Friday, March 7, 2025

Dead Space 2 Retrospective | A Nearly Perfect Sequel

Dead Space 2 Retrospective | A Nearly Perfect Sequel

Dead Space 2 Retrospective | A Nearly Perfect Sequel

the second ones best traits beside the weapons is as you mentioned the urban infection angle, the school, the suites, seeing the empty bloodied homes, the necromorph variety. Great, but still, DeadSpace 2 is too action theme park for me, the first one is the most authentic, the one that most emulated it's inspiration; ALIEN, way more attention to detail to the subtle atmosphere of horror.


And while we revisited locations on the ship in DP1, that's not a bad thing for me, retracing steps adds an element of "coming full circle" narratives. Consistency. Which is part of why Alien worked, the isolation of the same locations.

There's no Clarke screaming "NORTON!" every other cutscene like a disappointed parent lmfao, in this case/game it's Stross that whole subplot annoyed tf outta me. Stross was setup in Ds:Aftermath movie but he did nothing but takeaway my interest in the game. I really wish we got to kill him sooner or gave us the choice to.

We need a Dead space where we play as a disenchanted Unitologist (a high ranking priestess & former military or police to explain the combat skill without a suit) who finds out the hard way that their religion ain't what they thought it was, now they have to fight against what they were groomed to be true, resist what they thought was the road to nirvana, have them survive the Earth infection & they see the Brethren Moons show up in swarm just as Clarke & Carver show up and by act 2 they team up or something. Anything.

Different character, we get a more intimate perspective of a necromorph outbreak, and most importantly we get humanization of the Unitologists, we get to see how they tick from the perspective of someone who whole-heartedly bought the sell. Don’t give the character too many lines, maintain the  quiet / the walls have voices atmosphere like DP1 and say a good chunk of the game is her looking for her kids to find them merged together with the father as a new type of Necormorph, give us some brutality along with tragedy, and a new enemy. 

Something genuine bruh.

DP2 mechanics with DP1′s entire game design..

Dead Space 3, bloated, shit story, average. 

Dead Space 2, great. 

Dead Space 1, GOAT; most consistent to the actual/original point of Dead Space.

*edit, confused Norton & Stross as the same person because they both annoy me in the same way; wish i coulda killed them both hours sooner in the game and make room for better story elements- an easy form of payoff of having to stomach them would be turn them into a special necromorph and then the player can kill them ceremoniously. Nope, couldn’t even get that

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