Sunday, August 11, 2024

Avengers 3: Infinity War (Good movie but the message is clear. People are just dense.)

This movie is very well executed depopulation propaganda with two meanings: First one is the powers that be are getting good at masking the agenda in pretty aesthetics.

And two, people are really dense to ignore the argument Thanos is making, the consequences of overpopulation are a reality.

(Though it’s ironic that many countries today are experiencing birthrate drops, for a variety of reasons)

The impressionable masses won’t get the consequences of that reality until their local markets shelves get lighter and lighter. Until their babies can’t get formula, until their family’s table gets dusty.

You only give a shit until it affects you.

Only then will they understand Thanos wasn’t correct but he was right.

Confusing pragmatism of the issues with morality.

Thanos isn’t smiling because he killed trillions of people, he’s smiling because he knows he saved the whole in the longterm, and he did.

There’s going to be economic disaster to losing workers, professionals with skills, unborn babies, pilots managing planes mid-flight, cranes, industrial operations, surgeons in the middle of operations etc.

It’s not about the individual, it’s about the species surviving itself. He was proven right with Gamora’s planet doing better and his own Planet titan being destroyed by itself.

Can’t just ignore that reality because his methods to fix the problem are messy. That’s how the agenda is sold to you

“See? The means don’t matter because the ends are justified.”

Because in the face of overpopulation what was the Avengers gonna do? Nothing.

You could say he could just snap more food into existence, and yet that just enables the surplus, that encourages people to just keep expanding until literally whatever is left of the planet is either corporate ash or ruin.

Whales dying, sea is dying, extinction of animals, now humans are making moves on the Amazon rainforest, they just will not stop until everything is destroyed or covered in pavement & price tags.

And they keep popping out kids they don’t want to train children to be useful, not raising adults to contribute something. Just raising NPC’s to be an accessory, born just because one wanted to possess a baby like a new toy because of how that’d me one “feel”. Because having a child is an optic move more than anything, which is how you get criminals to begin with, excess births that didn’t need to happen if the intentions were not 100% all in.

You don’t get anomalies like a rapist IF the parents did their goddamn jobs. You only get that, if the people with the power to spread didn’t need to work or be qualified to do it in the first place, it’s too easy to do it, which is why nobody does it properly.

Dude wasn’t morally correct to kill so many, but why he did it was right, because Earth isn’t just a planet for humans- the more humans running around, that influx is making the entire system suffer.

So imagine other species with bigger planets and bigger populations & the issues they’re having because reproduction is an idiots task that takes no qualification, training, or skill, just time to kill, too much time.

The source of the problem.

Thanos wasn’t correct but he was right.

And unfortunately it’s moot, because eventually the population will catch up, that’s the crucial point the movie misses, if you get rid of half the problem will eventually repeat, generations from now but it will repeat.

Gov. Regulation of reproduction is one way the powers that be might want to fix the issue themselves, 1984 essentially. And i’m sure plenty more films have already done that.

Either that or drive women and men apart on a socio-cultural level which is already been happening for the past 30 years since the 90s to 2000 and really kicked off post 2010.

So a fast play and long game play that requires less martial law.

They’ve been pushing this agenda for yeeears man, Infinity War is good, but it’s subtle.

And it goes right over people’s heads, that’s effective propaganda.

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