Thursday, September 5, 2024

"Deku becomes Uraraka's servant" (Exactly my goddamn point. Servitude mentality. Macrocreep comic on youtube, for some reason. Youtube, you good with this?)

See people get demonetized for cussing in the first 10 seconds (Cuss: "Damn"), striked for less, lose their channels for nothing--- but this garbage gets to be on the platform.

Ridiculous,  this generation is an embarrassment. Memes have been one of the best things to come from it, but fuuuuck at what cost.

and for no reason, and it's not their fault, they were set up to be like this.

Parenting is not a joke people. 

This is what you get when both the parents and the society the kid lives in did something horribly wrong 

 When you don’t let your child know they matter or are loved when they're small- then they remain small, conflicted, bitter, infantile, and insecure in their own minds for the rest of their life & will project that insecurity one way or another.

America had another shooting not that long ago, another reason why parenting is not a joke, and people were harmed in that event.

 Macrophilia is another result of human incompetence, societal decline and thus civilizational failure, hence why it emulates all 3 simultaneously.

 its why its so spiteful, petty, very childish & childlike and always involves boys, girls or entire cities getting bullied or destroyed:  

Societal collapse visualized and that goes right over the heads of the people pumping this crap out. Hence Propaganda doing it’s job puppeteering the weak willed, the victimized, the impressionable, the casualty, the unsuspecting, someone who deserved a better upbringing, so much better.

And as insecurity does, misery needs company. 

Now they got comic dubs, trying so hard to normalize this crap, so so hard. And the fact that it got 1Mil doesn't really bother me, only because it doesn't say anything about the macrocreepism vs the fact that they used popular characters, Deku & Ochako and how odd the title is.

"Uraraka's Servant" (hello? huh? What timeline is this? )

Remember, these two are underage btw. Minors, another thing Macrocreeps give zero shits about, they're very PDF coded, verrrrry very predatory in the "content".

Not all of em are good with it (miraculously), but since the latter to most worship citywide genocides where kids/babies are killed anyway, not much of an upgrade is it? No matter what you do, yer on some radioactive anti-human shit.

Thus Macrocreeps tend to sexualize children and minors too often, to no one's surprise, especially in Japanese style art (Because while America is the beef of the argument burger, macrocreeps aren't isolated to America, this is a phenomenon in PRIVILEGED first world countries that take men/ & eventually women/Life for granted--- hence the fetishes entire overtone, duh).

Cough cough (shrinkhigh)*coughcough

Hence why Macrocreeps need to push their issues on every platform they can aka these insecure people (that need hugs from their parents, NOT A PLATFORM) need the world to pay attention because that's what their parents/environment likely didn't do or didn't do properly, you don't have a healthy environment and still get this this bad, for this long, & no character arc.

And then when the parents got it right or halfway, then society comes along & unravels most of that anyway, because children tend to regress a little, when we all leave the nest and get a taste of independence, we've all done it, we've all sampled something just because we could. It's normal.

But bouncing back and not making it a habit is where the adulting kicks in.

And again, it's less about macrocreeps this time and moreso it amazes me that YOUTUBE allows these adorable goofballs to dump their baggage here on the platform.

But the slightest thing to a joke 10 years later can get striked because of a TOS change, a warning for the "n word" in a boondocks clip which is just comedy in context, that gets administrative attention.

But THIS gets left alone tho. And i've seen some genocide shit get left alone on YT

HUH?! The fact that it exists on current YT, same Youtube that axed a bunch of channels, silences channels, shadowbans. The same Ad-Friendly youtube.

And that some of it is reuploaded when I assume because it got rightfully taken down (because some ppl need their genocide porn available for everyone not on a forum board but on a platform children use, THANKS pal, you're my hero. <3)

why is the n word as a joke not allowed when said by a black character, but GENOCIDE is A-ok.

But "what about the children" right youtube? I've even seen Fetishy Ai Ads on my shit.

Like what the fuck.

Make up your minds Youtube, do you give a shit or not. Decide.

Comment: “Shouldn’t uraraka feel bad “


Guys, you have to understand how most of these people operate.

Ochako is not going to feel empathy or compassion, because the author possesses neither one of those traits when they're in auto-pilot. They're projecting trauma & propaganda installed into them from their culture, not humanity.

Because if they were projecting humanity or a genuine story, they wouldn't be a macrocreep to begin with and would just make a fancomic or fic expanding the MHA lore creatively/ no fetishism strings attached--

legitimately like a normal person.

They’re in auto-pilot projecting deep seeded misandrist/misogynist propaganda and emotional issues.

keyword: AUTO-pilot, the propaganda is speaking through them, whatever pain/confusion/trauma/socio-upset/or faulty imprint they internalized- that's what's being communicated. That's what's doing the talking.

The artist doesn't give a single shit about character accuracy. I promise you. They’re likely not fans, they’re just loaning the characters because the characters showed up in a passing thought, and now they're going to make their dayfeverdream everyone's business.

Many hate themselves for being insecure/ & possibly male (because naturally, what other signals are boys supposed to take when their society constantly tells them there's something wrong with them) and so they make macabre & art that ridicules them for being weak.

They're creating their own diss, *ba dum tish

And the characters have to represent that self-hatred or superiority complex/narcissism/weakness/pain/ propaganda.

 This is 100% projection, as macropcreepism is in a nutshell, not expression, projection, overcompensation.

  This isn't about the characters, people. Never has been.

This is about them 100%, OP repeating the same narrative, the same propaganda.

How do I know? Cause I guaran-fucking TEE you they've made other comics with different characters but the exact same "ANT bully" bullshit scenario, but without the character arc that Lucas got by the end of the movie.

Because insecurity of the fetishism disorder category, never evolves, it never grows up, it only sheds it's skin for a new polished one but says the exact same shit aka Suspended development.

The proof is in the pudding, and these guys have gotten so bold, so comfortable they're making the case for me exposing themselves, even on Youtube, YOUTUBE.

I don't even have to do anything. and thankfully, I'm not the only one pushing back, thank fuckin' Christ. We're not totally a lost cause.

 This isn't about Deku or Uraraka, this is about a damaged/battered human being needing the world to pay attention to them for being damaged, because again--- that's what their parents/environrment didn't to do properly, pay attention in the first place.

The human brain is not complicated.

    This is why empathy and compassion is a necessity in a child's life in the home AND SOCIETY. You get this crap when something is missing in a person, not always broken, but missing, twisted, warped, charred.

Society (You, Me, anyone holding the other accountable) is part of the parenting process too. It doesn't stop when you turn 18.

If it does for many of us, that explains a lot as to why people act like they have no goddamn sense.

It's the fact that this was likely a grownass adult projecting insecurities, and that manifested as a minor sexually abusing another minor. It's the 'human being' skill issue for me.

Parenting is not a joke, neither is community, not the word "community" these online cults & fandoms use, but actual community that raises children. If that made a comeback on a large scale, infrastructure protecting children, neighbors opening up, giving the the little ones mentors, healthy environment, skills passed on.

bruh, could fix sooooo many problems across the globe if people would stop having kids to have them and birth to raise and train emotionally/utility competent adults. Holy shit.

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