Thursday, May 23, 2024

when writers project their cringe fetishes in the script (the kinkshame chronicles) /w video


#memes #cringe #parenthoodfail #lessermook plain and simple TL:DR: A mfs deep rooted issues aka / manifested psychological red flags aka (fetishes), ain't gotta be the worlds business, that's straight Too.Much.INFO. Period. Non-debatable. The End. ---------- WARNING T.M.I Tangent below: This is YEARS, years & years of culmination of annoyance of cringery. Let's get that out the way, this isn't Mook snapping cause of one out of pocket scene in some show nobody talks or gives a fuck about. (this time) -------------------------- There's a reason why your personal shit and your profession are separate, unless it's a translated artistic vision. Example: *(EARTHBOUND's Giygas form is a thematic expression of the Game art Director's (Shigesato Itoi) childhood trauma of seeing a rape scene in a movie theatre by accident, that trauma/those issues is what bled into Giygas being one of the most effectively creepy final bosses in video game history. Boom.)* That's artistic vision, that's personal/ "projection" done "right" in a sense, if you point out a good example. As dark, and unfortunate as it is that he went through that. vs (Writing that Little man, a kid, serenade wanting to see an Amazon, that shit's weird.) ---------------------------- Example #2: Stan Lee, Brad Bird etc. a lot of what made their creations strike a chord in audiences (whether people know it or not) is BECAUSE instead of projecting a diaper fetish or Giantwamen- aka toxic feminist gynocracy propaganda/#misandrist male self-hatred aka the "Bro needs a hug" Fetish. Instead of that parenthoodfail crap, Bird & Lee inserted an aspect of their personal experience, not their skeletons (which is not our business), but **grounded, down to earth** portions of their life experience (within reason), in the creation process and actually made something good that's going to hold up long after we're all dead. (The Incredibles, The Original Spider-Man character) ------------------------- There's a BIG difference between that and: The Hoozuki no Shima story didn't need a 11 yr old kid's ass put on display constantly (sexualized, naked, sexually exploited/exposed numerous times, pedobait both in and out of context) in order to tell a straight forward thriller story. And like the video said, it is NOT a doujinshi. An X-Men spin-off comic where one of the characters were accused of liking "pee", the liquid crap that goes in a toilet bowl, lmfao. I shit you not (X-Terminators #4) The average Hero Wars advertisement (they're just asking for a video, I swear they're asking for it...) **Average anime/manga where underage characters are sexualized religiously Or that PowerPuffGirls 2016 show, random character (Jared Shapiro), writers decided to base the look off a coworker. Blossom (kindergarten age btw) simped over his muscled up character, shirtless. According to the network, he (modelee) in question, only "voiced" didn't write that episode. As if that changes the fact that an ADULT wrote a sequence where Kindergartner was simping for a shirtless character modeled after a coworker and the guy whose likeness was used, not only didn't question how odd that is, but voiced it anyway. K. -------------------- Despite the contrary, none of this is really a big deal frfr UNTIL you realize the pattern, the fact that none of that fetish/cringe-coded shit enhances the story or characters in any way long-term. Literally, all examples. Soooo all that shit just seals the deal that it's just a bizarre method of forced self-vindication of some random that happened to write an episode. Just weird af projection coming from grown mfs who shoulda been grew outta 95% of what they're obsessed on yeeears ago. Side note: The giant/giant woman CONCEPT by itself isn't cringe (ex. Antman, Superheroes), or at least it didn't used to be cringe, it's just been twisted, mangled & corrupted to hell since 2000 onward thanks to internet bottom feeders. This is why Susan Murphy✅ works so well (underrated character), she isn't treated like a mouthpiece for some cultural failure's self-esteem/psychological/ mommy issues with women, she's a character first and foremost that learns to take control of her life, it isn't toxic or weird, it's simple. She's a blatant love letter to *Nancy Archer's* tragic character (the good ending for Nancy in a way lol), ANOTHER underrated character, love that shit. Now, I (depending on the context) 100% get wanting to immerse with what you're working on (ex. Original characters), but art in general (especially intellectual property) isn't about you, the writer. There's a big difference between Inspiration & self-INSERTION. Artistic translation vs Projection Sometimes what determines a writers quality, is what they choose NOT to put in the story, for the sake of the story vs someone making story decisions for their own kicks (ex. She-Hulk show) *Art vs Ego, where's the line: Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.*

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