Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Anime are for Losers #71: Parasocial anime girlfriends love only you

(It’s Rantin’ Time)

Anime are for Losers #71: Parasocial anime girlfriends love only you 

(It’s Rantin’ Time)

pathetic state of social relations. instead of having something real you can be proud of-

bunch of cockroaches will settle for simulations, lies, fetishism, cultism, the matrix.

If you’re not interested in coupling, whatever reason, fine. But if you’re down so bad to where you need someone to pretend to care, you tell yourself they’re devoted to you when really it’s a public service, the same line to thousands of people, but devoted to you: *said thousands of people. At that point just get with someone.

 Gynocentrism was a mistake, when you shame men for approaching women, hostile environment in real life if you even so much as say “Have a nice day” on the street, straight fear-mongering from elites who have orgies in feces on private plots. (That shit is real, look it up or I advise you don’t) 

People (male or female) naturally will run to fantasy if reality is hostile, where they take zero risks to their ego and in turn: Gain nothing for said ego.

Zero risk, zero gain. You cannot get something for nothing. Living out something, to receive and achieve absolutely nothing.

 You are not the main character, women & girls do not exist to be a pixie-dream girl inserts who will plop her breasts conveniently upon you when convenient or fight her hardest to bring you out of your shell despite your personality being more dull than rotten wood. Or wants better for you than you want for yourself, aka a partner proxy for Mommy.

YES you have to work for what you get in life, and no some digit-turd making you feel good about yourself, thus while not knowing your goddamn name because she’s entertaining thousands of other people but you convinced yourself she’s devoted to you. 

People don’t want to work, just want to be coddled and some are so broken they want to be hurt lmfao. The common theme is security in insecurity.

Wake the fuck up.

Sorry not sorry. Anime lied to you kiddo. Your generation robbed you, male or female I don’t give a shit, your generation ROBBED you guys, holy shit.


 Women making bucks off male isolation and various ineptitudes; 

Because that's how bad it is and usually in countries during peacetime, when things are too good and people can afford to take patriarchies for granted despite it getting you out of huts & caves and into the sky, phones, etc. Advancement. 

Because while matriarchies can be agricultural marvels, they wouldn’t have given you the smart phone. 

You better bet your ass on that, fuck you Patriarchy for wars, but thanks Patriarchy for literally everything else good that cavemen would have a heart attack if they saw in real time, like a goddamn toilet. 

When people start forgetting why they have what they have & start assaulting fundamentals, like masculinity, that's when you get all these developmental & social problems.

Para-social problems.

It’s not an accident you have a generation of boys retreating to anything and everything: Including women being genocidal psychopaths just to avoid growing the fuck up and plugging into society where most might feel they’re not welcome.

And not because Patriarchy is the only way, but you destabilize what granted you modern convenience and you replace it with: Chaos, nothing superior to the system that you wanted gone so bad. You replace it with no upgrade, you replaced patriarchy with nothing. A vacuum. A hybrid of 1984′s Oceania and Matriarchal pillars of gynocentrism.

Dropping birthrates is what you get, escapism pandemic is what you get, cowardly boys afraid to be men, spoiled women who can afford not to take accountability, people afraid to fucking live, running away from life, unhappy, disconnected, angry even.

Yeah people are still marrying, but how many of those unions last 10 years let alone 4? How many of them are happy because their society set them up for success?

Same with fetishes, this VTuber bullshit is not the problem, but a symptom of the problem; Always ask “What does this phenomenon represent?”

Always ask that, because there’s always an answer. 

People with that much time on their hands, and that’s what they’re doing? Are compensating for something.

Bunch of boys chasing girls and no men seeking women. Some even hold their breath for sexbots, SEXBOTS goddammit.

All just to avoid real women, why:

 Why is that your reality? Why did your collective make a civilization where men see dealing with women as a burden or an inconvenience- or a risk not worth taking, that is BAD.

So they’ll go so far as to “commit” to some clown playing make believe behind an avatar or some idiot on social media being addressed as “Goddess [Insert name]”, I swear to fucking God, Life was not designed to be this convoluted.

Society is failing men and women with a smile, worldwide. Those Japanese brothas are in a bad place man.  So bad that their country finally HAD to raise the age of consent, after 100 years. Think about that.

The Boys are so neglected that many run to degenerate media that dehumanizes women & children, and that may form their views. 

Internalized that toxicity so goddamn hard, SO many people/children got hurt to where they forced a Gov. that said owning CP wasn’t a problem because it “hurt no one”, to now finally do something because it turns out propaganda is actually pretty fucking dangerous.



Dude, this shit ain’t it. It shouldn’t take a war for people to realize men are a force to be relied on and respected. 

If peace is all it takes to treat men like a joke because you think you can afford to, or masculinity is like something trivial- or this weird notion that bad behavior is unique to masculinity like men are the one’s putting babies in ovens. But we’re not having that conversation though.

We try to make “bad” synonymous with masculinity then wonder why men aren’t “stepping up”, or the “Boy-Man” surge is taking over and your women are stuck with NPC’s who don’t know how to handle business, looking to posers with Anime Virtual avatars for a counterfeit girlfriend experience.

Not living an experience, they seek a “girlfriend simulation” from some clown wearing an anime mask on the internet.

You as a society put your hand on a flame then ask the flame itself why it burned you. 

You call a fire “toxic” because it burns, but ignore the fact that it also warms & protects from danger, and when you’re freezing your ass off you blame the fire for not warming or protecting you when you’re the one’s that stomped it out in the first place because you didn’t utilize it properly

You can’t have it both ways baby. 

That’s not how this works. 

And its not fair to men or women, nobody asks to be born into a machine where nothing fucking works. 

Where everyone’s fuckin & having fun but nobody’s satisfied or content. lasting success with someone is something you gotta gamble, hunt and search for because your society has nothing to offer but strife and dysfunction.


Life was not designed to be this contrived, that’s why you inherit nothing but generational problems. 

Modernity took a 2+2=4  formula for human existential satisfaction and turned it into AP Calculus, then asked you to score an A+ meanwhile you weren’t taught anything nor given a book, no flashcards, nothing.

Set up for failure. All for no reason. 

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