re: “It’s always lovely to see internet whiners get what’s coming to them!”
"get what’s coming to them!", ain't no way you said that just cause a n1gga didn't like a redesign.
“What an amazing response to a really needless comment.”
“Needless”, because it wasn’t a response that praised the product or made you feel good about yourself.
Very disproportionate reactions to a simple “I don’t like the new design.”
I saw a HTTYD trailer comment recently claiming they think being a true fan is supporting the creator blindly like a cult member. Or just supporting to support is being a true fan, regardless of context, ie. a cult member.
I see a lot with Manga/Anime followings.
"Have faith"
"Trust in the OP"
"It gets better"
"Trust their vision"
All the shit you'd hear in a cult fanatic circle. Common theme: Think less, consume the message and question nothing.
Instead of a god, you got the product.
Otherwise, Harada didn’t “blast” shit, they replied professionally simply stating that the detractor should speak for themselves, and they’re right.
Because thinking the devs slighted the fans in some way just because YOU didn't like the outfit is pretentious.
- Tho despite 98% of fans liking the look, the 2% was enough to get a lengthy reaction from the game's own Director specifically.
- So apparently 2% mattered a lot to the dude, mind you, this is all over a DLC character.
- I repeat: this all because some nobody didn’t like the re-design of a DLC character.
What an asshole right? I guess for the sake of everyone’s mental health they should’ve just pretended to like it?
That was worth celebrating an internet whiner getting “ what’s coming to them!” — Excuse you? I’m still trying to recall what the actual crime was here.
Sure them stating the design was the devs being vindictive was a dumb take, but is that really worth ...all that?
This shit right here is why it’s not worth it to be a fan of anything, if the corporations themselves aren’t cannibalizing the IP, then the fans themselves turn on each other at the slightest infraction of wrong-think, it’s pathetic.
We gotta stop forcing fandoms to be hiveminds, clutching pearls every time someone defies the will of the collective.
Not very inclusive or tolerant or healthy, very radical in fact; Very abusive environment.
Since someone has to say it:
No you don’t have to support everything served to you to feel like you belong to the community or to be considered a fan. Being a blind yes-man is not being a fan, that’s a sycophant, NPC shit. It’s unnecessary.
TL;DR If you like it, then let that be enough.
A Wasp-like colony defense mechanism to any form of dissent displays nothing but a lack of confidence in what we/ or you claim to like in the first place.
Otherwise the outfit has fabulous boots✅ but without a slim skirt, gown, or dress (ok, fine but it’s definitely a minus)❌
- Loud af pants, despite how little of them you actually see.
- Ugly top & leg straps with buckles, lol ok then.
- Santa Claus red fabric & white fur jacket (cute) but with GOLD AND BLACK? Not cute🤮, I didn’t even realize how bad it was until I got a high-res photo and looked at it.
Definitely looks better from a distance.
Her Chinese dress look was underwhelming but classic, simple, this is just doing way too much in the other direction. Like a shitty oc.
If they had to have the boots, give ‘er a mini-dress or something sleek & slim that compliments them and the jacket. Especially that jacket.
Should’ve combined this fur jacket with a Jessica Rabbit motif, some kind of dress; Something more classy/diva.
Its so odd they didn’t go with a leather jacket with this specific outfit choice & instead went with white fur? WITHOUT a gown btw. Or any other significant white in the rest of the outfit to compliment it, vs clashing with it.
Very in-the box decision making.😂👍oh well.
As long as the game plays as it should & the story is decent, it’s the same character regardless.
All I know is, people really need to stop working against themselves, especially when it’s with good intentions. Why push away other fans just because they committed the sin of not reinforcing your feelings over a given topic. Fuck them, amiright?
"Diversity" for you, "inclusion" for you- Until you go against the grain, and now you can get lost & shut up, good riddance. And over what?
Show that criticizer who's boss by .....criticizing them. #Consistency
All the Director said TL;DR was "speak for yourself", and that's fine because the commenters narrative of the devs getting back at the fans or some crap was reaching, yet in short all they communicated was they didn't like it, that's it.
Everything surrounding that simple fact was entirely unnecessary, including the Director replying to it at all. Cause again it seems that person would've done themselves a favor by just pretending to like it so everyone's happy and they're not ostracized.
What kind of space is that if you have to keep your head down & capitulate 24/7 or else you're Public Enemy #1, horrible, toxic environment and for no reason.
- No room for dialog but Everyone's got something to say but no one wants to talk. And over what? An outfit choice for a video game character.👏
It's entitlement that that fan thought the devs was sticking it to the fans somehow just because they in isolation didn't like the design choice and it's entitlement to think someone owes you vindication just because you liked it.
Or they got just desserts because they were made an example of for not liking it, like what the fuck.
This propensity for aggressive self-regulating group-think is becoming more and more concerning by the week. It's not a new phenomenon but usually people catch themselves but I'm starting to notice a lack of that lately.
It’s not worth it, you then corrupt the purpose of a fandom in the first place. It is not worth it.