Monday, July 15, 2024

“The logical conclusion to Kratos fighting every pantheon.” (I really, really like this concept, only because of how batshit insane Lore acc Jesus is strictly from a power-scaling perspective and despite everyone on the Planet knowing who Jesus is, most have NO idea what he is.)

original post: nov 2023

not a bad concept, though they wouldn’t have a reason to fight beyond Jesus’ 2nd mission:

Off the top of my head, according to lore, he projects a sword out of his mouth, while riding a flaming horse or some shit, the sky split open (meaning the fabric of reality is breached) hence commanding legions of Angles hording through (which from text & recent visual interpretation actually look like Lovecraftian demons) to literally conquer Earth. like an interdimensional alien warlord pressing the power-off button on Humanity once and for all.

The popular central theme of this guy is he doesn’t die or live in a traditional sense, and the only reason he allowed himself to be killed was to be a martyr by choice, to make a point.

Give humanity a couple thousand years to find “his/the way” supposedly, otherwise according to lore, his comeback is “The End” of post-modern humanity itself than it is the literal end of humans. Then another millennia of apocalyptic fallout. No nukes, no armor, just this guy showing up.

  • Not only would biblically acc angels be a horrifying aspect to put in a game, but Jesus himself is actually a terrifying entity despite the nice guy nature humans took for granted at the time.

Technically he can’t be beaten, because everyone knows his mortality. Nobody knows what he can actually do, which is everything. He’s the original Gary Stu.

We’re not even factoring in the Quantum intelligence that is “God” or even the Holy Spirit which is like a glorified proxy medium. All the Angels, their ranks, their subordinates, etc.

That game would have to be psychological/cosmic horror epic themed, surrealism.

most People only know the Sunday school tales of the human side of prophets and judges, the people God used to manipulate lives to set a narrative. From beginning to end.

Going by the book, Humanity is the original (The SIMS) game.

The BIBLE? In it’s raw form, it’s a tale of hope, flawed characters, redemption, perseverance, with an over-arching horror story subtext. Constant genocides at God’s hands, only for Humanity to pick up the slack without his help.

And In a meta sense, in theory, WE ARE The Cliffhanger.

God itself doesn’t reside in Heaven strictly, like Zeus or Odin.

That’s just where the followers go to honor “it.” (Consistently narcissistic entity)

Jesus likely wouldn’t want to kill Kratos, but if this is post Revelations arc Jesus. This would definitely be the game Kratos dies in cosmic epic glory.

Because that Jesus isn’t preaching love, he brings war, and his physical form is G.O.N.E.

I would love to see Kratos go up against a straight up hax-ego centric narcissist being that can’t bleed, be reached or touched. Having no form.

And it’s only form, his kinder nicer, human self, his son.

The reason it put him here was sort of an experiment, an extended hand to try to FINALLY reach out to humanity besides Angels creeping people out with cryptic messages, plagues, taking the souls of children, and flooding mfs. Wrath and being emotional.

He, It, sent this guy to be nice, that’s it.

And that didn’t work. His son’s mortal vessel destroyed, so now:

Jesus as a physical being that can be hurt, doesn’t exist anymore, in canon.

(JESUS), unbeknownst to most “Christians”- actually existed simultaneously throughout the Bible since Genesis/possibly pre-Gen.

Meaning this guy CHRIST, can pass through time itself. Because he did.

I shit you not.

Superman RED Son’s (novel) ending plottwist has NOTHING ON this.

There’s this narrative that repeats multiple times in just Relevation Chapter 1 “Was, Is, is to come”

Revelation 1:8 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.

Past, Present, Future. It’s consistent.

That’s what i mean by “-doesn’t die or live in a traditional sense”, the guy existed before he was born, before he did, before he resec himself. Think about that. How in the actual fuck, do you “fight” that?

  • Everyone says the meme “Flash can go back and kill you as a baby”. Jesus apparently can do the same thing. He is simultaneous.

When the text states God is everywhere, that includes timelines, dimensions, etc. This is a beyond 10th dimensional being.

Manifested himself in flesh.

Defied death after 3 days, not as a rule, but just to make a fucking point. That shit is both petty and scary.

The (Pan) in Pantheon.

Post-Revelations Jesus IS THE God, of War. And death.

That would be the sheer irony of pulling this off.

This is why it claims to be “THE” God. The thing, It, is literally every superpower you can imagine. We’re talking serious beyond Haruhi Suzumiya+Dr.Manhattan+Cthulhu on steroids type shit.

The most powerful Kamen Rider or Super robot off the top of your head, Jesus mops them. He’s the original shonen protagonist.

Revelation 5:1, There’s God’s throne, and he’s holding like this book no one man or anyone in the pantheon can open except his successor, Christ.

It has Seven seals, the book does, and Christ just opening the seals is summoning horseman, like these summoned figures upon horses RV 6:4

Revelation 6:1 And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see.
2 And I saw, and behold a white horse:

And then another where the people over the course of all time that died for God, are paid tribute and given royalty treatment after they question him as to what is their reward for their spilled blood?

Revelation 6:9 And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held:
10 And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?
11 And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellowservants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled.
12 And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;

Instead of tyranny for being questioned, he took care of them, gave them quality clothes, rest and a seat in the Kingdom to wait for the others after them: Theoretically any of us who would join.

Basically sit back and wait for immortality for being killed for his sake.

If this was OT, they would’ve been struck out of existence, but the era of Christ was God himself having a character arc that he himself determined in advance because technically before it happened, it happened already.

And the

RV 6:12 And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;

Just him opening a seal of this book warped physics to change the shades of celestial bodies on a level of an eclipse.


This thing is next level.

This thing, is next level.

The religion aspect is what people turn away from, including me, but from a strictly “kaiju”/Cosmic being standpoint, “Yahweh”, “Elohim”, “Christ” is a serious monster.

Unless Kratos drops in during the NT or before OT even happens, because again Jesus existed during & thus by proxy before Genesis.

I used to think the whole book was corny but the Shit is mind-numbing apocalyptic, straight insanity.

Kratos cannot afford to be holding back with this one, even if he doesn’t, it won’t help.

  • The problem is most god’s Kratos has fought has had physical silhouette’s one way or another
  • Or that time he fought Zeus’ ghost
  • or he’s had some kind of weapon to tangibly touch spirits. (GOW3)
  • This one, pantheon and all, is a whole different beast. These things are omi-dimensional avatars — Vibrating between dimensions because reality is just a frequency that our atoms reside in.

Which is why we’re not going to find Aliens in space or in the Earths Core. They’re literally next to you, in another frequency of reality — A dimension, that’s what Parallel Earths in Comics represent. Thats what Heaven is. A frequency.

That’s HOW this God does it, through sound, frequency science. Not spaceships.

Revelation 8:2 And I saw the seven angels which stood before God; and to them were given seven trumpets.

These trumpets according to lore will change landscapes and summon greater angels.

And that’s why people resonate with music so much, how it can control moods, frequency of sound is power, it taps into dimensions if the sound is strong enough.

Specifically the method that Christs coming is announced is through Horns, Sound. Punching through our dimension like a battering-ram on a door.

It’s no accident that the “Arrowhead project” let in aliens from another dimension into this one in ‘The Mist’ story because the military went and knocked on their front door.

That’s why this particular God says I am “The Beginning” and “The End”, Jesus (God) was literally THERE in Genesis, he’s there throughout, he’s there in Revelations. And (still waiting, in theory) will be here. For the Final Arc.

Even outside the religion, that’s a crazy twist that (again) most Christians don’t even pick up on.

The subtext of the Bible is crazier than the actual stories in it.

The Bible’s Revelation is Stephen King’s “IT”/”The Mist”/ Moore’s Watchmen with a hint of DC’s Infinite Crisis for that clusterfuck of Superhumans killing each other vibe.

That’s just the finale arc’s prelude.

  • The problem is most of the god’s that Kratos has fought has had physical silhouette’s one way or another, or he’s had some kind of weapon to tangibly touch spirits. (GOW3)
  • This one, pantheon and all, is a whole different beast. We’re talking Omni-Dimensional beings that make Alien X’ entire race look like LVL1 Clerics.

I genuinely want to see that game happen. Even if not accurate, (because if it is, Kratos loses hard, it’s not even a fight), the interpretation alone would be cool.

Though his death was bs, GOW Thor was awesome.

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