Thursday, May 16, 2024


Destabilization in motion. It's working baby.

When a country is hung up on common sense discussions because of social corruption, because a Nation forgot how to say "no", lost their backbone; They won't be able to fix any of the real or bigger issues if they're too busy distracted on the little things that weren't even a question 20 years-30 years ago

And so, if said nation is not fixing the big issues themselves because the weak-links of society are contributing to the decline, the confusion, the controversy, constant censorship, constant regulation of language (what to say, who to say it to how to say it ie. Fascism). constant hostility, constant arguing.

As a result the infrastructure is compromised, the people are weakened, the strength of the nation is castrated, thus not a threat to opposing nations that would love to see the Empire fall.

And it all starts with redefining the family/ men/ women; The foundation. And eventually the children, the future, corrupt them? And you won, you compromised the enemy.

You complicate something simple like what a man & a woman is? You won, you made the enemy question the unquestionable. You somehow made those idiots complicate a fact of reality, and now their society is an insane asylum with people walking around claiming they’re whatever they want be at any given moment, predators infiltrating bathrooms, girls & women preyed upon---

If your goal was destabilization, guess what? You Won, buddy.

  • You make truth a hate-crime? Making fascism and silencing people a natural course of action to disagreement? You won.
  • When Democracy becomes a privilege instead of the default mechanism of a civilization: You already lost.
  • When tolerance turns into infantilization, you won.

Because then, naturally the country isn't on a united front, not that everyone in any country will always agree like a hivemind:

 but there's a difference between discourse and DIVIDE.

So The Country, divided & being conquered on a social level is on a countdown, borrowed time and all you have to do is sit back & watch the symptoms: birthrates fall, the compromised borders, the suicide rates, corrupt Gov., incompetent leadership taking bribes from foreign powers, the economy decline, the social derailment, hedonism, people afraid to speak or say anything, police afraid to protect a woman from a mob because the mob is LGBT, women/people being punched in the streets by illegal aliens whom their leader invited in the first place, production is nonexistent- absolute derailment.

"decline, decline, decline", said Rome.

It starts with redefining language, censoring. confusing the simple things. To corrupt the bigger picture.

In a melting pot, the minorities (in all forms) ideally are the strength, they should be an example of why we’re strong. But when they are becoming a symptom, when they're a handicap, you did something wrong.

And all they have to do as a collective is stop budging, stop saying sorry & just fix the problems accordingly, and just learn how to say "No" even if you’re hated for it. That’s the charge of being a Leader. Especially when the rights of parents aren’t even part of a discussion pertaining to their own goddamn children.


Decline starts not with progress, but compromising what made you strong in the first place.

And if said country forgot what that was? Well, then you deserve whatever happens next.

Destabilization in motion. All according to plan.

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