Friday, September 13, 2024

“The Atlantic” Proved Kamala Lied in the Debate (War is horrible. Late-term abortion for Warren Hern is a booming business.) A baby, even late term, is a fetus until it is “born alive.”

In the case of a complication: If the would be mother’s life is in danger (SA/incest), then obviously abortion (ideally early/mid term) would be an unfortunate necessity; So in the respect of medical complications, Dr.Hern is doing a service.

 However, complications or sexual assault cases of that magnitude are not the total causes of total abortions in America, they’re extremes, not the rule.

Hern spent the next two and a half hours of our dinner correcting me. A baby is a fetus until it is “born alive,” he told me as I chewed my bucatini. — Elaine Godfrey (The Abortion Absolutist)

So that heartbeat you’re scanning for in ultrasound appointments? That’s an auditory illusion, it’s a “fetus”, a redundant lowly thing beneath notice, unworthy of humanity until the moment it leaves the mother. 

“Born alive.”

This is why empathy & compassion is not a woman thing, and I will keep saying that as many times as I need to. 

It’s a human necessity that needs (not should) NEEDS to be taught to every child. Or else death becomes a toy some people play with, perhaps an industry.

To reiterate: Most use sexual assault, incest, physical complications as justification to drive the necessity of the chop shop but again the majority cases are just people being irresponsible but the media is not going to address that. The behavior nor the culture enabling this recklessness.

“Abortion is Freedom” said the protester. 
“Responsibility prevents consequence!” Said no one. 
“Respect your own reproductive power” said no one. 
“Respecting yourself” laughed the system watching its people burn. 

The gap in IQ is not lost on us, that we KNOW what happens when the Shuttle docks in the tunnel, but we play stupid game for stupid prize anyway.

The establishment is not going to address people being smarter and responsible with their bodies to mitigate casualties (because abortion process can harm women too. So by being more responsible you obviously prevent the need to go to a clinic or do anything yourself if the cause of conception is prevented. **(In a normal case, this is not including an SA situation)*) VS Trigger happy NPCs with no grasp of ’cause, affect and, effect’.

—And then said NPC’s want to Ctrl+Z the result that never asked to be summoned in the first place

Sex is normal.
Shooting yourself in the foot then going to a doctor to get the bullet out is normal; Going home to shoot yourself in the same exact spot again to go to the doctor again to get it out, to go home to shoot yourself in the same exact spot again to back to the doctor, to go home to do etc. etc.- that is not normal.

At some point the pattern has to change, something has to give, the point has to sink in that maybe shooting yourself in the foot is not a good idea.

Sure the freedom to do so looks good on a sign, but in practice, in life; Responsibility needs to coincide with freedom, because with freedom comes a responsibility.

But nobody wants to have that conversation. The word “responsibility” only comes up after a body hits the floor, after someone is violated, it’s never in the culture to promote care to prevent cause. 

It’s never in an American’s mouth unless someone needs to blamed.

Zero discipline, zero preventative care for women, children, men, no one.

“Just do it.”

Americans are far too childish in this respect. Freedom is treated like a shiny new toy, but it isn’t treated with the least bit of respect. Which is why their society is very comfortable with bending the law & impeding rights when it’s convenient, but I’ll leave that alone for now.

To reiterate, incest and Code-R is not even half of abortion cases, those are just the extremes, the extremes are very real reasons why abortions are a medical procedure that can be necessary; Unfortunately that people use as a shield to justify the chop shop services on mass regardless of context.

American culture is a failure in that arena, it’s becoming more and more apparent by the week. So dead inside.

Everybody wants to have fun, boys want to have fun, and girls want to have fun; burn the world to the ground while laughing, while on fire, burning alive. 

Nothing to your legacy but cinders, failure, collapse, & decline. It’s all in your statistics.

 Paganism practices that you call pop-culture. The birth rates dropping, little limbs & red pulpy masses filling up these clinics, and everything else that signifies a failure as a civilization, it all makes sense. 

Because if a girl or woman has to request an abortion because she was assaulted by a family member or the like, that’s also indicative of a cultural failure. 

Furthermore, the fact that Late-Term abortions is even possible and then you think your species will be rewarded a key to the stars or anything resembling prosperity? 

Space colonies, human immortality, panacea, contacting life in another dimension that can give you answers to what life is, the code to truth, taking humanity to the next level, taking civilization to it’s next type- 

Humans haven’t earned that and likely never will. 

Not because you’re a cancer or virus or beyond help, but because you don’t respect anything. You regard nothing if it’s not instant gratification or a Get out of jail free card. Path of least resistance.

Even the most innocent/helpless of your species isn’t safe from you before they even open their eyes. That doesn’t strike you as a problem? That in itself is a problem.

Babies are by design supposed to bring out the best of you, not the worst.

If those transcendent beings exist, they’re likely choking on their vomit in sheer horror.

 The universe will not reward you with its best treatment when YOU cant treat the most helpless & most innocent of your species with basic humanity BEFORE the little nuggets are born. 

They’re trivialized before their journey begins, a journey they never asked for, but because someone else had nothing better to do (male or female), the process of their inception was primed to start without their consent, and then halted by force. 

And they asked for neither.

How in the actual 9 levels of hell if such a thing exists, is any of humanity worth an answer to what life is when you chop life up like the husk of a fish you bought at the market. 

A baby is a fetus until it is “born alive,”

I’m a dark person myself, I have a very dark sense of humor, I can see a lot of gruesome shit and still sleep at night but that sentence, that right there is a signal that your civilization is on a time table. That is not a good sign.

You don’t respect life, thus the next stage of what could be advancement of human life: will not belong to you.

And so many come up with every reason to trivialize what signifies as a life in the womb, such impressive desperate in-depth semantics games; people put so much more thought into dehumanizing fetuses than one does taking care of themselves or the little ones here already. 

Put that energy where it can build something instead of destruction.

 You fail the children, you forfeited a future. Period.

You won’t unlock the benefits of a Level ‘Type 6’ Civilization if you can’t even master Level 0 by treating the helpless with humanity.

“Born alive.”, he says, absolutely chilling. You can’t make that kind of sinister up in a Stephen King novel.

Homeless get forced out of cities like dogs, Children preyed upon by adults (& it will be legalized, given time), Men are treated like expendable things- disrespected casually, womanhood trivialized & exploited, the concept of a woman is considered of no consequence & redundant BECAUSE anyone can be one apparently, and the babies, or correctly the lowly pauper class fetuses are “put down”, & business is good.

When Insanity & Inhumanity is the legacy, accountability is taken for granted, life is just metrical currency, apathy is the ideal; you don’t deserve anything better than what you would offer to the children. 

You don’t have a future because you smother it.

Here stands Rome, said the world. 
Here lies Rome, said History.

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