Friday, March 7, 2025

They're Coming for the Christians (Christians can be annoying yet left extremism ideology echoes a religion)

all i know is if it's a fairytale, then why put all that effort into persecution of this and no other religion, what makes this one so special. I don’t see it.

  • Discrimination can’t be it, if it is then clearly one hasn't sampled The Quran, Five Precepts or average dating standards ¯\_(ツ)_/¯modern discrimination isn't unique to The Bible

The precepts chastising casual sex or misconduct in that regard is discrimination but I don’t see people tryna cancel Buddha or the Tripitaka or any other texts.

I always ponder:  If I had to choose a god to follow, hypothetically, I would’ve said Buddha (i like the steps to enlightenment, it’s  a good read) 

but these days, I changed it up. Christians wouldn’t be the ones to convince me tho (they’re annoying sometimes, but no more annoying than the DMV or social media during June), the one’s that’d convince me to commit ironically is secular society’s gag reflex to accountability & how that relates to we/ the secular’s hard on for and against The Bible & no other, for some fucking reason lmfao --  

Being a third party watching this in motion, it’s surreal. You can’t preach “tolerance”  then exercise discrimination on your side when it’s convenient, we’re acting just like the people we think we’re protecting minorities from lmfao. 

  • They had witch hunts, we have cancellations. 
  • They exiled members that defied the will of God, we will end a persons ability to feed themselves over a joke from 20 years ago. 
  • They had congregation, we have mobs to bar people from leaving buildings, death threats, all kinds of stuff.

The Christian God preaches forgiveness, charity even when it’s inconvenient  vs  people afraid to say anything in fear of social obliteration is what tolerance grants you.

 Doesn’t sound much different from the confines of an out of control religion. In this case, “god” besides the Gov., is the 2nd collective-- Society, zeitgeist = “What you’re supposed to believe in currently because the rest of us do.” aka consensus.

The Quran is shorter, you’d think that’d be easy pickings for roastings but nope. The God that showed compassion to a prostitute and treated her like a human being vs old senile men of religion who were ready to put her in the ground for being a sex worker--- 

THAT’S the God you want to go after....the religion about the guy who routinely defied religious zealots in broad daylight and to their faces. 

No group & or nobody  is this threatened by something that’s 100% bullshit.

 that’s what keeps this interesting to me.

Dead Space 2 Retrospective | A Nearly Perfect Sequel

Dead Space 2 Retrospective | A Nearly Perfect Sequel

the second ones best traits beside the weapons is as you mentioned the urban infection angle, the school, the suites, seeing the empty bloodied homes, the necromorph variety. Great, but still, DeadSpace 2 is too action theme park for me, the first one is the most authentic, the one that most emulated it's inspiration; ALIEN, way more attention to detail to the subtle atmosphere of horror.


And while we revisited locations on the ship in DP1, that's not a bad thing for me, retracing steps adds an element of "coming full circle" narratives. Consistency. Which is part of why Alien worked, the isolation of the same locations.

There's no Clarke screaming "NORTON!" every other cutscene like a disappointed parent lmfao, that whole subplot annoyed tf outta me. Norton was setup in DP:Aftermath movie but he did nothing but takeaway my interest in the game. I really wish we got to kill him sooner or gave us the choice to.

We need a Dead space where we play as a disenchanted Unitologist (a high ranking priestess & former military or police to explain the combat skill without a suit) who finds out the hard way that their religion ain't what they thought it was, now they have to fight against what they were groomed to be true, resist what they thought was the road to nirvana, have them survive the Earth infection & they see the Brethren Moons show up in swarm just as Clarke & Carver show up and by act 2 they team up or something. Anything.

Different character, we get a more intimate perspective of a necromorph outbreak, and most importantly we get humanization of the Unitologists, we get to see how they tick from the perspective of someone who whole-heartedly bought the sell. Don’t give the character too many lines, maintain the  quiet / the walls have voices atmosphere like DP1 and say a good chunk of the game is her looking for her kids to find them merged together with the father as a new type of Necormorph, give us some brutality along with tragedy, and a new enemy. 

Something genuine bruh.

DP2 mechanics with DP1′s entire game design..

Dead Space 3, bloated, shit story, average. 

Dead Space 2, great. 

Dead Space 1, GOAT; most consistent to the actual/original point of Dead Space.

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Analyzing the My Hero Academia manga (volumes 28-41) --- Horikoshi and the multiple endings

"This is how it ends initially & this is the true end; everything else will just be a retooling imposed by the fans"

He called it, cause thats exactly what Chp431 was, just meaningless pandering that upset the actual "The End" & retooled the same ends and it still sucked because KH either has no experience with relationships or just avoids it on purpose for personal reasons.

Some writers don't know how to write couples, but try anyway even if it means bad romance but KH is unique in his consistent aversion to even try, like he's terrified of cementing a couple.

There's no way you make a chapter to please shippers & the entire chapter is about everything else but them being a couple, in fact Ochako spends more time with Spectral Toga than Deku lmfao.

And wrapped up with a sterilized platonic gesture bro handshake, which I personally don't dislike if it was any other story but even thats founded on nothing because after Season 2-- what did these two even have?

The most that happened in between was the black whip situation & she stepped in, yet that happened due to events, not them actually wanting to be around each other, she didn't meet Inko, he didn't meet her parents despite we the audience seeing both their parents. So what it took for her to want to be near this boy was him almost killing someone.... thats your ship?

He couldn't even give us a chapter with just them hanging out alone, recapping how close they've been since Final War arc end, anything. But no he had to give us the ranking of Mirko, Mt.Useless and everyone else in the industry which is alive & well because nothing matters. Because that's exactly why Izuko has no track record as is, he repeats the problems that robbed the characters in the first place while thinking he's providing closure.

Giving us the dillon and dutch handshake scene from Predator; had faith in Horikoshi, didn't work out. gee, who saw that coming

The "Fans" need to just give up and make their own shit.

when cult mentality labels criticism as "hating" no one questions anything, get exactly what you deserve; Otherwise if Horikoshi really was this fragile when it came to the fanbase, while no guarantee he would've listened the fandom slim could've saved the story by criticizing this crap before it got to this point.

oh well. oh whomp

Analyzing the My Hero Academia manga (volumes 28-41) -- Horikoshi's concept vs execution problem

Analyzing the My Hero Academia manga (volumes 28-41)

Deku's character development deadass was learning it's okay to be an emotionally indulgent crybaby, the strength in crying and smiling. Because if you’re doing either one, apparently you’re not a strong person.

which is exactly what he was before, a tear factiory- except now he's deadpan here & there. Pure regression.

And Star's treatment was hilarious, KH dumped all that exposition on her quirk, then those flashbacks, the movie even went so far as to show her as a kid, and she died right there anyway; then trying to show her as cool for poisoning AFO in a way & affecting him later, while meaning nothing to any of the characters, thus she means nothing to us.

Even Yagi's reaction was next to nothing.

Not having star mentor deku or give him refuge overseas so he lies low from japans villains, all of that was a miss. Just waste after waste after waste.

Those kids dragging him back to that school was symbolic of his character being kept in a box, and it's fitting that the school at the time looked like a prison, because for Deku thats what it is.

If Deku beat 1A & came back on his own terms, leagues better. If he came back without the mob melodrama & ochako speech which just repeated Iida's moment in Season 1, so she didn't do anything unique

If he came back & made it clear he's not staying but simply cooperating with the heroes; Just that simple clarification would make Deku independent and his own man. Instant agency.

Horikoshi kept putting more food on his plate, not knowing what to do with the entree's he didn't finish already. And he did it to himself, repeatedly, for years and for no reason.

What i noticed watching Season 1 is Deku lost priority the minute the other characters started talking more around EP6-8, thats when the 1A clustermess began

MHA was the lovechild of a western culture fanboy who had talent for art and no plan. The man needed a legit team, and there's nothing wrong with that.

Avatar the last Airbender contrary to popular belief, as much as Ehasz carried, he wasn't the only reason why that show slammed. It wouldn't have been what it was if it wasn't for the fact that it was a collab effort of people with vision (Bryke), people with a writing plan (Ehasz' team) and the talent auto-correct the rough edges (ultimately Ehasz).

Good writing is just an aimless potential without a provocative idea, that's where Bryke came in. Korra was dogshit because Bryke had good ideas just like before & no one to buff the edges or course correct the concepts with good writing.

Horikoshi howver, is the complete opposite of why ATLA works still to this day. He had vision for concepts, art. But bro didn't know whatt he was doing or where to take his ideas.

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Lily Orchard: A Rabbit Hole of Depravity (CD-Call)

"I would recommend that you relax and enjoy your fantasies" Firebrand said with a smile "You'll find that once you do, you'll be feeling less guilty about yourself, and less likely to think you'll do something you'll regret-"

36:40 Actually, the action we'll regret is not growing the fuck up and letting the fantasy go in the first place.

It's a fantasy for a reason, it's compensation for what we're not doing or haven't done or haven't received properly in life; otherwise to be a more complete person.

Fetishism is just cope, a jagged puzzle piece people JAM into a space where closure & growth should be.

Which is why most fetishes resemble a form of arrested development.

And this dude really projected that in their story akin to looking in a mirror and saying "Just do it", 36:40 There's no way this goof really wrote that in there.

Parenting is not a spectator sport.

This is why people need to think, these fetishes aren't a manifestation of something that went right in life. That's why it's a fetish and not an actual accomplishment.

This is like bashing your hand with a hammer until you stop feeling stimuli in it, you know it's counterproductive, doing the action adds nothing to your life, you're technically not hurting anyone else & it’s a form of “expression”-- and you get a kick out of it.

So desensitizing your NATURAL resistance to the idiotic engagement (which is second guessing yourself), vs pumping your brain with poison until you feel nothing is the best one can do, or rationalize it vs actually evolving as a person.

Numbing yourself to conviction is devolution, path of least resistance is the perfect formula to stay a prisoner in your own mind  And for what. Absolutely nothing.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

So many shows get varying relationships between girls wrong because some writers think getting along 24/7 equals chemistry-

 when actual chemistry entails different & opposing elements mix to make a solution or compound or reaction.

Toph & Katara work because they're both flawed, had ego's for different reasons and grinded each other's gears constantly. Toph wasn't some overbearing abuser or Katara this halo ridden angel that was always right. Things they likely would be if re-written in today's zeitgeist

Instead they're written as believable real people despite being fiction, and that conflict only made it clear to each of them (& us) where each other's boundaries were overtime & how to respect them. Not handled one-off in one episode and then they never disagreed ever again but multiple times.

Same applies to the whole team honestly, the show's dynamics as a whole ( which is why the pairings work so well); Point being politically correct scripts tend to have women all being friends immediately or something and it's so boring, and it doesn't work.

There will always be people like you’: Tekken boss blasts ‘disrespectful’ fan for criticising character’s new look (Criticism isn't allowed in the Cult of Fandom)

re: “It’s always lovely to see internet whiners get what’s coming to them!”

"get what’s coming to them!", ain't no way you said that just cause a n1gga didn't like a redesign.

“What an amazing response to a really needless comment.”

“Needless”, because it wasn’t a response that praised the product or made you feel good about yourself.

Very disproportionate reactions to a simple “I don’t like the new design.”

I saw a HTTYD trailer comment recently claiming they think being a true fan is supporting the creator blindly like a cult member. Or just supporting to support is being a true fan, regardless of context, ie. a cult member.

I see a lot with Manga/Anime followings.

"Have faith"

"Trust in the OP"

"It gets better"

"Trust their vision"

All the shit you'd hear in a cult fanatic circle. Common theme: Think less, consume the message and question nothing.

Instead of a god, you got the product.

Otherwise, Harada didn’t “blast” shit, they replied professionally simply stating that the detractor should speak for themselves, and they’re right.

Because thinking the devs slighted the fans in some way just because YOU didn't like the outfit is pretentious.

  • Tho despite 98% of fans liking the look, the 2% was enough to get a lengthy reaction from the game's own Director specifically. 
  • So apparently 2% mattered a lot to the dude, mind you, this is all over a DLC character.
  • I repeat: this all because some nobody didn’t like the re-design of a DLC character.

What an asshole right? I guess for the sake of everyone’s mental health they should’ve just pretended to like it?

That was worth celebrating an internet whiner getting “ what’s coming to them!” — Excuse you? I’m still trying to recall what the actual crime was here.

Sure them stating the design was the devs being vindictive was a dumb take, but is that really worth ...all that?

This shit right here is why it’s not worth it to be a fan of anything, if the corporations themselves aren’t cannibalizing the IP, then the fans themselves turn on each other at the slightest infraction of wrong-think, it’s pathetic. 

We gotta stop forcing fandoms to be hiveminds, clutching pearls every time someone defies the will of the collective.

Not very inclusive or tolerant or healthy, very radical in fact; Very abusive environment.

Since someone has to say it:

No you don’t have to support everything served to you to feel like you belong to the community or to be considered a fan. Being a blind yes-man is not being a fan, that’s a sycophant, NPC shit. It’s unnecessary.

TL;DR If you like it, then let that be enough.

A Wasp-like colony defense mechanism to any form of dissent displays nothing but a lack of confidence in what we/ or you claim to like in the first place.

Otherwise the outfit has fabulous boots✅ but without a slim skirt, gown, or dress (ok, fine but it’s definitely a minus)❌ 

  • Loud af pants, despite how little of them you actually see.
  • Ugly top & leg straps with buckles, lol ok then.
  • Santa Claus red fabric & white fur jacket (cute) but with GOLD AND BLACK? Not cute🤮, I didn’t even realize how bad it was until I got a high-res photo and looked at it.

Definitely looks better from a distance.

Her Chinese dress look was underwhelming but classic, simple, this is just doing way too much in the other direction. Like a shitty oc.

If they had to have the boots, give ‘er a mini-dress or something sleek & slim that compliments them and the jacket. Especially that jacket.

Should’ve combined this fur jacket with a Jessica Rabbit motif, some kind of dress; Something more classy/diva. 

Its so odd they didn’t go with a leather jacket with this specific outfit choice & instead went with white fur? WITHOUT a gown btw. Or any other significant white in the rest of the outfit to compliment it, vs clashing with it.

Very in-the box decision making.😂👍oh well.

As long as the game plays as it should & the story is decent, it’s the same character regardless.

All I know is, people really need to stop working against themselves, especially when it’s with good intentions. Why push away other fans just because they committed the sin of not reinforcing your feelings over a given topic. Fuck them, amiright?

"Diversity" for you, "inclusion" for you- Until you go against the grain, and now you can get lost & shut up, good riddance. And over what?

Show that criticizer who's boss by .....criticizing them. #Consistency

All the Director said TL;DR was "speak for yourself", and that's fine because the commenters narrative of the devs getting back at the fans or some crap was reaching, yet in short all they communicated was they didn't like it, that's it.

Everything surrounding that simple fact was entirely unnecessary, including the Director replying to it at all. Cause again it seems that person would've done themselves a favor by just pretending to like it so everyone's happy and they're not ostracized.

What kind of space is that if you have to keep your head down & capitulate 24/7 or else you're Public Enemy #1, horrible, toxic environment and for no reason.

  • No room for dialog but Everyone's got something to say but no one wants to talk. And over what? An outfit choice for a video game character.👏

It's entitlement that that fan thought the devs was sticking it to the fans somehow just because they in isolation didn't like the design choice and it's entitlement to think someone owes you vindication just because you liked it.

Or they got just desserts because they were made an example of for not liking it, like what the fuck.

This propensity for aggressive self-regulating group-think is becoming more and more concerning by the week.  It's not a new phenomenon but usually people catch themselves but I'm starting to notice a lack of that lately.

It’s not worth it, you then corrupt the purpose of a fandom in the first place. It is not worth it.