shut yo ass down, they can control the internet, thus they control the language, they control who sees the content, sounds a lot like Youtube. Coincidence? Oh yeahh, definitely.

Sounds ideal doesn't it.

The Chinese are under lock & key, but you want to tell me what America would be better off as? While speaking freely online in a Capitalist country? Fuck. Off. 

Live in America, then go to China with the same energy, give it 10 years, send a postcard and tell us how great it is.

If yer gonna complain about America, then face the issues concerning specific policy, not just an economic methodology because bitching and moaning about America gets you likes or makes you sound like you’re ahead of the curve, when you’re just theorizing at best.

Point being, on policy — 

Why are we handing out resources to migrants that we’re not giving to black people in Section 8 who need better environments for their American born babies or homeless that are shitting under Bridges, living in boxes, freezing to death.

Then NewYork has this policy going on where the inner city is being designed to be as anti-homeless as possible, to where benches are welded & have spikes on them to make homeless people feel pain if they sleep on them, even the sidewalk is off limits.

SO you don’t just give them opportunities to not be homeless or any of those empty ass buildings the city is NOT using, buuuut yer handing out free plane tickets & money to fucking migrants, who likely didn’t come here through due process????

What the fuck makes them so special?

How are AMERICANS already here being treated no better than animals, living off low wages/tips but invaders get handouts. What the actual fuck.

That sounds like Capitalism failing, but in reality, politicians on THEIR level simply need to take care of their own first. That’s it. It’s really that fucking simple.

  • (Cause word to the wise, every nation has it's own problems regardless of what system they're using. If you know of a country with ZERO problems? Point us in that direction. 
  • Or better yet, WHY aren't YOU living there already?)

We need that conversation being had more than college bums theorizing socialism is the answer when migrants are RUNNING FROM socialist /communist governed regions.

Getting a Passport, getting on a Delta flight and getting the fuck out of America is frankly, not that difficult.

Streamers for example, who champion socialism, WITH MONEY might I add, still won’t leave and remain here.

Funny how that works.

If capitalism was really that shitty, the people that propose America should become communist/socialist, wouldn’t stay in America and they would fucking leave to a nation that already upholds their idea of ideal economy.

I repeat, they won’t leave. Because they’re all full of shit.

The world ain’t small, but thanks to the Airline system. It’s not as big as it used to be. The people wanting socialism have zero fucking excuse.

And on top of that, I repeat, WHY IS EVERYONE clamoring here & other Capitalist regions like the U.K, if Capitalism is so goddamn bad.

So sick of the gaslighting from mfs who hate America like a funky Ex-Girlfriend, won’t pledge, post pictures of themselves flipping off the land they stand on, “Capitalism, Reeeeee!”, have definite opinions, ready to debate pointlessly, and yet their ass is glued to American soil anyway.

Thursday, February 22, 2024

YouTube Needs To Remove Family Channels...

At the end of the day, people only have children to serve their own selfish egos.

Using them for profit, or a means to glue your marriage, impress your friends, or to please your parents, or to make your damn self feel good, to feel like you have purpose, or feel like you accomplished something when you have no ACTUAL concrete accomplishments built with your own hands in life---

Either way, the child is being used for someone's selfish agenda.
The baby is the vehicle, the casualty, the tool, the means.

Just something people do because they can, that's it.

It boils down to ego, and self-centered gratification.

So Family Channels are an unnatural, dramatic devolution of that selfishness, but the selfishness to have a child for no one's sake but your own, not even the child's sake comes before what YOU want.

Family channels come from the same vein of hubris that it takes to bring a child into a life where you know you don't have anything tangible to pass down to them beyond good intentions, no real skills to teach, no legacy to inherit or some investment fund for them you started 5 years before their birth.


Nope, they just show up, they're cute, you got to say you have a child now & the social validation that comes with that. Likes and all, you love them sure, but that came AFTER the decision to have them, and the decision making process had nothing to what was best for the would-be child, but instead, the parents involved and their agenda.

And that's it. Ego, it boils down to ego.

No matter what, children are just forcefully spawned in for someone else's vindication, whether it be poverty, an abusive home, people that should not be parents, born in a goddamn WARZONE, born during a recession, born in an era where people know the economy is gonna tank and have kids anyway because (IQ averages are apparently dropping per generation) etc.

It's such a shitty culture. And kids caught in the middle while their parents just wing it, a lot of people treat babies with that western materialism mentality. A lot of people want to HAVE a baby, but not many talk about "raising" a child but a lot people want want want a child. Mooks.

Thursday, February 1, 2024

The Flash is going to be the biggest troll in Suicide Squad: Kill the Ju...

And then he vibrated their molecules & forcefully crammed their bodies into each other forming a lovecraftian chimera horror, they moaned & bled into each other's organs as their bones & flesh meshed together like stitches.

And game ended right fucking there.

such a stupid plot.

The Teen TITANS have a better chance than these fools, obviously.

The Squad vs a no morals Justice League AND the game doesn't end in 2 seconds?

Superman & Flash alone, it's over. You don't even need the rest.