Thursday, January 30, 2025

What If? - Spider-Man: Back in Black (Recommended Reads) #MARVELCOMICS

 "Keep laughing, fat boy."

That's not even a quip, that was just mean. Parker ain't playin dude. 

This issue was awesome & tragic. If Parker had the real symbiote, it woulda been so much worse. This issue is just pure aura the moment he put that suit on, displaying the danger of a morals off Spider-man

This is kind of shit we should've gotten from MCU's what if.

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Pixar seems to have realized/remembered where their place is. (for now)


As if the Western Empire couldn't decline fast enough, now Pixar decides it wants to get it's shit together. Coincidentally after November.

Too late bruh. #Pixar #identitypolitics #movies

ESPY 2021 Award winner left hanging by audience (When your accomplishments isn't enough #Industry)


If she was getting love before she shoutout the sistas, fine. But no she ONLY got whoops because she virtue signaled. That's the part where they lost me. This is how the industry creates white saviors, but we clapping for it now tho then complain about it later.

(And yes, I saw the clip without Mark's edits. All that was different is she commented how nervous she was, thanked some friends. Relatable stuff, and even then she didn't get any audible support. Fuckin assholes man.) Paige Bueckers, Industry is a cold machine man.

Elizabeth Comstock (I hold this character in very high regard)

  • The way the story smoothly transitioned her into central character focus, after making her retrieval the actual goal/game objective of the first act of the story, then a carefree NPC, then things got more interesting, she started showing more sides to her than just "uwu waifu mode".

    She was dynamic. Very slick.

She's a better developed Eleanor, tho Eleanor was also a cool character who pulled strings too.

Actually, deadass?

A lot of the Bioshock ladies one way or another was (co-/independently) lowkey running shit or making moves.

Sofia Lamb,

 Bridget Tenebaum

Julie Langford


Eleanor Lamb,

 Daisy "mfing" Fitzroy

Fuck that "girlboss" shit.

These ladies were beyond that, they were professionals, experts in their individual fields. From Biology, Quantum Physics, to social psychology, to just knowing how to lead.

They were qualified, not strong FEMALE characters, just solid CHARACTERS. Without the derivative labels. Love that shit when it’s done right.

And some of em are npc's, not even that deep, most prolly forgot some were in the game, but they were cool.

Usually you got characters just doing shit perfect nowadays because they:

  • Believed in themselves
  • Or somebody told them how special they were all along

Vs these Bioshock characters have ***credentials***, Hollywood needed more of that energy in the writers room. Still do.

In a poetic sense, Elizabeth, with all that power+knowledge, was like the accumulation of all of those characters before & technically after her, for both better and for worse.

  • Cause she, our dear Elizabeth, did some questionable shit to get what she wanted sometimes.
  • Just like Daisy has no stranger to bloodshed, nor Sofia.
    They're flawed, that's why they're believable.
    They're not perfect little angles who represent some feminist overtone, while they guys look like idiots.

Everyone, one way or another, has issues.

Welcome to BIOSHOCK, enjoy your stay.

Thus, the beginning and end of Bioshock, Anna Dewitt. (Hopefully Bioshock 4 doesn't fuck up what was &/is still a open and shut & done /complete story.)

This character is pretty decent.

It's a crime she's not more appreciated on "female character" game lists. Likely too much good writing and not enough midriff, fanservice, waifu mode, D.I.D, & skintight clothes for the peons to project onto.

Infinite didn't vibe with me at first, I actually did NOT like it when finished (Still have my complaints, entirely with the enemy designs & lack of boss diversity) but "Burial At Sea" was just a trigger moment where I really looked back at what I just played & how overqualified Elizabeth is but still grounded:

Full circle, I'm a sucker for well executed time loops (because it's quantum shenanigans Bioshock 1-3 technically isn't a paradox) or perpetual cycles that don't make me roll my eyes.

Probably played BAS: Part 2 more times than I did the first game.

And as of 2025, I have played both Infinite & BAS combined more than the first 2 games and technically the 2nd game is my favorite, protector trials and everything.

And while Bioshock Infinite is not a better game than Bioshock 2, Bioshock 2 is not packing the story that Bioshock Infinite has, Bioshock 2 doesn't have Elizabeth, the quantum lore, the twins, the parallels.

Technically you playing the games over and over again is a canon event in the story itself in meta.

The difference between a girl and woman is "blood", jfc RIP to the homegirl, she was about that life to the end.
Won't spoil who died tho, if you know, then you know.

Play the game.

Since Levine (original Bioshock writer) is NOT on the project of the 4th game (And for a very understandable, even respectable reason to boot) but for some reason the 4th is being made anyway, this is screaming studio mandate than it is an organic "necessity" for the story.

Which is just MATRIX4-GREED all over again: Sure the first 3 was a complete story, but WHAT IF? We made a 4th one for no fucking reason at all?

It's a complete story, not sure where they want to take it beyond that.

All they gotta do is just fit it in after Bioshock 2 chronologically & follow Eleanor maybe or something, or what the heck is Jack up to?

Both are questions we actually don't need answers to tbh, but I sincerely hope Bioshock 4 doesn't fuck up the loop or the point of the original games frfr.

Friday, January 24, 2025

"How Star Trek: Lower Decks' Mariner Became My New Favorite Character" The issue with Beckett Mariner

 "hides her true potential and caring nature."

Mariner is garbage. OP is projecting onto her because of a "label" coding, that's where this appeal is coming from, not the writing, but what box Mariner fits into.

Self-destruction hurts you, vs sabotage of everyone else & being a burden and hardly ever taking accountability for it.

Chops boimer's leg in the first sequence of the series, tho while drunk, she never apologized for it. Episode 1. This "caring" Mariner

If the show had competent writing she'd be held accountable for what she does wrong from jump, thus having nuance.

If she was a horrible person on purpose & kept getting in trouble and suffering consequences, thus suffering on two different fronts. OP's arguments might actually hold some weight & Mariner would've been the best character in Lower Decks.

She's self-destructing & suffering punishments in isolation because she doesn't want to end up in a dark place

But if she doesn't suffer consequences & just domineers & treats everyone (Boimer) like trash, and just gets away with it- it doesn't work.

Then this tragic backdrop is vapid, it only holds weight if she's acting the way she is and suffering for it, kinda like how the show kicks Boimers ass 24/7-- thats how you get empathy from the audience and thats how the narrative can work.

But only if she suffers consequences & gets put through hell, like Boimer. If she just does what she wants most of the time, it doesn't work.

If Mariner's level of insufferable is acceptable representation of ADHD Coding or whatever, we really need to raise the bar of what we think is good characterization. this aint it

Saturday, January 18, 2025

meatcanyon unintentionally made a good point (The world ending power of the "R word" )

 youtube has legit fetishy genocide porn on the platform but for god's sake don't say the "R word", think about the children! Come on guys!

#meatcanyon I watch certain reaction channels of movies (somehow youtube allows that but im not complaining) and whenever the word "retard" is brought up like in Tropic Thunder, everyone's reaction is like they saw a platter of fetal remains at an abortion clinic. the masses are being socially whipped into submission to put up defense mechanisms for a word that in reality is no more or less harmful than "Stupid", "Bitch", "Dumbass", "Pussy", "Dick" or "Motherfucker", "Stupid ass" or "Bitchass" etc etc Or are those words next? If not, why not? What else are we supposed to not like? People are more comfortable using "Nazi" or "Fascist" as an insult than "Retard", or "Bastard", how? Babies are easily higher in social hierarchy priority than mentally handicapped but no one has a problem using a slur that indicates an unwanted /abandoned baby ? helpless. Which is a horrible thing, leagues worse than a mentally lame. LEAGUES WORSE slur. But RETARD is the word everyone's pearl clutching over, because you read the room & now you feel a way that's not even your own sensibility, you adopted someone else's attitude and you think it's your own belief, all to avoid getting trouble with someone somewhere, you don't know when the trend started but you don't care, you just obey. In trouble with who exactly? What are you afraid of? Is the term REALLY that big of a deal or did we decide it was because everyone else did AND THEY themselves don't even know why it's a big deal. And then people think they have free will, lmfao. People gotta resist this crap, you give it an inch, it will take a mile and everything in-between. *Not using a word ain't even the issue, I rarely feel the need to casually say "retarded", I've always liked "Idiot" or "Mook" better. "Dumbass" has some kick to it. But the fact that this current atmosphere has people squeamish & nervous NOT BECAUSE they themselves don't like the word, but because they picked up somewhere from somebody that they're not supposed to like it. Why? Who fucking knows. And no one EVER traces back where these sentiments come from, because everyone just kneels & falls in line to avoid scrutiny or social assault, a generation of followers. Pure control. I don't like that shit, that's how you treat a classroom of impressionable children. That's how you break & learn dogs. My issue with censorship warriors, is the crap they're on is never out of virtue, but a test to see who obeys. They don't commit, it's always a powertrip to take one word or 2, but never too much. Cowards. I bet you it's an egotrip just to see how many people play along. It's so stupid.

Friday, January 17, 2025

Ms. Marvel Volume 2 #9-10 (recommended reads) 2007-2011

Solid side-plot introducing the extensive trauma after what Rogue did to Carol, an alternate Carol that sunk into depression, failed her world, lost it and went on a warpath killing Rogues.

The 616 Carol does questionable things as well, a lot of conflict and baggage here. Good stuff. This encompassed the Civil War era.

Even back then Carol ain't no girl next door prop in a skirt, she will fuck yo ass up. She'll be nice, once, then she won't.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

What Happened To The All Female League of Legends Team?

couldn't possibly be that women aren't interested in playing some corny game competitively with max pressure for some money, couldn't possibly be that women are different from men & the majority of ladies don't have the same interests and drive to drill themselves silly to be the best at controlling some virtual cartoon characters. P eople just want to force women in a box because AFTER men make something popular, women must be on roster just for the novelty of it or else some people can't sleep at night. Couldn't imagine how annoying that is for women, this constant attitude that they have to be injected into what men do that they have no interest in or expected to be involved in anything & everything men do just because of a gender deficit that harms or impacts no one. Because no one's complaining about the lack of men in women's interests, but what men do must be split down the middle or else something's wrong. Hobbies can't be hobbies anymore without a ratio war. It's too white, too many men, too straight. It's always some cramp, some whining fest. The people we want to join the party NOW, didn't help make it popular in the first place. Women being the majority, if they really wanted to dominate the field (be it esports or Trade careers) they would have. The default narrative being some boogeyman is barring women out of something just robs the agency of women on mass who just are not interested and made a choice. It couldn't be that they made a choice, no it's someone's fault. Ass-hack logic.

just stop fetishizing women for participating, plain and simple, it's disgusting.

  • you wont get any women raising the bar if there's no standard they have to meet to begin with.
  • They get points for signing up and being born with the right chromosome code, that alone with worth a headline, you won't get champs of any kind if the bar is so low Satan can do pull ups on it.
  • Stop fetishizing "All female" "first female", stop drooling over women doing it, praise people for doing it better. Stop treating women like women, treat them like equals. thats the only way women will meet the standard and go beyond.
Cause this is just keeping them in a box, a pet novelty.

Sunday, January 12, 2025

"Is Momo's character on My Hero Academia too overly sexualized for a high school student?", No, because it's not sexualized as others. Yes because the reason why is forced.

I saw this on another answer somewhere (Quora)

“Since MHA has very few flaws when compared to other shows, this minor thing can be easily ignored by many fans.”

Easily ignored they say, if it has to be ignored at all. That in itself asserts that there's a problem to be ignored, thus its a problem.

  • Ignoring it is not addressing the issue the question is posing
  • And saying ‘b but her casual wear isn’t revealing soo’ is again, beside the point.

“Since MHA has very few flaws", (someone else says)

incorrect, so painfully incorrect.

The real question isn’t “is Momo herself kind of oversexulized” than it is the context of her costume design being an issue and her treatment overall tbh. The writing is just bad.

Because the rules of her quirk were designed specifically by the author so her suit would be that revealing, not for some practical reason. The critera itself was a vehicle to deliver fanservice and the excuse is being practical OR “necessity”.

Basically, LIKE Midnight, he set up their quirks to be a contrived reason why the audience gets to see some casual fanservice, some 17yr old, Big sister/Ojou-Sama skin.

  • He could've easily changed the criteria so they could be as protected as the male characters uniforms, Baku and Deku look like they're strapped for war sometimes
  • Most of the girls look like they're cosplaying lmfao
  • Is it wrong? No. He's not harming anyone.
  • Is he a scumbag? Yes. After 6+ years (2022 is when I originally wrote this, so NOW it’s 10 years as of 2024), blatant examples of his juvenile refusal to treat his female characters with any ounce of consistent equal respect or class. No pun intended.

And this extends to all of the girls. You have cats like Mirio who is buck naked because of his quirk, but not really sexualized if you notice, oddly enough the context is waaaay different. Its fast paced, during action scenes, still cringe, still sus cause he a kid, yet Mirio pulls it off ( Again, pun not intended.), because the point isn’t to bend him over with the anime “WoooOOOOWW” sound effect, no the point is he’s kicking ass.

So when i first saw this on google I thought it was a deviantart man-child post, I refused to believe this was actually in the show. I laughed at how stupid this was.

My immediate reaction was “wtf was the point of that”, and this was after Momo had a solid moment of her asserting her positive qualities as a senior presence, maturity. And then they immediately undermine her with a still shot of her bent over.

Pure disrespect.

  • What gets me heated is the amount of excuses made for lazy writers, by “fans” aka braindead consumer blobs that just go “yes honey" and eat up whatever is put in front of em. Question nothing.

Cause at the end of the day, Horikoshi is gonna (as of 2025) HE DID what he fucking wanted, no matter what we say here. Good on him.

  • But if the fans are passive zombies and will accept literally anything, & given the fact that Horikoshi was a very emotional guy, or at least: Receptive, he would insert passive aggressive jabs at criticisms he receives but he’d do it in the actual manga or? Make changes depending on the fanbase’ mood CHP431 being an example.
  • So, then how can i expect this moron to evolve or develop his techniques of writing if the fanbase is just a bunch of drones that won't hold the craft to any standard that matters.

Teen Titans has one chick in a onepiece swimsuit & a cape and the other in a mini & midriff:

  • And the CLOSEST thing to fanservice i can top off my mind is Ep2 where Starfire flies past the camera and her belly was also in the camera for maybe 2 seconds (And someone pointed out to me that you actually saw her panties) but after 20 something years someone had to TELL/reveal to ME that existed (as attentive as i am, to a fault) because it was so goddamn fast.
  • Point being: The show didn’t STOP————— to show you Star’s panties, it was so damn fast it was irrelevant to the action. Sus that it was in there at all, but if yer gonna slip in some sus (for whatever reason you did it), don’t shove it in our face.
  • Difference is that was during an action scene, mid motion- everything DIDNT STOP AND PAUSE to feature her tummy or choice of undies like My Creep Academia; Boku ZERO Heroes

So Starfire and Raven technically get better treatment and more respect from their 5 season 71 episode run than MHA girls get in 100+ep +movies lol

Again its Momos treatment than the costume itself at this point, it’s the overtone, the agenda as to why he set it up that way in the first place vs her suit design being a problem.

  • You know how many OVA I’ve watched with brutal treatment to girls and women, Momo is the absolute LEAST of what could happen (doesn’t make it right but keep in mind it could be worse)—— but when a show with this kind of exposure, with all these young girls & boys, written by an adult, needs to come with responsibility.

Because those OVA I watched? Seinen, 80s-90s hardcore Sci-fi, Seinen, DARK Fantasy shit.

This is a shonen, completely different, so there’s no reason to show these kiddos buck ass naked in a spa bath, the hell’s wrong with you Author.

A female character by herself/existing at all, is not sexualized, a female human avatar in isolation is not sexualized. Like Katara:

But if you, as the Director and Writer went the EXTRA MILE to intentionally frame shots like this: (while a character is talking, no respect)

Instead of this down here [“Southern Raiders” Episode from Book 3]: (Showing an equal frame of the faces of both characters, respect displayed by production crew, writers)

The presentation alone shows you everything, the attitude, the agenda, the fucks to give and lack thereof.

Tangent: You clearly do not respect or take your characters seriously, when the most they have to offer a scene is a close up still frame of their body, the same gag over & over again, and little to no highlights when the action starts. But they’re center frame when it’s time to excite some boners, not when it matters.

  • That's the problem. And no, it being a shonen is no excuse, Avatar The Last Airbender is a shonen in spirit, and many of the ladies from youngest to oldest- kick ASS. As of this posting (Jan 2025) I just finished re-watching the show in December and damn, good writing. Not perfect, I have some gripes but I watched the entire thing knowing I can trust the writers to act like they have some sense.

I can’t do that with many modern western writers OR Mangaka, unfortunately. It’s just that the japanese get more excuses because it ain’t woke. So no trans characters, yaaaaay said the dude bros, but sexualized 11yr-16 olds getting panty shots, being useless, half naked, horribly characterized: “”B b b but thats their culture”

  • *Laughs in 2023 Japan that changed the age of consent because their “Culture” is getting women & children violated at rates the past 30 years of Manga & Anime booms that even the Japanese Gov. can’t ignore- or at least they can’t ignore it anymore.
  • This same Gov. that was fine with Doujinshi CP because it hurt no one………………..Uuuuuntil we found it was hurting people. BIG FUCKING SHOCK
  • You mean to tell me what you ingest into your mind leaves on impact on said brain? Repeat conditioning can subliminally plant suggestion of normalization? Whaaaat that’s new to the human race, amiright boys?

Enough. Excuses.

[End of tangent]

So back to Momo, it’s not just the oversexualization, she’s just sexualized (someone made that point and I agree).

She’s just sexualized as a character, but for a Highschooler? She is oversexualized. Yes.

And no, her wearing a sweater or casuals during off hours is irrelevant, why? Because her iconography in the franchise (which is visible to the entire planet btw) isn’t her wearing a sweater or something proper, genius- It’s her wearing her stripper uniform that somehow a school & her parents approved.

It's the context of why than it is the “uniform” if you want to call it that.

That is the point. Why why why. Again, it’s NOT JUST Momo.

  • Sexualization can work for characters that are written to be as such in a non-contrived way, like Catwoman or Jessica Rabbit.

Midnight is hilariously goofy when she tries to be sexy, her fanservice its 100% cringe but she's a grown ass woman, so shes fine when she herself isnt being a borderline pedophile.

But a bunch of 14–17 year olds tryna to be superheroes? You lost me, because now im wondering why doing any of that was necessary. In that context.

Midnight/horikoshi wants to argue necessity, but arguing necessity to the author directly derails whatever point he thought he was making.

Midnight/Horikoshi arguing “necessity” is not the mic-drop she/he thinks it was; That same word, that same stance works against the author.

Because Momo’s quirk execution is not even the same in the anime vs the manga

Her quirk in the anime functions like a quantum or dimensional threshold, like she’s generating matter from another sub-dimensional space or a bio-generated pocket dimension that only she can tamper with.

Which could’ve been an anime exclusive opportunity for lore if BONES cared to expand on that as much as they did her ass & cameltoe.

  • Since they’re the one’s that changed her skin mutations to that pink energy outline.
  • And if it boils down to portals, she could just be like Elizabeth Comstock & learn to project that energy that she’s tapping into to create objects and just open mini-portals that she can reach into.

Or turn her arms into that pink energy & expand portals on the floor just generate whatever at a cost of stamina, anything- Then this kid won’t have to dress like a stripper.

Wonder Woman is a grownass adult, 2nd strongest in the League, the last person you’d want to square up with even WITHOUT her powers: she’d annihilate you in a fight.

Momo is a child. Big ass difference.

Say what you want about her costume, but why is she wearing heels? Where’s the necessity in that. And no leggings when she RARELY & I mean RARELY ever creates with her thighs.

It’s a sad, sorry, slimy excuse to exploit the likeness of an underage kid.

A 19 yr old (at minimum) to me is still a child, idgaf, so why tf is this dude treating these 14–16 yr olds like he’s writing hentai and not a love letter to everything he loves about what the west made awesome?

  • Which is what My HERO ACADEMIA is, a tribute. Kohei is a western fanboy. It’s blatant, and that’s one of the few things I like about what he did with MHA, whatever thats worth.
  • WHY DOESN’T HE just focus on that shit instead of the weird crap, it’s a lack of restraint.

All she needs is her arms, her back/ or midriff (since she “needs” a big area of skin for bigger objects *nice one Kohei*).

She does not need her chest out, she does not need to open her top like she’s flashing because (Hahaha so funny) or be in high heels, or her thighs all out or as we find out in OVA 1 the suit is riding up her ass. As she’s bent over, and the director giving the “kids” in the audience full view of her crotch and ass.

  • Truly groundbreaking stuff boys, thanks Japan. Pedobait is 10x better than wokeness. So instead of mary sues & identity politics, we get sexploited kids/ mainly girls who are always 2nd best to the boys and or useless.
  • My Gamechanger Academia; Boku Wasted Potential
  • In meta? Her parents are a disgrace to be ok with their only child walking like that around grownass adults.

Momo was another case of wasted potential, sexploited & left behind, even that forced as hell character development he crammed in the Final Exams.

Season 2’s Fail of Momo”

She survives a real time encounter with villains that could’ve killed them, in the OVA’s she displays her competence to lead the class and they (including Iida, the class prez) acknowledge her leadership quality.

But she loses one blasted match in a meaningless festival, after the fact EraserFace ADMITS the event was pointless, but she in her feelings because she lost a match vs surviving REAL villains.

That was worth her moping for almost the whole season. Not her losing that episode and it getting resolved the next episode after speaking with her parents (People with actual impact & stake in her life) but no, she loses, Horikoshi forgets she exists until just before the Exams, and then now of all times (AFTER Stain) we get her stupid moping anxiety attack because she lost a glorified Sumo match.

And she doesn’t come to her own conclusions or recover on her own ability, her getting her shit together depended on Todoroki of all people rushing out this half-assed validation session, pandering to her ego like she’s 5 years old, like she completely forgot everything she accomplished.

Which opens up another can of worms:

  • Why wasn’t she more competent vs Pokemon Boy? So yer telling me she can create cannons to take down 60 ft tall Robots, she has Flash bangs for Eraserhead IN THAT SAME episode she’s panicking like an idiot, but she didn’t have any of that smoke for Tokoyami???!? Really? She had no answer?
  • If she was going to have a character arc, this was not it my friend. At least not this way

If she was recommended to U.A. on nepotism and not merit & she discovered that and it crushed her, fine. But Horikoshi didn’t think (as usual) to give her a legitimate reason to cave in like she did as if USJ never happened.

That’s what passes for “character development”, the bar’s so low Satan himself can do pull-ups on it.

Momo being an idiot, more melodrama for a character that barely gets anything to work with and when she does, this is it.

And then after the fight with Eraserhead, she starts doubting herself again because she missed the mark on the trap (but the trap worked) but she didn’t deploy it as fast as she wanted so now she’s getting in her feelings over that & then EraserBrains himself has to reinforce her fragility.

  • So this chic had zero agency in getting her confidence back (which means it can be derailed just as easy from outside forces), 2 people in the same span of 15 minutes had to kiss her ass just for her to get her shit together.
  • Pathetic, that’s considered development.

You want to fix this?

You don’t have her doubt herself because of a goddamn festival, you have her possess an ego within the safe confines of the school, smart mouth & pompous like she’s hot shit and then when faced with the real deal, then she’s useless because she realizes for the first time in her sheltered little life, she’s afraid.

And mommy & daddy nor their money can save her this time.

And she doesn’t perform, she freezes, that’s what plants her doubt, real world failure, real stakes, real consequence after thinking she was the catch of the school.

She panics, she caves, she doesn’t perform, & someone gets hurt because of her, hell have a 1A student die (say it’s Koda, and she was extra hard on him for not keeping up with everyone else), then he gets hurt or dies on her watch because SHE wasn’t locked in.

  • And the point of killing him so early is to establish that villains in MHA are not a bunch of punks. Which they are in canon, as we’ve all found out the hard way for 10 years straight.

So she realizes that her recommendation to the school was on nepotism, not her ability and that doubt ontop of someone getting hurt/killed on her watch after she thought she was S-Tier, is why she’s panicking like this.

Have her doubt herself because she failed in the real world after she thought she was better than everyone else; Have her doubt herself because SHE ACTUALLY FAILED, not lose some safe, sheltered Stupid ass festival game. Are you frigging serious!?

(Someone dying via natural consequences in My Hero, which leads to monumental changes in other characters via development and raises the stakes, in which the deceased becomes the motivation of the entire class? I know, perish the thought, that actually sounds like an interesting Anime.)

In retrospect, compared to that shit? Her costume is the least of the issues with Momo Yaoyorozu, as creepy as it is, it’s the LEAST. I promise you. And the only reason I even caught this is because my homie tried defending it and during the conversation, I realized just how bad Momo was handled, BEYOND her silly costume.

I’m not going to even get into how underpowered she is despite having one of the most broken powers in the class, same with Ochako & Jiro.

The author was too immature, too many characters (which I understand, character design is fun but keeping up with everything you set up is a bitch. I’ll give K.H some slack, writing is not easy but damn he insisted multiple times that EVERYONE was the main character, this was the story of how EVERYONE became the greatest hero, just beyond idiotic. Made more work for himself)

Too little restraint when it came to his sus/ questionable/concerning thoughts whenever the ladies were in the context; The man was literary incompetent but damn he could draw his ass off when he wanted to.

Momo was another casualty, no more, no less. No amount of epilogues from Horikoshi or excuses from the usual suspects is going to fix that.

  • If she has to memorize molecular structures, and she is supposed to be so smart- why not have her invent new structure combinations, invent weapons, new tech, new elements to Makind through her quirk.
  • An IronMan Repulsor gauntlet or something. MAKE HER COOL, not just a pinup girl with an occasional game plan and people think that’s her being useful when in reality most can’t name what big villain of the story arcs have any of the girls have taken down or been frontline in the matter. *crickets,
  • See despite what Author wants us to believe, the story was full of redundant extras. The same 3–4 people in Class 1A were the only one’s allowed to be badasses independently. Rarely anyone else. Doesn’t sound like “You are the protagonist” energy to me.
  • When in reality, Momo’s Quirk is a goldmine for civilization’s possible future advancements, her family’s wealth if she takes advantage of her quirk & patents what she could invent, let alone the combat applications as a hero.

But no, course not, silly me. MHA girls belong in a box like pet waifu’s (ie. their actual stake in the fandom), and the scraps & rushed emotional beats aka “character development” & the obligatory sexploitation——- yep that’s good enough.

Pure waste of potential. Squandered.

Why I Hate Captain Carter – Making Your OC The Most Pretentious Mary Sue

Plus i think the sword she had was magic or something,, if the monster wasn't a Lovecraftian Elder or something with PSI or TK. Her beating it ain't even an issue. Her S1 debut was ok enough, she did cool shit the 1610 Rogers did.

I wish they feminized her super soldier build a little more like the 90s Spiderman Cartoon Black Cat. Peggy's petite face on that butch body was uncanny valley in the worst way, distracting at the least

Her head's too small, shoulders too wide, torso way too big & long, small chest, lanky legs. Just horrible. They tried to make her like Steve instead of making her the ideal physiological specimen of a woman super soldier, visually as well as practical.

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Tom Leykis HATERS Call In #redpill

27:03 wrong tom, the child isn't at fault.

And you as the man likely being the starting factor of the sex ritual even happening at all are the starting reason for the kid existing, the woman being the final reason.

Make a child go without because you're in your feelings because she didn't do what you wanted, if thats how you feel, keep it in ya pants.

LowtierGod has this same attitude, you boys think because your intentions is casual sex, that means the laws of reality and the woman YOU CHOSE will have to bend, dip, and contort for your convenience & THE ACTUAL PURPOSE of sex will pause so you can get your little conquest high for the day.

Thats not how it works, and a baby does not deserve to be the casualty & the discarded genetic dump because YOU had nothing better to do. That's not right, thats wicked & spiteful.

Completely omitting your role that got the kid here, but screw them because I didn't want it but I STILL (like the genius i am) dealt with a woman knowing that her having it regardless of me was a possibility if something went wrong.

Absolutely disagreed. That's a boy's mentality, yes the woman has the final say, and YES you knew that before you did the duty and hopped in anyway.

Thats on you bud. Responsibility hot potato is not afforded for grownass adults.

Seraphim Simulation (biblical accurate angel) [seizure warning]

this right here is why Bible lore stands out from the others in every way. This pantheon doesn't have "a god" of the ocean or anything or some shit, this God said I'm "The", capital T, that's it.
This one said: 'The story is over before it begun, the future doesn't exist because you're confined to an eternal present don't worry about what doesn't exist, my son's the main character because nepotism, I'm a narcissist but don't say I never did anything for you, you could live in a period of house sized Spiders that spawn faster than rabbits. And btw my angels make demons look like Teletubbies.'
"Be better, I'm awesome, stay in touch, love you. Bye, I guess." - God

Kratos' quest to beat this pantheon would be 12 hours of a Game Over screen then end credits with the last two words being: "RIP KRATOS", zero gameplay,.

Monday, January 6, 2025

Thoughts on James Gunn's Superman Trailer...SUPER MEH (It smells like Age of Ultron all over again, franchise setup over story)

Thoughts on James Gunn's Superman Trailer...SUPER MEH

 (It smells like Age of Ultron  all over again, franchise setup over story)

I'm done with live action Superman/ or anything Superhero, not even going to front. It’s going to take some serious heavy lifting for me to go:

Everything this guy Shawn voiced I pretty much agree with. 

Even down to The Man of Steel Byrne run (which tells me Shawn is definitely a comics man), to Gunn likely just using this movie as another Batman v Superman: DAWN of Future Movies or The Avengers: Age of Future Movies

It's the same symptoms, these cinematic universes are obsolete now, they're dated, very VERY overrated. Just a business model to pump out content for the sake of it.

Everything James Gunn is going to attempt (good or halfway decent) is going to be a bad attempt at Timm's DCAU, I'm calling it now just how I tapped out of the MCU 2019 after watching Endgame 3 three times in a week and (despite my enjoying the Endgame theater experiences & I got something different each time) I could clearly & THOROUGHLY smell it's inferiority to Infinity War & Avengers 2012 (& I don't even like that movie) and prioritized fanservice over story.

This movie smelling like something funky in a similar vein to BvS & AOU, but we'll see. Theater's ain't getting my money but I'll eventually spot check it here and there after everyone calms the fuck down & the hype fizzles out and THEN we’ll see who the fans are and what the product is actually worth. 

Just like I did with that laughably bad (or a generous: Mediocre Tumblr Fanfic) My Adventures with Lois-Chan Season 1 and somehow a Season 2, a show everyone forgot about yet again after the second season overstayed it’s welcome and kindly fucked off. Finally. 

Agreed for the most part here on the video, and yes, Superman Returns suit was pretty solid (Tho I wanted the chest shield a bit bigger, it was a beautiful fusion of modern & classic)

Very rarely can you have this much on your plate coming out the gate and sell a good execution. Let’s not forget that BvS was only the SECOND Snyderverse movie.

Setup & Story work better when it’s a smaller ecosystem, a smaller playing field, it’s less overstimulation for the audience, the writers aren’t stretching the script thin, Cramming  50 elements into .a 10 Capacity box and it’s not overcompensating because at the end of the day, they’ll likely just sell a 2 hour trailer for future movies aka Age of Ultron and Dawn of Justice. 

Focus. Is the word. Coherence and focus. Very rarely can you prioritize setup of a UNIVERSE, the movie is about one guy and still get a coherent story.

That’s why The Batman worked in 2022, that’s why Ironman 2008 is STILL the best Ironman movie and that’s why Spider-Man worked in 2002, and nobody gives a shit about Homecoming despite all it had that the Raimi’s film didn’t.

Focus. (We’ll see what Gunn & Co. can do, we’ll see if they can write a competent Superman story or yet another Guardians of the Galaxy Lite with a Superman in it)