Saturday, July 20, 2024

Responding to Youtube’s Comment Guideline threats again (7–20–24)


I don’t appreciate you threatening my comment ability for the 5th time over some replies, how many times do I have to say this: I’m going to say what I want, why? Because I’m a grownass man, grow up please and stop policing people like this is a martial law state.
If you want to turn Youtube into a Daycare center or a Fascist state where everyone has to live in fear of what Youtube comment bots might punish them for, that’s your prerogative, good luck with that; all you’re going to do is encourage people to go to another website.
But I’m going to say what I want, I don’t attack people personally, and I don’t insult people’s mother’s or curse their children, none of that, so threatening my ability to speak or threating to terminate my nothing channel that I have zero attachment to is you trying your best to flex muscle that you don’t have.
You’re not intimidating bud, so stop trying to be something you’re not.
I say what i mean and i mean what i say, so don’t play with me, and don’t waste my time with your childish bullcrap.
whatever you think is “hate speech” is a you problem, get over it. I live in the real world.
I’m not changing how I speak because of what you might do If I don’t, frankly, no one on this site is scared of you.
Apparently Free Speech is a joke to you but it’s not to me.
It’s my right and I’m going to exercise it tomorrow just as I did yesterday.
I’ve been on this site for 13 years, and no one’s life has been destroyed over some comments I left, sometimes I run my mouth but life is a journey to better yourself, that’s the entire point of making mistakes.
Otherwise: Please, please, I’m begging you, please, stop being so sensitive. And grow a pair.
Life isn’t an elementary school classroom, I find it absolutely hilarious that you think you’re in any position to try to control how people speak in a country where the FIRST Amendment is free speech. The FIRST ONE.
Remove all the comments you want, if it makes you feel better.

Youtube is really a prototype for America’s [1984] arc, and if you look at one of the parties that funds Google, and Google that owns Youtube: It makes sense.

And I get it, if someone’s telling a person to self-terminate; Is it ugly, yes. Wrong? Yes. 

But putting tape over people’s mouths is a slippery slope and this is what you get; Martial Law, the prototype.

People who don’t even say anything inflammatory are getting threats by the site itself because of what the bot subjectively deems as “hate speech” whatever the fuck that means, literally, “Hate speech”, you telling me my shoes look tacky could be hate speech, should you lose your job over it? Stupid terminology made up by illogical people that just want to weaponize words to oppress people. that’s all this is, and i’m sick of it.

This “hate speech” era and all these made-up phobia’s started showing up around 2013-2015, and it hasn’t stopped sounding stupid since. It’s like the country is racing to be the laughing stock of the planet.

People who say dumb crap get policed by public opinion, and then it’s their right to either defend or cave-in or concede. That’s the system, it’s how we deal with outliers in real life.

We the people are the correction system, that’s why it’s so out of place for these sites to overstep this much to tell you- 

We’ll silence you or take your channel:

Oh NOooo don’t take a channel I make zero money off of, anything but that- pricks.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve made Mods from Social media sites cave-in to reason over email because I pressed them over idiotic TOS; Exception being DeviantArt, the guy was nice but apparently it was out of his hands to do anything about the situation, so I gave him a break and backed off & took the L. 

But all in all, these sites really need to calm down and stop trying to be everyone’s parent. 

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