"There is a criminal lack of good Fallout macro content. There's a lot of potential for fun scenarios utilizing the games' humor and themes of nuclear mutation. I recall a really old piece had an irradiated gal who was as tall as Tenpenny Tower. Can't remember the artist though."
"There is a criminal lack of good Fallout macro content."
GOOD. The less macrocreeps get pandered to, one less opportunity for them to ruin/taint another IP with the creepazoid antics, as if not getting pandering has EVER stopped a fetishist from being an insufferable cringelord anyway.
Like that annoying younger sibling that just refuses to read the room and just dial it down.
The lack is actually a good thing.
The issue is It's only fun than contrived for someone who's already obsessed with gigantism to an unreasonable extent, so the idea of it being in the game is just a aesthetic decision than about mechanical benefit of the Game itself and what already exists: THE ISSUE is the idea is already is coming from an unhealthy place of fanaticism as is because fetish means obsession/ thus zealot/ hence fanatic.
That's problem #1, Intentions.
And that means the idea is more about the aesthetic than some contrived sense of "themes", when it's really about just having giant women in the game because you want to get off on having giant women in the game because giant women *dur
I shit you not, there's mods for Fallout right now to alter size of the character and it's from macrocreeps.
That's the shit i'm talking about, they're very predictable. They're so elaborate and annoying I can't even ignore it anymore.
So in reality it'd be more pandering a niche than actual theme exploration or an actual ATTEMPT to pitch a good gameplay idea. It's projection.
Now that isn't to say projection is always bad.
There's a level of good projection in some of the best stories (Stan Lee & Spider-man) but that projection is personal LIFE Experience, values, principles, structure vs fetish coded concepts, and the origin of a fetish is a child's brain doing something it shouldn't have been doing.
There's some things you put in, and things you DON'T put in. It's part of any competent creation process.
In reality, the ghouls, various lore, the BEHEMOTH/ Mutants being man-made, not born.
Just like the war that birthed them, man made mistakes are the themes. Giant big-breasted women have no place in that.
Now if you were to tell me the Behemoth mutants evolved to be sex-dimorphic then created their own society with procreation & threatened to replace mankind as the new apex humanoid species, and behemoth women, hideous traits and all are NPC enemies?
That's different, that'd be a sick concept and story.
But you see the difference is the female Behemoth wouldn't be a hott bombshell, if you REALLY wanted to be true to the themes- they wouldn't be attractive AT ALL.
But you see, that defeats the narrative, because the entire point is to provide macrophiles a proxy to project their potential mommy issues onto.
nothing to do with a good story, which is why 99% of their own stories are trash
The Mirelurk Queen is fucking huge, plenty of giants in fallout. But it's not "good" macro-content, whatever the fuck that means-- why? Because no giant wamen that are conventionally appealing,*dur
Fact is, the Mirelurk Queen is a giantess in it's true form (A female beast), but she's not human enough to scratch that itch huh lol, so it's not "GOOD fallout macro content" , headass.
Which is my point, fanaticism getting in the way of creativity.
It's the entire issue with fetishists pitching anything, they're so devoted/ married to their cult obsession consensus, for most it lives in their head rent-free. many even admit it.
The obsession hijacks whatever potential they could be tapping into with whatever idea they have. I've seen it so many times over maybe 15 years? And ONLY cause I caught wind of it.
It's why Giantess fetish stories have better production value these days because good art (endless talent wasted on bullshit) but the WRITING IS always, and I MEAN ALWAYS cringe-tier DOGSHIT, because they repeat the exact same shit over and over again, like propaganda majors.
It's infantile as fuck, and embarrassing that adults make that shit.
It's why their stories suck and Susan Murphy works.
The difference is intentions. For Susan, her gigantism was merely a vehicle to make her an outlier to humanity, and in reality her character is worthy love-letter to Nancy Archer.
Now for the game, a better idea would be to give the player the option to have a harder gameplay experience for RAD-powers through %chance RAD poisoning under certain criteria.
It's not easy to achieve, but the chance to do it is presented often.
You'd lose options & mechanics due to health handicaps and bodily corrosion but gain power, how much of whats left of your humanity will you sacrifice for the power of the atom
- If you're RAD-powered- then some feral Ghouls specifically wouldn't attack you as much but they can now talk to you, and they can tell you stories, and explain what happened to them if you can navigate the convo in that direction or even show you parts of the world unseen to normal people
- But if you're hostile or depending on who you're talking to, they will fight you with 5x more aggro & different mutation variants than normal gameplay as a normal human.
That's an opportunity for WAAAAY more lore, content and a challenge.
imagine how many more people would be playing a Fallout game anew JUST to go to certain vaults/locations/landmarks as an Irradiated mutate just to hear the testimonies of various Ghouls and what their experiences were, and what quests might come from that or a war between Ghouls, Mirelurks and Mutants-
that's HOURS more worth of gaming. That's content.
art by arsenixc
NONE of that which I pitched is coming from a place of a Ghoul fetish or some shit (i'm sure that's a thing because brain go derp sometimes), it's an investment in the lore, and zero agenda.
Putting the STORY & content first before impulses.
That is what is missing from op's pitch, authenticity. Very transparent as to where this idea is coming from and why they're pitching it, it's obvious.
Zero genuine desire to explore anything vs just wanting to expand your gynocentrism-worship bullshit from your booru's into big name IP's
Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.
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