Saturday, July 20, 2024

(Why is “Mansplaining” a thing but “womansplaining” is not?) — Response to 2 Reddit comments

It is possible. I think it’s called femsplaining. Oh wait.. my mistake.. it’s only acceptable to make fun of and disrespect men. Also, I’m half Mexican. So when I explain something, am I committing the crime of Mexicansplaining? Of course not.. because it’s derogatory and disrespectful to say that. But for some reason Mansplaining gets a pass because it’s directed toward men.
The Dunning Kruger effect is not exclusive to men, so let’s stop using the term “Mansplaining”. Let’s just call the person an idiot for attempting and failing to explain something he or she isn’t knowledgeable about. Call that individual out for being dense, not their entire sex. I can’t believe I have to Tallsplain this.

Precisely. The whole thread should be closed because you just squashed all of this childish nonsense in one comment.

All it is is just more tactics from up top to turn women against men by feeding women’s ego’s and make them think men can’t teach them anything and plant this delusion that men are the only one’s that interrupt and interject during conversation to fact-check when women do the exact same thing.

Plant seeds of disconnect between males & females yet again, make men either docile drones afraid to say anything or frustrate and make them resent the society they live in or women in general.

And inflate women further and make them think they’re an exception.

Just more disrespect and emasculation of men, and women get to run their mouth & talk down to whoever they want and there’s no term or slang for that popularized.

The issue is the hypocrisy, everyone’s always on the same page when it’s men’s turn to be held accountable but when it’s women’s turn, then it’s debate.

When the “reverse” argument is introduced, there’s always an excuse. This is why most modern women are insufferable, and it’s not even their fault.

Because the people planting these seeds of strife aren’t everyday people.

Nothing but perpetuated misandry, orchestrated tension for absolutely no reason but for a very specific reason.

Americans disrespecting men openly, then it’s no wonder why their birthrates are going lower and lower and lower.

You don’t get to castrate one of the paragons of civilization and expect prosperity, anyone would have to be psychotic if you think constantly smothering men with hatred and disdain will result in a successful flourishing society.

It will never happen.

Where are all these terms to divide us coming from? And why don’t we ever get slang or terms to bring men and women together? Almost as if we’re being orchestrated to perpetually fight over and over again ????????
And this is ‘impossible’ or not heard of in reverse?

The fact that you have to ask is part of the social-conditioning, the mind game. Inflate women’s ego’s while breaking men like dogs for anything and everything they do.

And when men walk away or unplug from society or give up on women; then say men need to “step up”, men cannot get a goddamn break.

It’s both possible and heard of, it’s called being an A-Type personality, awkward or being rude. Last I checked, last I lived I’ve met women of all 3 categories.

It happens often, especially in corporate or boxed-in office settings where ego’s clash. Because to interrupt someone to explain something or the concept of interjection of someone mid-sentence to add a comment (aka being rude)- contrary to popular belief is something anyone with confidence, ego or assertive traits can do.

It’s not impossible or unheard of, it’s just more politically correct to chastise men when they do it and when women do it, call it “Girlboss” or “CEO mentality” or something.

Always some positive reinforcement when women are toxic, but yank a man’s sack when he does it.

What’s happening is some women get interrupted, they don’t know how to react. So instead of coping with it (clapping back), or ? Like a big girl assert her case to the person interrupting her, or confront them after and just ask them not to do that. Instead don’t make the action the problem instead make men doing the action the problem.

So the undertone of “Mansplaining” is: “It’s okay when women are rude.”

Otherwise what happens when a woman interrupts a woman? Just call it being rude, just like with a man, why politicize it?

But you see this is the power of division through language, “rude” is not gender specific, you can’t weaponize that. It’s too neutral.

The point is to single out men and exclude them, while calling society tolerant.

The agenda here to turn women on men (yet again), so to do that we have to be as counterproductive as possible so to insert “man” as the pre-fix you completely remove accountability from women (as usual) and thus the ball is forever in a man’s court when the word is used despite women doing the exact same thing when it’s convenient, because while I’ve met plenty of people who interrupt to assert dominance, most people are subconsciously doing this because they’re excited or invested in the conversation or just dense to how that would make the other person feel.

I myself have developed an assertive conversationalist air BECAUSE I’ve been interrupted myself by people, and it manifested as a defense mechanism to compete in conversations, rising to the occasion.

But you see when I do it I catch myself and or transition back to what they said prior to my interjection with an added apology for the interruption (not groveling but a quick “My bad for cutting you off” acknowledgement) and life & the conversation moves the fuck on. No slurs, no buzz words, no drama, just adults doing as grownass adults do.

Edit: And sometimes, whether people want to admit it or not; Adulting is not a sport where you get your hand held, sometimes pushing your case is necessary to sell a product, yourself, your services. And a useful life skill in case you need to socially get yourself out of a situation you might be held hostage in [Which I personally have used interjection for many many times and it’s saved me from getting burned]: Namely for most people, helping close a conversation that’s dragging on because the person keeps talking or wants to rope you into something, that’s another thing I’ve had to develop various social calluses for, because SO MANY times I got roped into stupid crap because some of us don’t know how to say “no” or relied on people’s consideration when what will save you is you cutting it short.

You can’t accomplish that without interjection or being rude to an extent. You have to be that guy or gal sometimes. So cutting-in? Is actually a useful skill to use responsibly.

Otherwise, holding rude people accountable, good. Painting a fallacious narrative that only men are rude in this context of conversation, why? (Well we know why, don’t we?)

The term is a sure method to antagonize men, and make women the self-righteous passive party despite the concept of conversational interjection being a human trait, not a male trait.

It’s just society & various agents yet again planting seeds of disconnect to further drive apart the sexes on a broader scale

(How do I know this? Well simply put: Why aren’t there creative terms to bring women and men together? Why is it always negative? Because discord is the agenda, chaos. Marxism baby; Destroy the power of two, to destroy the family, the birthrates, conquer the two, to conquer the all) And the foundation of that collapse is to break the male, break them by any means necessary, not all at once but very very slowly: The slow knife cuts deepest.

And the easiest way to do that is by weaponizing one of two things they’d die for, Women.

The entire point is to drive men and women apart through subliminal messaging or not so subliminal. Strife, tension, divide, fighting, politics, misunderstanding, pretense, lies, lies, lies.

Why? Because people in unity are harder to control than masses arguing over a made up word that only exists to put a halo on women’s heads.

And it’s not women’s faults, I know it’s ironic to say women aren’t held accountable then say it’s not their fault but it’s true.

Women as a whole aren’t sitting in a basement thinking up dumb shit like this-

Words like this come from corporations, people with pull, money, influence: Up top so it bleeds down, that’s how it works. Fed to groups then fed to masses, propaganda.

In a Tv show, an article, thus fed to women to start a domino effect and it works every time. Because antagonizing men is part of American culture.

The part that really gives it away, is how one-sided it is. And when some men speak up It’s usually from a place of anger or distance, or frustration, it’s why MGTOW in concept is brilliant (like feminism), but in execution- a total failure, a reaction, not a solution.

And by “disconnect”, that doesn’t mean people aren’t hooking up anymore, the point is to control the narrative, disconnect the unity of the groups as a whole.

Because individually; hookup culture is still going strong.

Propaganda forming disconnect doesn’t mean people aren’t dating or getting married still, it means on a broader scale sex has been drilled into people’s routine so much it’s become trivialized. So even if you “have” someone, does it even last? Does that even mean anything? Or is it just a social statement until the inevitable failure among the rest.

That seems to be the consistent legacy of most relationships: failure, break up; Disconnect.

It doesn’t mean anything, it’s just something you do. So imagine how trivialized children are, or the family? Hence the birthrates.

Yes people are still doing it, but it’s routine, it means nothing because it means less than nothing to the country, clearly.

Men going their own way from Women is exactly what the powers that be want, reactive disconnect. You’re just playing into the hand.

Grandmaster Level Chess: frustrate men into either wanting to be destroyed by women deified, abusing women, trivializing women, replacing women (waifu’s by the social rejects or sexbots *something a lot of MGTOW overestimate*) or abandoning women- either way, the natural state of men and how they instinctively want women is perverted, twisted and disfigured. Deranged even. (Macrocreeps in a nutshell, deranged, defanged & broken)

The one’s doing it the right way are the outlier hence why the birthrates are dropping. People are getting married, having kids, but it’s not enough to make up the difference, as we can see in the numbers, and it’s not just America.

And all while you think you’re making a conscious decision when all most of us are doing is just reacting to a mass skit. Reactive tactics that are not working.

Because really think about how silly this is, that anyone would say “Mansplain” in a serious context and not be laughed out the room, that sounds like an SNL gag.

Yet now it’s gotten to the point where people are asking questions because the broader culture has been infantilized so successfully, they actually take the word seriously to be a topic of discussion on live television, sometimes in Political houses on National Television i’ve heard the word “Mansplain” used, and nobody laughed, lunacy.

This is how far we’ve fallen from the basic instinct of “Unite = Survival”, we’ve traded unity for convenience, and survival is what we’ve sacrificed. And we won’t get that as a species until it’s too late.

Mankind has been played so hard it’s not even funny.

Heard of Connect-Four? Well all this is a long-game of Disconnect-Two, as usual.

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