Monday, September 2, 2024


 "got any better ideas-" 3:21

exactly. People complaining about Capitalism, then leave toughguy, go to a Communist country, have fun.

Too many men running shit, then go start your own country/Matriarchal Superpower: Themyscira style. All women baby. Will never happen, all talk.

IF the world was majority matriarchal to start, there's a reason why matriarchy didn't give us the internet, there's a reason why it took a hike. IF civilization began matriarchal, then it was too incompetent to evolve with the tide if patriarchy was what it took to get modernity on it's feet on a global scale.

Exceeding in agriculture, no surprise, but lacking in advancement.

Too many white men running shit? Go pioneer a better system elsewhere- Start Wakanda on an island buddy, i believe in you.

Show us how it's done: Don't use Youtube, Twitter all the white pioneered platforms that you use to complain about white people, unplug from all the shit you use to complain about the system that provided you everything you have from your online voice to your cultivated ego thanks to the internet.

Unplug, get the hell out and go start from scratch you legend you.

Show us all how it's done.

There's a big difference between criticizing the system's culture specifically for driving men and women apart for no other reason than blatant national destabilization vs moaning about an eco/political/Gov. system that allows you to even complain about how bad it is.

More so the fact that too many men run it when all the dangerous jobs that allow you to even flush your toilet and drive down built/maintained roads are ALSO because of men.

We gonna point out how men are dying on all the jobs women won't do? Or is the "too many men" only relevant because this is really about wanting to see women in positions of power? The same reason why matriarchies fail- obsession with power and not getting shit done.

So busy worried about the optics of women running shit, but too of us don't think about what it takes to be in that position after the new car smell wears off.

That's why men are in charge majorly, yes we could use better people male or female in the positions but the reason why men in general do all the dangerous duties as is without thanks or gratitude is because: While women outnumber us, they still don't carry their weight in these volatile job fields AND SOMEONE has to do it.

And somehow despite numbering less than women, men have somehow been carrying civilization all this time.

Wanna moan about positions of power? START with addressing the jobs women aren't doing that men die doing. Because infrastructure is power, you can have all the woman you want calling shots but if those men don't go to work--- she has nothing to run even if women were running shit.

Workers run shit, period.

This is what people/women don't get, most misunderstand what power even because you underestimate what infrastructure even is and too fixated on being in the Big girl/Big boi seat.

People just think being on top is having power, some of us are trippin hard. I wish life were that simple but it ain't bud.

Power works in levels, not universally from one seat. EVEN Elites have people planted in so many sectors of society because even they can't run shit from just one vantage point.

It's why they own so much, it's why their narrative on an era by era basis is the reality of your generation, why? Because they understand power.

"Knowledge is power." They know, you don't.

Some people don't even realize that to even complain online publicly about the system you thrive on on a daily basis in itself is not only irony but a luxury & privilege.

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