Saturday, May 11, 2024

Transgender Viking Warriors? DELUSIONAL

Propaganda is control. Redefine everything to destabilize society, re-write history with modern lenses to warp reality.
It's like a virus, corrupt the present, then the past; Sabotage the future. Constantly spreading, moving the goal post.

Instead of writing articles on how the Gov. has the funds to eradicate homelessness in America overnight, Instead propagate that the Vikings had  Transgender members, because that's useful information in a country with already dropping birthrates and an upcoming economic crisis.

Intentional sabotage, Information warfare on display, the west is under constant attack from within it's own borders, derailing at the speed of light. And it begins with redefining what "normal" is.

Compromise what normal is, then redefine family, compromise that, then start controlling language ignorantly labelling opinions you don't like as hate speech or "phobia"  (control what people can say or not say), let illegal aliens in your borders on purpose;  Keep going & going & going until you're in 1984.

Dropping birthrates, youth don’t want to work, women getting punched in broad daylight, American Tax dollars funding Illegal aliens to stay in hotels while homeless vets can’t get a break and they served the country that tossed em like garbage..

The West is derailing and has been for quite some time.

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