Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Low Tier God Agrees with the KKK (Capitroll reupload)

calling him coon ain't helping nothing, ya mook.
Fact is he's partly right, blacks beg to be victims only because they're enabled to remain as such while destroying their own community and deflect onto white people because when you deflect you don't have to fix anything in yourselves or your community or whatever's left of it.

It's why the media encourages blacks to continue pointing fingers, for the same reason why they get women hooked on this "empowerment" bullshit, it's just a means to keep masses of people dependent on the system's approval.

If you keep people dependent on external forces to either deflect, be validated or remain radicalized against a group--- You signal to these groups that they're not the problem.

And when that happens the group that's high off the propaganda will never evolve or improve or learn to stand on their own two feet. The system keeps both groups dependent by telling them they're victims.

it's all a trap

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