Wednesday, May 1, 2024

UbiSoft Insider Leaks the REAL Reason Star Wars Outlaws SUCKS | Exclusiv...

I can tell the model wasn't ugly cause the character isn't even that ugly, she's just not overtly hot, very plain at best. 

 As far as how she looks this isn't that big of a deal ngl. just play games with attractive women in them, boom The instinct to seek beauty is just a chemical reaction, it means nothing beyond a primal incentive to give a shit to even talk to a woman with the goal of sexual pursuit. 

 Now again, the REASON why these people make these changes are corrupt, evil even (anything men enjoy, spiteful people must ruin it, just so happens that the majority of these people are women) but  this obsession with plain looking women not being hot thus the product is void, is why some of us can't maintain IRL. Just because the pinup girl gets ya PP hard doesn't mean the game is gonna be good, and just because the female lead is not Samus Aran's distant cousin, doesn't mean immediately go Code RED.

When the game's story/gameplay is bad is when you tear it a new asshole, when you experience the actual product. but this is just priming people to be negative about the game before it even comes out just because her bone structure doesn't tick the right boxes. 

There’s but so many times you can keep clutching your pearls over the same goddamn narrative, but then call leftists the snowflakes. All cause she not purdy.

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