Thursday, August 15, 2024

Whatever you say, Jessie Switch (#Parenthoodfail) *Corrective criticism is necessary to prevent social decline in standards, even a decline in collective intelligence* - Just because you can, doesn't mean you should

People are waaaaaaaay too comfortable making their childhood issues everyone’s business because some ‘think’ no one will say anything.

Which explains the desperate defense mechanisms & deflection whenever someone does say something, pure fragility born of a culture of weakness that spawned from a culture in decline.

  • Way too spoiled by those echo chambers bud.

Macrophilia is a telltale symptom of civilizational failure, because the entire fetish boldly represents raw human incompetence in the form of an ironically/likely an unintentional corny & silly parody of toxic gynocentrism destroying people’s lives. Which it does IRL.

How do I know? Because propaganda emulates where it comes from. In this case, the fetish emulates the toxic culture that created it. Just look at America 2000–2024.

  • look at how much they respect the men.
  • Are the men honored, or made to look incompetent, inferior, defective & dehumanized?
  • Look at their birthrates
  • Is the traditional family reinforced, supported or trivialized?
  • Look at how the women are put on pedestals, infantilized, and mistreated in the same breath.
  • Are American men and women in a good place or are they disconnected, hence Macrophilia emulating that disconnect through size gaps, Stockholm syndrome, narcissism, self-loathing, insecurity, & inferiority complex. Him on the bottom, her on a pedestal, above.
  • None of this just happened spontaneously, like any virus or sickness, It was cultivated from corruption.
  • Bad thing created bad thing.

Macrophilia is a blatant manifestation of collective cultural, parental, societal incompetence. Hence why the fetish at it’s core is an anti-human disgrace.

Raise a child somewhere like Black Forest, Germany. Where your “community” is outside your doorstep as it should be, social interaction, networking, stability- When things are good, you don’t get fetishes like Macrophilia. When something goes wrong in a metropolitan setting, where men are taken for granted, that’s when macrophilia enters the chat. And that’s precisely why 98% of it is always negative, evil, and petty.

As insecurity tends to do:

One makes their macro-linked socio-struggle (whatever it is, because it’s not the same for everyone) thus everyone’s business: aka A cry for help, which is why macrocreeps often feel compelled to spread their propaganda everywhere like a virus, because as insecurity tends to do: Misery needs company. It needs it.

Fact of the matter is, this kind of obsession is too era specific to ignore, even with indifference.

It’s unique by how it emulates the toxicity from the overarching culture, not the era from 1973 but the specific era of misandry & gynocentric woman worship culture that birthed it in the first place post 2010, it wasn’t that bad in early 2000, the misandry was there but it was tame, subliminal.

Thus unnatural, cultivated.

And how Macrophilia represents that society’s failure (one of many), failure to empower women & girls without misleading them (badly misled), whilst abandoning boys & men in the process and neglecting them. (badly neglected, castrated and broken)

  • The visual size gap, the disconnect, her being above. Is symbolic of disconnect. Separation, the agenda.
  • Representing the literal pedestal women are propped up on for no logical reason, no earned reason. The illusion of superiority.
  • The IRL Disconnect that modern society is imposing on men and women; Hence the tense gender relations. The agenda.

Which is a contrived/forced problem because when left alone, in nature, men and women were/are designed to be together, it’s not like they’d never fight without modern culture, sure disagreements happen, that’s human, but this level of animosity? Genocide being painted as a game?

That’s the kind of problems you get in fantasy when you force problems in reality. Art mirrors reality, even if the artists have zero idea what the hell it is they’re even doing most of the time, severe waste of talent.

Severe utter waste.

It’s why this film is so….ironic. I recommend it.

You don’t get to abuse men, create a cult of hyperactive Stockholm syndrome victims aka macrophiles aka macrocreeps (whether the giant is male or female)- You don’t get to create a culture that births a phenomenon like that and your civilization gets to prosper? No sir, it won’t happen.

If you raised boys in a culture that respects men, you don’t get this obsession on mass.

Actively stopped mocking males, hold corrupt men accountable & revere productive manhood so boys & young bucks actually want to actively plug into society instead of running from it 24/7

Trying to replace it and replace women with fantasy, lies, constructs, shackles, wonderland, white rabbit, shiny object, waifus, goddesses, a proxy for possible mommy or daddy issues, anything and everything to retreat from what’s real here in the real.

Anything and everything to avoid a solution. Shinji Ikari Syndrome, running away. Peter Pan Syndrome, stuck as a boy, refusal to grow up.

  • If you raised boys & girls (Because Women, Girls & Womanhood is under attack as well) in a biome where they’re not culturally abused, exploited & made to feel inferior, they won’t then normalize or conflate being small/ and abuse with arousal, the human brain is not complicated. At all. Neither are women.

The people that push this propaganda, the people that OWN everything you hear, watch, see and absorb know 100% how simple the brain is to break.

Keywords: They know how simple, how easy the human mind is to break. Not tease, BREAK.

  • That’s why you see and hear the same talking points in movies over and over again- Despite the movies bombing, they still repeat the same mistakes people call “woke”, that’s called propaganda, beat it into you whether you like it or not.
  • And it’s not entirely aimed at you, it’s aimed at the little humans that will internalize it, get triggered by something in it and manifest it into something else in 10 years that will mess them up on a psycho-social level or worse:
  • The children, it’s aimed at the children. Just like it was targeted at your generation, worked on some, it deflected off others, each rotation gets their turn to be ruined & corrupted in some way.

You don’t get to abuse women, the only natural threshold of human life and your culture will be successful. It will never happen.

Deify women, you will still fail, because a woman is mortal, she is not a god, she does not create life, she delivers it.

Men are not here to serve women, women are not here to serve men. They serve each other. It’s very freaking simple.

You can’t slander, degrade, or abandon men or women. Or prop up one, neglect the other and expect success when the working formula is you need both, unity. YOU NEED BOTH.

It will never happen in disconnect, it’s why the fantasy itself communicates mainly negativity, it’s screaming at you pure 1000% disconnect.

Prosperity in society will never happen with her looking down on him, emasculating him. it will never happen with him oppressing her, demeaning her.

Dysfunction will never be rewarded with prosperity. Never.

It’s how you got macrophiles in the first place, that’s the reward. The reward is people are essentially communicating (whether they realize it or not) that:

A Woman with any advantage is a threat to Men and Civilization. And that’s a damn lie, pure 100% misogyny (And I hate using that word, it’s overused). But many people assault the internet with that same propaganda over and over again. Like they got something to prove. Eager to impress…somebody, anybody. (Misery needs company)

And the sad part? I guaran-fucking tee- you, they don’t even realize that’s what they’re projecting. And that’s the point of propaganda. That’s how dangerous it is.

But still people play with this shit for years on end because they have nothing better to do, aight bruh:

“I’m so insignificant compared to her” Whateeeever you say bud, your forefathers didn’t survive their manhood past the ages just so you can throw it away. Grow some balls, use em. Stop mocking life. Go live it.

Misconceptions repeated, repeated misconceptions eroticized, is how you lose people to hedonism, then eventually devolution. Social-decline in intelligence.

  • Which is one of the few ways/ ONLY ways you can explain how people can unironically enjoy macabre of human genocide (their own species by the way) by a woman, the threshold of life. It’s a fucking insult, a mockery. Pure disrespect.
  • Devolution in motion baby, that meme of “dying brain cells” isn’t that far off from reality in this context, even if it’s hyperbole, you have to kill your own brain cells over the course of years (thus becoming a fetishist at all) in order to be able to eat that shit up. This is why criticism is necessary, accountability needs a comeback.
  • Women trampling civilization is in fact not only an illusion of power, it’s overcompensation, insecurity. A child’s notion of control.

And yes, strength & might to erase can be a form of imposition, leverage.

But really think about how infantile that is in context of a GTS (Gynocentric Trivial Silliness):

She’s in control only because she’s the only one with the advantage, without a rival. But when she gets nuked, she dead boi: Then Humanity had the power still. Story over.

So it’s a contradiction.

And if she’s like 6'000ft tall (A nuke can still kill her #1), #2 she’s going to suffer brain damage from oxygen deprivation, so even Earth herself is going to kill her. She’ll starve, she’ll dehydrate, go insane from no social contact.

See she can break stuff, but the little people have literally EVERYTHING she doesn’t have, from food to other people. They have tampons for fuck’s sake, so who really has the power & who’s trapped? Lol.

Infrastructure is power, the ability to take care of yourself.

That kind of nuance makes the entire fetish look like exactly what it’s always been: Silly and infantile. Moderate suspended development, hence the obsession with being small or tiny, because the seed gets planted when you are a child; Small and vulnerable. Suspended development.

Or what if, theoretically, something smaller than the giant entered the chat and was still superior (Ghost Rider, Dr.Manhattan, Superman, Wonder Woman, Helspont, Dark Phoenix, Silver Surfer, Shazam, Hulk, Thanos, an average Super Robot…or something interdimensional, ethereal)

Point being: Illusion of power. You’re in control, until you’re not. You’re a goddess not rly lol, until you’re not. You have “the power”, until you don’t. Which simply means you had no power to begin with, Illusion.

No matter how you slice it, it’s silly, it’s goofy. It’s corny. An illusion.

Forget disturbing, the reality the fetish came from is more disturbing, Macrophilia is just corny, condescending and infantilizing. It’s annoying.

  • Fact is, needing to impose one’s will is not power nor strength nor control nor leadership, it’s incompetence. Overcompensating.
  • You can’t control anything or anyone if you are not in control of self. And if you were in control, thus wouldn’t feel the need to control anything or anyone, you’d be secure. But whilst out of control you think you’re in control. That’s the paradox. Insecurity is the throughline.

It takes power to create a system. It takes weakness, it takes even less than nothing to destroy what you had no hand in creating, and to enjoy genocide of all things- goes without saying is an extension of weakness. Hence the obsession with being weak, the problem mirrors the goddamn fantasy.

Culture of weakness breeding weakness. Trivializing life is weakness.

The point is to give up control because you have none even over yourself, zero agency over your own will.

Depressing, I know. Society did a number on A LOT of people, one serious fucking number.

Which is not a conscious choice initially in a kid’s mind, kids don’t pick up signals, they internalize them, thus it’s a seed planted.

But in an adult or hormone driven teenager, after the seed gets triggered? Naturally, people choose to be stupid after they desensitize themselves. Some even make a career or living off this stuff. (Do what you gotta do i guess)

But the entire point of the initial “Just Do It if it feels good” propaganda is to encourage people to do exactly that, indulge, plug out of reality, into the Matrix, down the rabbit role:

Just do whatever makes you tickle, and a populace of impulsive drones & NPC’s with no discipline or agency is easier to control.

Easy to lie to. Men & women separated are easier to control than Men and Women united.

Consume, compliant, obey, apathy, question nothing. Like a viewer from Little Nightmares, sterilized and distracted:

consume. nod. consume.

And I do NOT blame these guys entirely, macrocreeps. Goofballs they are, as fucking annoying as they are, are just a product, a casualty, people.

The actual problem is what caused that obsession in the first place, no baby is coming out the womb thinking “Crush them all”, “kill me”, “How can I ruin this character for no goddamn reason?”, “You know what? Next time have her eat her kids alive. That’s a neat trick” — Because #ParenthoodFail

  • Even outside of Macrocreeps, no child comes out the womb acting like Shadman or your average Sexual Predator that actually physically hurts people.

That shit doesn’t happen, children aren’t born stupid, it’s introduced, installed: The culture they live in, (in this context) in some subliminal way or blatantly- signaled that men are subhuman, less or just stupid and women are to be put on a pedestal.

All lies. All propaganda to twist, corrupt, bend, and pervert a person/ a child’s natural instincts.

The (Philia) is not the cause but It’s a symptom of why Americans are failing, birthrates, shotty gender relations, marriages, job retention, marriage retention, all failure.

Macrophilia did not create this failure, it merely is another symptom among them, another failure of their collective society.

The Japanese are feeling it too, both the decline of the “Man” & birthrates, which is why so many overcompensate their personal incompetence with fetishism in order to feel belonging or purpose.

  • And the fact that what they entertain can be considered taboo, that makes it exciting.
  • Japans SA rates have influx because of their Mega Industry exacerbating the issues. Anime & Manga.
  • See around 2012, their Gov. stated (paraphrasing): ‘Owning CP Doujinshi’s is not a problem because it being on their computer hurts no one’

“It’s not hurting anyone.”, You’ll hear that a lot when people don’t have a defense for their case.

But in 2023, the Japanese bureaucracy changed their tune, why? Because enough people got hurt & violated (children & women specifically) to where after 100 years they changed the Age of consent to 16 from 13. But only after people got harmed. The suits thought fetishism was a harmless pass time, until it wasn’t.

So what have we learned, the same thing that’s always been true:

“It’s not hurting anyone” is not an argument.

Excuses are not arguments. They’re excuses.

Propaganda is dangerous. It’s a form of control. (‘Control’, a macrocreep obsession. That word is always in their mouth in the ‘content’ if that’s what you want to call that crap, illusion of control baby.)

Propaganda is dangerous. It's a form of control. ('Control', a macrocreep obsession. That word is always in their mouth in the 'content' if that's what you want to call that crap, illusion of control baby.)

Hence why there's no such thing as being "secure" with this vs just coexisting with it through complacency because that's the path of least resistance/ least conscience, thus least accountability.

Claiming to be "secure" in it (or anything else blatantly hazardous or devolving or corrosive of integral social/intellectual/psychological competence or humanity) -is a very very clever attempt at disqualifying accountability, because if I know I'm fucked up, then that means: "I render any future criticism irrelevant to me".

Embracing that it's dysfunctional makes one an exception to conviction.

NOOOPE, that's not how that works lmfao. (Mad convenient tho)

No one gets criticism plot armor, I wish it were that simple. (Not really I don't, the entire point of criticism is social evolution, again, it's a natural intellectual immune response to bullshit, even our own, it's called a conscience. The brain's immune system)

"Owning" it is rationalization to choose to do nothing about it, a covert way of giving up while feigning confidence.

Conflating "security" with apathy as a coping mechanism for an even worse coping mechanism via normalization, procrastination and ultimately:

Compromise, a juicy word third world parties love. Submit to control you plebs.

All for something most are not even tracking to the root: Why? Because, to reiterate: a child doesn’t detect propaganda, too young to pick up the signals. Hence why adult jokes in kids movies are caught by adults.

The entire point of propaganda is to sell you a suggestion and make you believe it was your idea. Again, a form of control.

And predictably, people who say they're secure only speak in spaces where they know they will get zero challenge (convenient) so is that security? Or someone looking to convince someone to convince themselves of something they already know is bullshit.

Deflection isn't security, neither is hunting for vindication to smother your natural resistance to corruption, it's yet another bad coping mechanism to get beside the issue by convincing ourselves it's not an issue, just cause we like it.

Bias/Learned habit vs One's own best interest.

Path of least resistance.

Through attempting to "own" it by embracing it, it's actually owning said subject through attachment, deeper association. Thus another illusion of control. Hence the obsession with control in the fantasy, zero control over self, minimized will, compromised agency/NPC, obsession, attachment. Illusion.

Why do I say this repeatedly? What is this paradox? Glad you asked, to reiterate: a prison of illusion of control.

  1. So naturally, one commits to making a choice to attempt to take control by embracing it so you can eliminate doubt or the prospect that it is indeed a problem

  2. when the only choice where you're in control or exercising agency is in-fact letting it go

  3. but the fetish is all about wanting to be controlled-

  4. And so that's exactly how one operates by clinging to the fetish for dear life

  5. Thus you have no control, even over oneself

  6. So naturally, one commits to making a choice to attempt to take control by embracing it so you can eliminate doubt or the prospect that it is indeed a problem

  7. when the only choice where you're in control or exercising agency is in-fact letting it go

  8. but the fetish is all about wanting to be controlled-

----- Ad Infinitum

Illusion of control. Paradoxical.

“- O'Brien: The law of gravity is nonsense. No such law exists. If I think I float, and you think I float, then it happens."

Movie: 1984 (recommend)

The film that demonstrates exactly what happens when you sacrifice collective intelligence, and social/human competence for convenience, apathy, conformity, compromise, submission to big brother (the giant), the seductive kiss of being conditioned to want to be controlled by authority to feel a false sense of security.

(How to propagandize enough of a population to train themselves to embrace martial law/authoritarianism through gynocentric imposition (Weaponizing women against men/people) / Macabre / eroticism where the popular fantasy/obsession is they are destroyed intimately by other half essential group of the human race that is not evil in the first place. Natural instincts compromised & twisted, misogyny normalized.)

Propaganda: Projects to you a suggestion, makes you believe it's your idea.

Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.

Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.

Macrophilia is a result of failure of a similar vein, it’s merely continuing the legacy of it’s parents (Gynocentrism & Misandry): Glorifying the disconnect between men and women, symbolic of it. Mocking men, disrespecting women.

Making men being subhuman slaves look attractive- Because that’s the narrative society paints, then the mind’s misconceptions do the rest.

Sure men are literal forces of nature that build all the goddamn cities, die doing it and still get it done, keep the power grid on, clean the sewers, build the roads, the bridges, the flooring, the roofing, all the things we take for granted.

but nah man, they’re insects beneath the feet of women. “Yes Goddess, whatever you say Goddess. *dur”:

Sure, let’s pretend that’s a thing, let’s all go to La-La Land and be red stains on the ground because going from [Sex = Babies] A VERY SIMPLE formula to straight manslaughter is 100% okay, totally fine — 

(That overtone in GTS *Gynocentric Trivial Silliness*content where it’s always the male’s fault that the woman is being toxic, thus whatever she does, no matter how horrific is justified because it’s HIS FAULT. So even in fantasy women never take accountability lmfao) *Laughs in Misogyny

NO RED FLAGS HERE. None. No emotional damage to be found.

Because instead of women and men being happy together as partners (Because contrary to popular belief, women don’t want slaves, they want someone to give a shit, respect & love them. CONTRARY TO popular propaganda, Women are NOT complex. Just misunderstood, A LOT.), but no I guess inferiority complex, Covert Self-loathing, misery, pain, suffering, mass death, pettiness, black souls, disconnect & Stockholm syndrome works too?

That’s what life’s about right?

Because epic metaphorical or literal visual castration over and over again in fantasy La-La Land is definitely something we want to pass on to the baby boys that come after us, right? Right. Genius.

99% aren’t even thinking about that, stuck in Peter pan syndrome mode, instant gratification mode, product of the times.

This is why people need to think.

We need less boys, and more men.

“Men are insignificant” = Literally wouldn’t exist if he didn’t nut in the first place, so shut fuck up. *they said respectfully

Seriously dangerous shit people are playing with, and imprinting on it so many times jacking off to it, don’t know where that seed came from, but playing with it anyway, entertaining it for years, internalizing it deeper and deeper.

So dangerous and self- destructive.

All according to plan, propaganda is a social weapon to misdirect, to derail, infect.

Why? “All Empires Fall”, isn’t that what Civil War 2024 advertised? Hollywood isn’t messing around, the entire point is to bring down an Empire through destruction of the family.

Starting with Him. The Male, the founder. And the most effective way to break the man, is through one of two things he’d die to protect: Her, the Female. It’s a sick joke, but that’s warfare.

Even if this phenomenon is unintentional on part of the system, that’s the result you’re going to get from failure, destabilization, decline.

Which is why, not to my surprise, the popular scenario these cats are obsessed with beside a man being broken by a woman- emotionally or physically. Or usually both. The foundation being emasculated, destruction of the family unit through the woman.

With the “you’re tiny “ this, “small” that or commenting on how small his manhood is, just childish. All kinds of babytalk Schoolyard bully shit that would annoy anyone with their balls still attached, women included.

More notably a woman (representing gynocentrism & matriarchy) literally destroying civilization, destabilizing society. Ruining everything, being a burden to her species.

(A burden, which women are not. Thus to reiterate, the fantasy being a form of not so subtle misogyny, because look at how they’re portraying them. Also a form of attack on womanhood, blatant slander.)

A sick parody with no punchline or point. But there’s a reason, and it has an origin.

Thus empire falling, PROPAGANDA is not coincidence, it mirrors itself through parallels.

Why? Because it emulates it’s origin, like a child emulating it’s parent: Every. Single. Time.

Propaganda is weaponized form of social warfare, sociology turned into a blunt instrument to dominate the psychology.

This is a field of study, this it is a form of science, there is no coincidence.

The symptom mirrors the actual problem, the fetish mirrors and emulates the dysfunction of the overarching culture. You can’t make this shit up, If I were, all of this would be 80% shorter.

Point being-

They’re the one’s posting this stuff a million times like religious zealots like their lives depended on showing men or women getting castrated, domineered or slaughtered for the thousandth time.

But what they’re actually illustrating & how it relates to the world they live in: See that all goes right over their heads.

Blissful and ignorant. By design.

“I just want to be happy”, “Me too”

Again, the obsession/The Delusion/ ever so cringey Macro-’Feelia’ is ultimately the bastard inbred spawn of Gynocentrism and Misandry, ie. the “parents” in question, the two failures of a civilization breeding yet another failure. It’s not complicated, not deep, very simple.

  • Psychologists just avoid getting into the actual problem (despite Macrophilia being an open book) because it’s either not in their jurisdiction to admit people have a problem, which actually is their goddamn job, but the truth makes people feel some type of way, accountability makes people feel uneasy (good, that’s part of the healing process) That’s called being an adult. I don’t like it either, but it’s how we evolve.
  • So sticking to “maybe” & “perhaps” & “possibly” 24/7 is safer for optics. Status quo successfully maintained, cancellation avoided but nothing is solved.

Or theorizing this lie that giant women is “possibly” men possibly wanting more female empowerment……….

In a society that at one point trended #KillAllMen on a social platform (twitter i think), soooooo yeah, it’s not a mystery where this hateful fetish came from when men are openly disrespected in the same sentence as the word “kill”.

“Macrophilia is a phenomenon of men desiring female empowerment” / Reality: #TheFutureIsFemale #GirlsRunTheWorld #GodisAWoman #AsHeShould #MenAreCancelled #KillAllMen #TheBestAManCanGet — — Do I even need to say anything.

BUT WOMEN NEED More empowerment?

  • They didn’t specify women that live in third world societies that are actually treated on a similar level as pets; But instead pampered first world society women are the one’s that need even more pandering?
  • You lost me buddy.
  • Not that men need to be cut a break (because they do all the dangerous jobs women don’t even know exist) but women need even more elevation.
  • Huh, that’s interesting deflection/ ie. a very colorful way to get beside the point.

Or at one point, you could type “men are” on tumblr hashtags, and one of the recommends is #MenAreTrash, but no, this is about women not getting propped up on enough pedestals.

Really Doc? That’s some rusty theory there.

Okay granted, they were smart to offer it as a possibility aka fence-sitting, so let’s play this game real quick before I wrap this up:

So the gaslight of the decade is:

Men & Women are projecting religiously: women committing genocide on entire cities *which last I checked housed babies & children too* (sometimes even playfully, because #Parenthoodfail, good job mom and dad):

  1. Not because men are abused in the culture, neglected & dehumanized to the point where they own the abuse & glorify it as a very psychologically self-destructive, self-deprecating bad coping mechanism (which would involve psychologists having to finally admit society failed men *& by proxy women*, then humanize men as the victims of misandry)
  2. But no instead let’s make it about women not having enough empowerment (Which makes only women the victims as usual, deflects the actual problem and men are YET AGAIN an afterthought, bottommost priority. As usual, AS USUAL.)
  3. Not that men and women are struggling amidst cultural sabotage, but it’s only women getting the raw end. Nice one.

Too much fence sitting & enabling from the “authorities”. Too Irresponsible.

How is it irresponsible? Easy. Being vague helps absolutely no one when people look to you for answers. Period.

People in certain positions of credential authority are so fickle these days, always worried about feelings and thus their own livelihood & how it looks. Thus neglecting the truth, the context, the lore, how powerful an influence culture is on how people think, on what children shelve into their subconscious.

Thus neglecting the truth is neglect of the people.

  • You can be considerate to someone’s humanity and still say: “No, not okay”,
  • or “It’s not your fault that you have it, it really says more about how abusive your environment is than it is about you. You don’t have to/shouldn’t settle for it for the rest of your natural life just because you think this gives you purpose, or you think being controlled gives you security or a reminiscent feeling of paternal comfort of authority: when really it’s just masking deep rooted pain, insecurity, trauma, unresolved socio-emotional struggles. Women are not your overlords. You have options, it’s on you to break free. Don’t settle for less. Don’t play a game designed to make you the loser.” — — Or something like that / The professional can do that, anyone can do both.

(But that requires taking risk, that requires possible confrontation. And most people have been conditioned to avoid that, comfort zone is safer, apathy keeps the peace. Being quiet is not the same as peace.)

Or? The likely situation is a lot of these people with all their academic background, they see the surface level symptoms, they know all the glossary terminology per their training and make their best guess to remain neutral.

But they don’t realize how it actually correlates with society. So them being “vague” is literally them not knowing what this thing actually is.

Because it’s very unlikely they’re hiding the truth because “Mwahaha, share my article you plebs!”, I doubt it, so this really is a situation where the propaganda is so integrated even the professionals don’t even see it hiding in plain sight.

Which is the entire point. The most blatant example of propaganda is a movie trailer, a poster, a movie website. Plant seeds of suggestion to make you buy product. Control.

Macrophilia is too intimate and spiteful to have been entirely on purpose, again, the fetish isn’t causing a first world society’s gender relation problems, it’s yet another symptom of failure resulting fromthat disconnect.

Because you don’t get a phenomenon like this in an era where men and women are in a good place. You only get something like this when something is wrong.

Even in a gentle setting-

  • that very awkward overtone of superiority just has to linger or be inserted in some way, or even damn near forced usually through the man, the visual of size comparison is the gimmick, that alone is driving the point home but that’s not enough. It’s never enough:
  • And so, the human doormat, he or the narrator has to point out in some way how superior she is, how big she is, how much control she has over him. It’s so predictable, nauseating, infantile and pitiful.
  • But adults are writing that garbage, not a 5 year old, someone’s grownass child is entertaining this crap. “Teeny tiny” and what not, it’s really something to see how people act when they assume everyone in the room is in on it.

She has to remain on the pedestal even when she’s being nice. You can’t make this shit up, it’s so unhealthy.

  • Second hand embarrassment to the max.

It’s so funny how persistent that narrative is, that “Future is female”, “#HeForShe” Male servitude conditioning is strong boy, goddamn.

It’s why their “content” if you wanna call it that even ironically always sucks, it gets the job done for the initiated but objectively it’s all contrived trash. Even the people that try to sell a take as serious storytelling it screams insecurity or it’s held back by the fact that the root of the concept is not natural or organic, it’s cultivated trauma, forced projection.

One way or another you hear or see the exact same talking point, the same message, the same statement, because at the end of the day, it’s not a story, it’s propaganda.

  • Rarely is the popular scenario having anything to do with the natural design of intimacy because Men and women are separated, disconnected because of a superficial distancing, an unnatural obstruction.
  • JUST LIKE they are IRL in modern culture, Macrophilia’s birthplace, the cultural disconnect of men and women.
  • Macrophilia emulates exactly what created it. A system of hatred, confusion, abuse, and destabilization. Not between men and wo

Macrophilia emulates the disconnect. No different from a child emulating the traits of a parent, it’s origin. Same exact principle.

Lastly, the most powerful propaganda-

are the impressions that you don’t even realize exists, not the things you reject, but the things you actually like, the content you don’t question, the media that gets past your defenses, the signals that plant seeds in you. That’s where your guard needs to be up.

Which is why a child is ground zero for all kinds of potential damage and or potential, because children are too young to have too many/ if any defenses. It’s why you teach & train them to develop that social immunity. Or don’t, let society raise them and see how that turns out.

It’s why a lot of people don’t know where this manifestation comes from, some people will have had non-traumatic childhoods but still end up afflicted with Macrocreepisms cause they saw the wrong shit and something snapped.

Why? Because Parents aren’t the only one’s with access to a child’s mind. It a takes a village people,

Society is the village.

Society can take the form of an ad in a business magazine, gag comic, cartoon dream sequence in a show with a man on woman’s fork, regardless of context, that vivid imagery where a man is helpless, that’s a seed planted when the kid could be as young as maybe 4 or 10 or something.

The kid isn’t going to know how to process that, and they won’t know to go to the parent about it, so that uncertainty just sits there for a decade, and then they grow up (but not really, they just get older) and emulate & project what they saw 10–15 years ago and don’t even remember it.

  • Or a movie where the topic is literal shrinkage, the child’s confidence is already vulnerable and then seeing shrunken people at the mercy of bigger people in motion picture, this makes the kid identify with that size gap on epic scale, and boom, seed of corruption planted.
  • An ad, picture, a bully, a comment, an insult, a movie, you raising your voice at the child.
  • They come up in a society that clearly hates masculinity, men are bashed, husbands are made to look stupid, father’s are trivialized. There are superhero movies where men are cool, but the dominant social climate takes men for granted and that’s what matters.
  • Men & boys are either presented as irrelevant, stupid, weak, incompetent, expendable, dehumanized, small, beneath.
  • So that seed rots even more, so now the subject has an outlet to fall into deeper shenanigans: The Internet
I even saw a study years back that asserted that being male or the Y Chromosome was a “defect”, the overtone being maleness is a defect. (Bullshit ofc, more misandrist propaganda, coming from a male author If I remember correctly, not surprising.)

Which to no one’s surprise is actually a storyline in a Macrocreep comic, where men shrink at a certain age because of the Y chromosome being a defect.

You can’t make this shit up. You just can’t. And these boys are eating it up, internalizing this hatred coded into that crap. Just digesting poison.

Propaganda is not coincidence people. It emulates it’s origin: Every. Single. Time. It’s like DNA. And DNA at it’s core is evidence of descendance.

This is why parents need to be proactive, you’ll have no idea what your kids will see & hear at school, a friends house, how much they’re carrying in their little hearts. And you’ll have no fucking clue what that will do to them later.

You have to be proactive, preemptive, go beyond. Not smother them, but be invested, that same investment the day you bring em home, keep that same energy, don’t get comfortable.

You have to build up the child’s confidence now when they’re malleable, build them up now, fortify them now.

Empowerment is actually meant for children, not grownass adults

  • Because if they get it as a child, they won’t need it as an adult. That’s the system; so the female empowerment campaign is a very covert op to cleverly infantilize women.
  • Keep them dependent on the system, dependent on external vindication and not their own inner strength as women. Sell them independence, while keeping them dependent on the collective to validate them.
  • Genius manipulation, a form of control.

So you empower the child so they don’t remain small, weak, self-loathing, and vulnerable for the rest of their natural lives ironically as a turn-on or kink or whatever the rationalization is to justify it and avoid an actual solution which is: letting it go.

Suspended, trapped in their own mind looking for mommy & daddy in wonderland because they either didn’t truly have them in real life or what they had wasn’t productive or stable. Even if the childhood wasn’t entirely bad.

You can live in the same house as your parents and still not know them, or have a bond, or be close to them.

  • This shit is not a fucking game, parenting is not a spectator sport, children are not a new toy for your egos.
  • We need to stop having them to have them, and raise them to train them, to build stable, adjusted adults. #DISCIPLINE
  • Parents are the first actual giants in a child’s life, children need to see you as a place of security NOW- so they’re not chasing for security in god knows what way forever for the rest of their life, confused as fuck and all they get from society/ other people is enabling and cosigning which is the LAST thing people need.
  • You fail the child now, you fail them for life. Cause who should care more about them than you? They didn’t ask to be here.

Take this parenting shit seriously, or don’t do it at all.

Cause all you’re going to do is just create damaged cases broadcasting their insecurities for the rest of their natural lives because they need someone/anyone to pay attention

(aka they’ll chase down what they should’ve already gotten from you for the rest of their life); Misery needs company.

Or you create something worse.

More so, criticism isn’t persecution, it’s an immune response to bullshit.

  • That’s like asking a White blood cell count to mind their business while a stomach virus makes itself at home. Good luck with that.
  • It’s part of being an adult, it’s part of being member of a society, holding each other accountable.
  • People in power need to grow some balls. Starts with giving a shit about the issues, the big picture, not just what you read in a 12th edition study book. (No offense, much respect to the credentials)

The fact that people lost this balance, is why many of us are getting way too comfortable, too bold, yet so fragile, and cowardly.

Make it everyone’s business, then panic when someone doesn’t follow script and say all the things to make you feel good about one’s mental issues. We are not entitled to praise, nor agreement, nor an echo chamber.

The Internet nor mankind was put here for your or anyone else’s personal convenience. Living in the wrong timeline if you think you’re entitled to cosigns bud, and so so so many I see are so spoiled by their cult safe spaces they talk as if they are when they’re met with the slightest challenge and after I rap with them, their energy is completely diffused. And all it took was logic.

They only get bold to share this garbage on someplace like Youtube because they’re counting on people saying nothing but cosign-nese.

And what’s funny (not all) is a lot of fetishists will ignore the hundreds of people cosigning them but will give their attention to that one person that didn’t: That’s the power of conviction. Corruption & insecurity instinctively hones in on it’s natural enemy- accountability.

I just don’t get how that’s what you want to leave behind in the world when you’re dead in a box, serious decline in the brain meats. You want to leave behind inhumanity, abuse, insecurity, evil: Massacre’s of your own species, no child is coming out of the womb twisted and broken like this, like a factory defect.

This is a pure nurture/parenting skill issue.

Parenting is not a joke people.

Apathy is the standard now. A generation of tolerance & unbridled weakness. By design, that’s the point of tolerance.

Compassion, empathy are not the same as tolerance, tolerance is code for:

“Question nothing. Shut up. Mind your business.”

  • We’re all too used to being told exactly what we want to hear, not what we need to hear.
  • And it’s not men & women’s/little boys & girls fault/ hell it’s not the fetishists fault their culture/ society (everyone as one entity) failed to teach them anything useful, how to be emotionally/socially functionally competent.
  • It’s not their fault society failed them with a smile and now watching them burn & corrupt everything they touch.
  • Their parents failed to train them, not just RAISE, but TRAIN the child. You don’t get psychological decline like this when the parents actually did their job.
  • The collective of the people, failed the people.

The solution (partly on the level of a civilian): Accountability, criticism, inhibition, discipline, the basics of adulthood. All the things modern culture wants you to abandon for convenience, consumerism, conformity & indulgence. NPC.

All the things that’d raise/train more functional children thus more grounded adults, all the things most people see as a threat to their echo-chamber dogma.

Overarching cultural dysfunction breeding insecurity, corruption, internalized misery, decline, suspended development, and more dysfunction. As it tends to do.

Criticism is necessary. Accountability is not scary, it’s part of growing the hell up.

Take this parenting shit seriously, or don’t do it at all.

Cause all you’re going to do is just create damaged cases broadcasting their insecurities because they need someone/anyone to pay attention (aka they’ll chase down what they should’ve already gotten from you); Misery needs company.

Or you create something worse.

More so, criticism isn’t persecution, it’s an immune response to bullshit.

  • That’s like asking a White blood cell count to mind their business while a stomach virus makes itself at home. Good luck with that.
  • It’s part of being an adult, it’s part of being member of a society, holding each other accountable.
  • People in power need to grow some balls. Starts with giving a shit about the issues, the big picture, not just what you read in a 12th edition study book. (No offense, much respect to the credentials)

The fact that people lost this balance, is why many of us are getting way too comfortable, too bold, yet so fragile, and cowardly.

Make it everyone’s business, then panic when someone doesn’t follow script and say all the things to make you feel good about one’s mental issues. We are not entitled to praise, nor agreement, nor an echo chamber.

The Internet nor mankind was put here for your or anyone else’s personal convenience. Living in the wrong timeline if you think you’re entitled to cosigns bud, and so so so many I see are so spoiled by their cult safe spaces they talk as if they are when they’re met with the slightest challenge and after I rap with them, their energy is completely diffused. And all it took was logic.

They only get bold to share this garbage on someplace like Youtube because they’re counting on people saying nothing but cosign-nese.

And what’s funny (not all) is a lot of fetishists will ignore the hundreds of people cosigning them but will give their attention to that one person that didn’t: That’s the power of conviction. Corruption & insecurity instinctively hones in on it’s natural enemy- accountability.

I just don’t get how that’s what you want to leave behind in the world when you’re dead in a box, serious decline in the brain meats. You want to leave behind inhumanity, abuse, insecurity, evil: Massacre’s of your own species, no child is coming out of the womb twisted and broken like this, like a factory defect.

This is a pure nurture/parenting skill issue.

Parenting is not a joke people.

Apathy is the standard now. A generation of tolerance & unbridled weakness. By design, that’s the point of tolerance.

Compassion, empathy are not the same as tolerance, tolerance is code for:

“Question nothing. Shut up. Mind your business.”

  • We’re all too used to being told exactly what we want to hear, not what we need to hear.
  • And it’s not men & women’s/little boys & girls fault/ hell it’s not the fetishists fault their culture/ society (everyone as one entity) failed to teach them anything useful, how to be emotionally/socially functionally competent.
  • It’s not their fault society failed them with a smile and now watching them burn & corrupt everything they touch.
  • Their parents failed to train them, not just RAISE, but TRAIN the child. You don’t get psychological decline like this when the parents actually did their job.
  • The collective of the people, failed the people.

The solution (partly on the level of a civilian): Accountability, criticism, inhibition, discipline, the basics of adulthood. All the things modern culture wants you to abandon for convenience, consumerism, conformity & indulgence. NPC.

All the things that’d raise/train more functional children thus more grounded adults, all the things most people see as a threat to their echo-chamber dogma.

Overarching cultural dysfunction breeding insecurity, corruption, internalized misery, decline, suspended development, and more dysfunction. As it tends to do.

Criticism is necessary. Accountability is not scary, it’s part of growing the hell up.

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