Tuesday, May 28, 2024

FLOP ERA- YouTubers Sacrifice FURIOSA As Collateral Damage In Their Endl...

Correct, it's not a war because the masses couldn't fight the takeover if they tried (and the takeover exists, it's just beyond something as petty as movies)

Point being, the powers that be that control the narrative that drive the disconnect between the sexes technically already won because the damage has been done since the 70s (hence the birthrates) and the changes that actually matter happen in policy and political office, The Houses. (immigrant crisis in America for example)

Pop culture is simply a minor vehicle to keep people distracted from that fact or? Show the people what's going to happen eventually whether or not they catch the warning and or?

Sometimes? A movie is just a movie. And so these grown men that constantly perpetuate this division and resisting anything female led are ultimately just playing into the plan, exacerbating the disconnect. Creating loyal hatemongers, cult members that instinctively cringe at a woman leading too much of anything when they'd simp for it if was an anime instead (The industry of objectification), and there's a good couple of good anime that are indeed similar to Furiosa (Now and Then, Here and There or Desert Punk or Berserk/* for example)

Just Playing into the agenda that they claim to be aware of, and yet are part of the problem. What's really going on is that these guys fed their audience a narrative of a film that probably wasn't that good (Captain Marvel), kept doing it because it got views and now conditioned them & themselves to digest only that. And so that's where their bread comes from, it's no different from the Progressive, they are simply feeding the followers a consensus

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