Saturday, July 20, 2024

Critical Anime Overview #204: Rascal does not dream of Bunny Girl senpai

The MC/author is product of the times of modernized living creating housebroken boys and no men.
I feel so sorry for the ladies of this generation.

Stuck with a bunch of stockholm syndrome floormats that want to be abused & ridiculed 24/7 to feel the security of a woman's attention even if it's negative, likely because they didn't get enough of a woman's positive attention when it mattered.

Because that's the tune they've been conditioned dance by like tools either in the home or first world countries already misandrist propaganda.
American society treats boys like an accessory at best but Japanese males are so beyond hope at this point.

A lot of em crave almost every form of rejection or abuse ironically as a form of pleasure, that shit is not natural.
If you raise a child; healthy in the mountains or steppe countryside in a functioning socially competent village/community AWAY from cluster cities, away from mass media, they don't develop this bullshit, it just doesn't happen.

You only get this bullshit in stretched thin- abusive societies that are so successful they "THINK" they can afford to treat men and boys like garbage.

And then to no one's surprise a lot men and boys then internalize that cultural abuse & then desire more of it, ie. stockholm syndrome-- no different from a child seeking abusive partners because they normalized abuse from their parent as normal.

Same situation.

This is why boys need love and empathy. Parenting is not a joke lmfao.

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