Wednesday, September 25, 2024

LowTierGod Goes on HEATED Delusional Rant after witnessing "Rog" Activity

nah man, you lost me completely.  Michael Jai White said the same thing but I disagree with yall both. 2:58

 baby boys were not put on this earth to be abused by women & girls, and vice versa for the baby girls

But there's this idea that women are to be untouched like their box cures cancer or something. Complete expendability of males like they're second class citizens, ya'll being trained to dehumanize yourselves and think that's manhood. 

Psychotic era you live in. It's not on you to compose yourself after an assault, it's on the people throwing the first swipe in the first place to not start the situation to begin with, male or female. You just signal to women that they can do whatever they want to men and men will just take it to look like a tough guy when being a punching bag is actually THE most weak image you could possibly make.

 If you show mercy once, okay but if you have this rule to just let any woman just go upside your skull because she's a woman, you're a trained drone that was taught to be a doormat. 

Your society hates and convinced you to accept abuse from what they believe is the better half of the species, and you believed the lie. I don't care if you shrug it off. Don't be a speed bag.

 And don't be condescending to women making them think acting like a child is acceptable. You're part of the problem enabling girl mentality in grown women and then wonder why women don't act like women/adults. You're part of the problem not holding em accountable. 

 Composure is not a male thing and empathy is not a woman thing.

And the fact that these psychotic youtube comment bots deleted that statement just tells me enough that it’s true. Hold women accountable, then Youtube starts to panic.

Everytime i use the word “woman” in the context of accountability my comments go bye bye,  fascists. Then we wonder why women are the weaklink when that is not even their intended design, always starting fights, bring the least to the table, we wonder where karens come from? 

Can’t fix none of the smaller social issues if SOCIAL MEDIA is trying to snuff the conversation. Pure fascism.

There's ZERO masculinity in shielding women from consequences of their own actions, you're babysitting, you're smothering grown adults. If women don't learn there's consequence to being toxic, they will get worse and worse. Men & women are the same in this because that's how a CHILD learns.

There's ZERO macho in being abused because you think treating women like children is being a man.
In a situation like this, it's not about you, it's about her and what signal she picks up from the aftermath of what she did.

Women are not babies, try them like adults and they will start acting like it.

When you don't, this is what you get. Women are not even the problem at this point, men enabling women acting like liabilities is women "being women", NOOOOO bruh.

That's preventing women from becoming better people, if she gets slapped back, she's less likely to hit someone else. If she gets defended when she's the issue in the situation, she's going to try it again on someone else.

It's called Risk vs Reward, when there's ZERO risk to being a menace why be a decent human being?

Males like LTG with this attitude are soooooo so so counterproductive, condescendence to women is masculinity, being a punching bag makes you a man.

Good God almighty.

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