Saturday, July 13, 2024

size-isms = overcompensation (the no-kinkshame chronicles)


  Option 1, Maybe if i think of myself as an omnipotent goddess to overcompensate my socio-emotional issues I should fix? Or get paid to make an ass of myself on a regular basis to pander to cringelords that just need a hug? If I "Fee Fi Fo Goofball" my way into LaLaland, maybe all my problems causing the problem will go away by not actually fixing the problem? Yeah that sounds smart to keep pumping into our brains through imprinting in the heat of climax, 'genocide = good dur', question nothing.

Pushing completely anti-human/ misogynist propaganda perpetuating toxic- dangerous narratives: **A WOMAN WITH POWER is a threat, a negative, evil. By admission of our own literal visual admissions, lmfao and eerie consistency.** The NEED to keep pushing it, romanticizing genocide with more dedication than actual religious leaders. *This way my total & complete incompetence in this regard as a human being won't sting as hard if I get to impose my will on everyone around me in LaLaLand and get gratification by turning people's lives into red dots on the floor because i'm just that fragile and pathetic as a person that the ONLY way besides therapy where I can feel control is in a lie and the best possible way I can do that is by fantasizing that I AM the only one with the physical advantage so people are forced to obey & worship me. (A real tough guy👍Really getting in touch with your inner 5 year old) or just being a general burden to my species. A species that at the same time meets my every practical need; Including providing the very internet that gives me the opportunity to project my repressed psychological issues and display macabre mass genocide media on human beings to other human beings glorifying death caused by the deliverers of human life. Once more, **"glorifying DEATH caused by the deliverers of HUMAN LIFE."** pft Makes SENSE TO ME! Question nothing please, just make me feel good about it, that's what you were put on this earth to do, don't offer solutions, don't challenge a blatant gruesome psychological glitch, just validate me, thanks. Profiting off of people's emotional struggles/ possible trauma resulting from a society that at one point trended #KillAllMen #MenAreTrash #futureisfemale (which is still trending right now) Tbh? It's NO mystery where the fetish came from = Cultural Hatred, Male expendability, dehumanization. Infantilization of women, inflating their ego's. Propaganda. Product of the times. Macrophilia? Say hi to your mom "Toxic-Gynocentrism" and your Dad, "Misandry". One big dysfunctional inbred family. A hateful, misandrist & unintentionally misogynist sub-culture spawned from a hateful, misandrist and unintentionally misogynist social culture rooted here in reality. And both cultures in their own ways ignorantly think they're empowering women by distancing them from men, funny how that works huh? The child fetish emulates the parent culture. Coincidence I tell ya! just a coincidence. ✅ calm down All at men AND women's expense. You'd think psychologists were bullshitting all these years because it's as if actually telling the truth could possibly get you in heat for admitting that Macrophilia did NOT spawn from a "lack of female empowerment" (thus women are not victims here) and in fact was birthed from excessive coddling of women and normalized male abuse & neglect in privileged society that prioritizes women (hence why more women are graduating college and more men are ending themselves), thus MEN are NOT the problem? [ERROR404] Almost as if admitting that female privilege at men's expense: birthing a group/*cough** _cult_ that worships female privilege at men's expense/ **cough* obliteration- not being the fault of men or society not pandering to women enough but instead *while empowering women you dehumanized & completely abandoned men and boys in the past 25+ years*, hence the declining birthrates, hence why more men are not engaging/ not approaching women as much/ hence complicated sex relations, problems and problems and DISTANCE, divide. Zero connection though, psychologists-- what would we do without you, thanks for putting yourselves aside and being honest with the public about a very unique obsession solely because of how BLOOD related it is to modern civilization's current astronomical FAILURES. Coincidence! 100%✅ Stop reading into it, consume you swine. All of that instead of option 2: just growing the fuck up as an adult and getting my shit together here in Grown-up land where the rest of mankind lives with healthy relationships with women not rooted in childhood brain farts that I refuse to get adjusted because I actually get rewarded with likes and an echo-chamber where no one challenges me, thus It pays to be a deranged embarrassment to (specifically) every woman in my bloodline. First option it is 👍 Worked out so far, America's doing great!.. yea Wait Wh- #narcissism #memes #coincidence #lessermook

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